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Thread: FIANCE VISA - SPOUCE VISA: Questions... please help :)

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    FIANCE VISA - SPOUCE VISA: Questions... please help :)


    For the spouce or fiance visa is it acceptable to live with the parents in the UK for a while?

    Also, if the sponsors income is borderline are savings from both partners taken into consideration

    I also heard that if you are marrying a non EU partner in the UK you have to apply for a 'certificate of approval' before you are allowed to marry, even if you come in on the fiance visa! And that only a few registry offices will marry you. GAH. Does anyone know if this is true?

    Trying to decide between a fiance and spouce visa.... it's difficult - but everything seems so much easy to do OUT of this country - like marriage!

    I'm losing the plot. Being with my partner is all I can think about and I don't even plan to apply for any settlement visa until June but there just seems like so many hurdles!

    This forum is amazing.


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by charlotte View Post
    For the spouce or fiance visa is it acceptable to live with the parents in the UK for a while?

    Also, if the sponsors income is borderline are savings from both partners taken into consideration.
    same question

    Quote Originally Posted by charlotte View Post
    I'm losing the plot. Being with my partner is all I can think about...
    me too...

    Quote Originally Posted by charlotte View Post
    This forum is amazing.
    you bet!!
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  3. #3
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    I'll start the ball rolling ......

    For the spouce or fiance visa is it acceptable to live with the parents in the UK for a while?
    YES, although a letter from the parents is a MUST, and also a detailed description of the property & accomodation is a MUST.

    Also, if the sponsors income is borderline are savings from both partners taken into consideration
    NO .... only the sponsor.
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  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you only need a COA if your already in the UK and have a certain types of visa and want to marry in the UK (looks like the COA could be scrapped soon). so no if you come to the UK on a fiancee visa you dont need a COA.

    living with parents depends on who owns the house and whether it will be overcrowded if you go and live there.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charlotte View Post
    This is going to sound strange, but I'm not actually in a relationship with a Filipino - but with a Fijian ...
    ... yes, I remember we discussed the various options back in June, Charlotte. Did your boyfriend ever apply for a visitor's visa since we last "spoke"?

  6. #6
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    1) Living with parents: Yes, the Border Agency website gives some clear guidelines, that is acceptable and particularly so if its a temporary measure.
    When you read through the guidelines, it is primarily looking for proof that you will not 'recourse to public funds', so as long as you can prove that whatever money you have and income that neither of you will be claiming benefits and you will be able to support each other in a good safe (and not overcrowded, by UK standards that means that you'd just be the two of you in one room) then it's very difficult for them to refuse you a visa. But the important point is being able to prove this, and you have to make every effort to show this clearly to the ECO (probably with a letter, referencing to the relevent evidence).

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    1) Living with parents: Yes, the Border Agency website gives some clear guidelines, that is acceptable and particularly so if its a temporary measure. .
    me and the misses have been living at my moms house for the last 5yrs

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    me and the misses have been living at my moms house for the last 5yrs
    Just goes to prove that the Embassy guys will let the good guys though, they will issue the visas if they believe its all genuine. I wouldn't mind living with my mum, but somehow think we'd drive her up the wall.

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    Thanks a lot for all the replies! Especially glad about the COA - another less thing to worry about for the fiance visa.

    Also, if the sponsors income is borderline are savings from both partners taken into consideration
    NO .... only the sponsor.
    Seriously!? So am I right in thinking that my fiance can't come here, and live with me, but support himself with his own savings? That seems very odd that his fiancial situation is completly irrelevent to the application. If his savings are not taken into consideration then why does the settlement application form ask him if he has any savings? And why does he have to show 6 months worth of bank statements if the onus is all on my finances!? AGH...Seems a bit weird.... life is confusing...

