i have been working as a sales assistant for more than 5years and during this period i had a chance to help my employer sort out his accounting records. During this period i also submitted my CV to employers and recruitment agency, but unfortunately nobody gave me a chance. I guess my CV went straight to the bin. I got bored of my job coz there is no career prospect. What i did is to quit my job on feb, went for vacation in phil for 2 months and after returning in UK enrolled in AAT on July. When i quit my job, i had a lot of time to polish my CV, highlighted that i helped my UK employer increase its profit, that i'm an AAT student. I prayed a lot for guidance, strength and courage. I got my accounting job when i accidentally browse the jobcenter website(i've post my CV on monster,jobsite,etc). I sent my CV to my employer then i got interviewed twice. I browse on the internet for possible interview questions and suggested answers. There were loads of people who applied for the job. I prayed hard and prepared for the interview. I was in glasgow attending pope's mass when i got the col from my employer, offering me the job. After that all is history...