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Thread: Visit Visa application help for family ...... + visa agents .....

  1. #1
    Member shalona's Avatar
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    Cool Visit Visa application help for family ...... + visa agents .....

    Hi …hope u all good & well
    Not been here a while ..
    Soooooo –need some advice if u have any plllssssss

    I decided not to put in Spouse / Family visa apps for my wife & kids in Phil earlier this year as I couldn’t get a job in the UK & the Immigration Advice Service said before applying I should really get at least 3 months pay slips & bank statements to back up; & also that I should go for a job with at least 20k gross pay (so to be at least = to a family of 4 on income support levels) ..this advice was given despite us already having free adequate accommodation (with back up report from local council to confirm) & no bills to pay for indefinite future at my sisters big house + 3k third party support in my mothers bank + 1k my own savings + job offer & interview letters x 3 + a great portfolio to prove the relationship & we already had family home 2gthr in Phili for 1 & half years too …….. ooookkkkkkk ….. then recently I was advised by a Visa company I found online that they reckon they can get us in on the above even without me having a job! .. they were charging about 1500 inc vat for this ….. please give me your opinion on that if u can first … is it right that we could get Family visas even without job right now? (i.e. would be relying on 3rd party & some savings initially)..I just don’t know which are good agents & which are not ….or if ever they should be used ….or even to use the IAS….

    Ok ,,,,, I now have a job in middle east & am a resident (with proper residents card & visa) in Bahrain there & have a full on employment contract & wages here, etc ..the family is still in Philippines …..and so I am supporting them & me like that right now …… just wish could get a job in UK !!! ..anyway, I want them to visit the UK and my wife & kids see Granny there & all the family…everyone is desperate to see each other ---- do u think I will have difficulty them going there on visit visa & I need to travel with them too ….. and then they can come to Bahrain after a few months then back to Philippines (unless I get offered a job in UK in between that is …I hope!) ….. what do I need to do make it a good visit visa application that the ECO wont have any problems with it ? …..

    Any comments on the above (and also on visa agents too….I don’t know if ever to believe them or not …they say u applications can fail if you just do it by yourself)…… decisions !!! ….

    Thanks & be cool

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    3rd party financial support i wouldnt count on it, i know an appeal case was won where the applicant was using 3rd party financial support, but i've got doubts that UKBA has updated thier procedures allowing it yet ..

    your better having a job, everything is about what is an acceptable risk to you.. i would always minimise your risk b4 applying.

    yes people have got visa's with no money and no jobs, claiming benefits, but many people have been refused for the same reasons !

  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shalona View Post
    Hi …hope u all good & well

    Any comments on the above (and also on visa agents too….I don’t know if ever to believe them or not …they say u applications can fail if you just do it by yourself)…… decisions !!! ….

    Thanks & be cool

    I'm not a fan of agents, u will need to supply them (agents) with documents according to the checklists with vfs border website,which u can do my yourself and after providing all the documents in the checklist the agents will just accompany u while u submit ur visa application in the VFS office.

    *even VFS is not over keen with agents if u read their website*
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  4. #4
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shalona View Post

    ….. what do I need to do make it a good visit visa application that the ECO wont have any problems with it ? …..

    Thanks & be cool
    How do I qualify to travel to the UK as a visitor?

    There are many categories of visitors. A visitor is someone who generally intends to be in the UK for a short period, for example, to visit friends and family, to do business, to do a short course of study, to have private medical treatment. The information given here aims to deal with the various categories of visitors coming to the UK.

    In general, you must show that:

    * you want to visit the UK for no more than six months;
    * you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit;
    * you have enough money to support yourself during your stay in the UK without working or needing help from public funds. See question 'What are public funds?';
    * you do not intend to take paid or unpaid employment.

    ***If u can provide documents for this and show the ECO that it is genuine then u will not have problems at all***
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  5. #5
    Member shalona's Avatar
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    hey thks so much ..... it my thoughts too

  6. #6
    Member shalona's Avatar
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    thats good..thanks .... maybe they will go for a few months only ,,,do we need to specify how long in the application or just say & show they have enough money for up 6 months if ever they decide to stay that long i wonder ...and also I wonder if it's acceptable or not that a friend or family puts money as gift of a few K into the wife's account in Phili so to enable her comfortable financial independence once there & to fulfill enough money to support ...

    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    How do I qualify to travel to the UK as a visitor?

    There are many categories of visitors. A visitor is someone who generally intends to be in the UK for a short period, for example, to visit friends and family, to do business, to do a short course of study, to have private medical treatment. The information given here aims to deal with the various categories of visitors coming to the UK.

    In general, you must show that:

    * you want to visit the UK for no more than six months;
    * you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit;
    * you have enough money to support yourself during your stay in the UK without working or needing help from public funds. See question 'What are public funds?';
    * you do not intend to take paid or unpaid employment.

    ***If u can provide documents for this and show the ECO that it is genuine then u will not have problems at all***

  7. #7
    Member shalona's Avatar
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    yea ,,,its my opinion too ....hope when i eventually return that the job market picks up ...dont want to be in the desert all my life !! ,,,thks joebloggs

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    3rd party financial support i wouldnt count on it, i know an appeal case was won where the applicant was using 3rd party financial support, but i've got doubts that UKBA has updated thier procedures allowing it yet ..

    your better having a job, everything is about what is an acceptable risk to you.. i would always minimise your risk b4 applying.

    yes people have got visa's with no money and no jobs, claiming benefits, but many people have been refused for the same reasons !

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