Hi…hope u all good & well
Not been here a while ..
Soooooo –need some advice if u have any plllssssss
I decided not to put in Spouse / Family visa apps for my wife & kids in Phil earlier this year as I couldn’t get a job in the UK & the Immigration Advice Service said before applying I should really get at least 3 months pay slips & bank statements to back up; & also that I should go for a job with at least 20k gross pay (so to be at least = to a family of 4 on income support levels) ..this advice was given despite us already having free adequate accommodation (with back up report from local council to confirm) & no bills to pay for indefinite future at my sisters big house + 3k third party support in my mothers bank + 1k my own savings + job offer & interview letters x 3 + a great portfolio to prove the relationship & we already had family home 2gthr in Phili for 1 & half years too …….. ooookkkkkkk ….. then recently I was advised by a Visa company I found online that they reckon they can get us in on the above even without me having a job! .. they were charging about 1500 inc vat for this ….. please give me your opinion on that if u can first … is it right that we could get Family visas even without job right now? (i.e. would be relying on 3rd party & some savings initially)..I just don’t know which are good agents & which are not ….or if ever they should be used ….or even to use the IAS….
Ok ,,,,, I now have a job in middle east & am a resident (with proper residents card & visa) in Bahrain there & have a full on employment contract & wages here, etc ..the family is still in Philippines …..and so I am supporting them & me like that right now …… just wish could get a job in UK !!! ..anyway, I want them to visit the UK and my wife & kids see Granny there & all the family…everyone is desperate to see each other ---- do u think I will have difficulty them going there on visit visa & I need to travel with them too ….. and then they can come to Bahrain after a few months then back to Philippines (unless I get offered a job in UK in between that is …I hope!) ….. what do I need to do make it a good visit visa application that the ECO wont have any problems with it ? …..
Any comments on the above (and also on visa agents too….I don’t know if ever to believe them or not …they say u applications can fail if you just do it by yourself)…… decisions !!! ….
Thanks & be cool