    ONE MORE QUESTION whilst I'm here, if you guys don't mind! So as my savings are definately taken into account, can they at least be used to 'make up' for my low income? I am fairly sure I can meet the £103 (or whatever it is) disposable income each week for the visa, but it's only just - as I'm working part time till June. However JUNE is when I want to apply for the visa - as we will have had possibly 9 months apart by this point. I start working full time hours in July, I'm wondering.... instead of waiting another 3 months to get these 'full time' pay slips and healthier bank statements can I not just show my forecasted outgoings, and income... by incl a letter from my employer with my contract stating my monthly pay??? As long as I have around 3k savings, and have had around £600 (after bills) going into my account for the past 6 months. I know it's sometimes impossible to answer these questions, but if anyone has had a similar situation? Just looking for some opinions as I don't have anyone to advise me...


    AUTHUR - I have just come back from visiting my boyfriend and he proposed to me whilst I was there. Obviously I said yes He's applying for his visitors visa on friday to see if he's allowed to come and spend christmas with me and meet my family. Figured it's a long shot but we may as well try. I'm asking q's about the fiance visa now because I just want to make sure i'm prepared as much as possible.... for when we apply next summer. But the more I think about it the spouce visa is looking like a much more rational option, due to cost........

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    If the financial standing is marginal, and if the applicant has plans to work in the UK, a job offer letter can be included to bolster the application's strength; and failing all other evidence, the applicant may attach a CV (or academic credentials) which demonstrate favorable prospects. Note however, that this is generally the weakest form of evidence.

    it is up to the sponsor to support you, so they will not need recourse to public funds, but if he is skilled then mentioning once your married in your letter of support for him, he will seek employment to further reduce the risks of him needing recourse to public funds and if he has savings mention this in your letter of support, but its really up to the sponsor to be able to support them

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    Thanks Joe... sorry I know I'm being a pest, you must have heard these questions time and time again. I know you're not an ECO but you clearly know what you're talking about so any advice would be gold... because I am very confused now as to whether I will make the financial requirements!!!!! Seeing as my fiance's savings are not as important as I once thought...

    Basically my income from jan-june will come from my non-repayable teacher training bursarry - which is £700 a month (i dont have any direct debits or bills to pay, so on paper it's enough to support 2 people i believe). Obviously these installments don't come with payslips though... however - it is technically still an income... Right? Could I show these with the paper work to 'replace' payslips?

    I will start work full time in July 2011 earning 300 p.w after despite the above, and the fact that we will have over 10k of savings between us - would you advise for me to wait until i have 3 months of these payslips and then apply for the visa in September 2011!?

    Or maybe I could fly over to him before I start my full time job in July.. get married.. and then come back and once I had 3 months worth of pay slips.. apply for the spouce visa...!!

    I am terrified of the fiance/spouce visa being rejected.

    i need to breathe...

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I know its not what you will want to hear, it's a bit risky if you ask me, as your not in 'employment' with payslips, i would wait til you have a full-time job and payslips.

    but if you do go for it, show a monthly budget showing the amount left after outgoings such as housing costs, gas, electricity, water, Council tax, loan repayments e

    thats why you need to minimise your risks of being refused, how many times have you met? have you letters, emails, bills , receipts from your trip to the phils ?

    where are you going to live ? will it be over crowded with your b/f there ?

  13. #13
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    I live with my parents and don't have to pay any bills or council tax. The only thing I pay is my phone bill and a small amount for a student loan.

    I live in a hotel so over crowding isn't going to be a problem.

    I have met him twice, and lived with him for 4 months of that time... we have evidence of our relationship - boarding passes, stamps, photo's, emails and phone bills - so that's not going to be an issue to prove.

    It's just deciding whether to go for it in June or whether to wait... I really want to apply in June but I suppose it's best to wait another few months to be safe. I feel like it should be okay because of my savings, and his savings, and a letter regarding my full time job - but like you said, it's risky

    I want to apply in june as i wont have seen him since september of this year unless his visitors in dec gets granted.. a whole new issue!!

    Maybe I could marry him in june, fly bk home... and then apply for the spouce visa after i have 3 months of full time payslips come September! That way I get to see him AND have the 3 mnths pays slips and cut the cost of the fiance visa in half. Or do I REALLY need 6 full time payslips!!!? AH! Noooooooooooooooo.

    thanks again joe!!

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