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Thread: How much money can I bring into the Phillppines?

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  1. #1
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    To be honest I dont want opions on this question just experiences... I have my own opions,, need to know if anyone ever left the philippines with that amount.... I entered with many many thousands of euros.... many..... and never got checked once.... just wanting to know about leaving, if its any different ......

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by terenchion View Post
    To be honest I don't want opinions on this question just experiences... I have my own opinions,, need to know if anyone ever left the Philippines with that amount.... I entered with many many thousands of euros.... many..... and never got checked once.... just wanting to know about leaving, if its any different ......
    OK My experience as a former police officer is that unless you can afford to loose it don't carry it. Unfortunately I have met many, in fact almost all those who been reporting having been pick-pocketed, who have said, ' I never thought it would happen to me." But it did that's why they were talking to me, and it does happen quite often..

    As for experience of being stopped carrying more than permitted by law, you will correctly assume I have never done so. If I did I would not have been surprised to have been stopped, the money confiscated and to be prosecuted. But, clearly it's entirely your choice.

    Incidentally , I don't have a bank account either, only building society accounts, but I have never experienced any problem using ATM and or transferring money in several countries over many years.

    Any way, Good luck, I hope you don't, but you may need it !!!.

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  4. #4
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    ok your not strickly correct on the 10,000 thing... its 10,000 pesos and no more than 10000 dollars... but is that also applying to pounds or euros..... the reason i am taking that amount is i dont have a bank account here...... and only a building society account in the UK..

  5. #5
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    Experience and opinion are one thing.
    Legality is another.
    As you said you have you own experiences and you own opinion.

    I suggest you focus on legality.
    You know already the law both in UK (10,000 Euros) and Philippines (10,000 USD +
    10,000 peso)
    Please double check with UKBA and with Bangko Sentral to be certain.

    To be honest I don't know the reality of checks in Phils.
    BUT in UK you can be legally challenged to provide proof of ownership, source and reason for carrying over GBP1000 in or out. Of course not normally an issue.
    Just be sure you can comply.

    Outside of these guidelines (experience and opinion) is down to your own personal risk assessement.
    Maybe you will be checked maybe not. Bit like bringing 5000 ciggies to Uk without declaration. Except with ciggies maybe its just a warning and confiscation. With cash
    you WILL face money laundering issues and potential incarceration.
    Deal or no Deal

  6. #6
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    Whoops, my bad info.
    The amounts I mentioned may not be legal limits.
    They are the limits below declaration.
    I have asked about consequences IF you DECLARE but no info.

    If you want to know what WILL happen following declaration above limits (apart from proof of ownership/source/reason) then MUST ask UKBA and Bangko Sentral.
    These are the only sources for reliable info and the correct forms/approval/certification.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Whoops, my bad info.
    The amounts I mentioned may not be legal limits.
    They are the limits below declaration.
    I have asked about consequences IF you DECLARE but no info.

    If you want to know what WILL happen following declaration above limits (apart from proof of ownership/source/reason) then MUST ask UKBA and Bangko Sentral.
    These are the only sources for reliable info and the correct forms/approval/certification.
    By the way would you be kind enough to please inform the forum on the result if you contact these people? Thanks

  8. #8
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    Thanks to everyone giving advice and some limited experiences, having checked with UKPA I can take 8000pounds to UK quite legally.. cos it does not exceed 10,000 euros (the legal limit)... so no worries... once again cheers...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by terenchion View Post
    Thanks to everyone giving advice and some limited experiences, having checked with UKPA I can take 8000pounds to UK quite legally.. cos it does not exceed 10,000 euros (the legal limit)... so no worries... once again cheers...
    How about taking out of Phils? Did you check?
    This was your original question.

  10. #10
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    HI Terpe, no that was posted by someone else i just entered the uk currency to the question..... But i know from past experience i took out 20,000 and a corrupt security guard patted me down and asked what it was in my pocket. I said abot 20,000 pesos.. he said you are only allowed 10,000 to take out of country.. i said i was gonna spend it in the duty free section... he said give me a souvenir.. I gave him 100 pesos he was no problems.... nobody else asked or checked.......I didnt have any large amounts of uk cash on me so didnt think about that issue.....

  11. #11
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    Terenchion, glad you cleared that up, as the question opening this thread was about taking money into RP. Not into UK

  12. #12
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    When I was younger I would put 2 grand flattened out in each trainer shoe and walk on it!!
    24 hours later take it out and change the sweaty notes on the black market here..Poor money changers!
    No need to worry about pick pockets and no way of losing the cash even if I did have more than a few beers in transit!

  13. #13
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    Fred I cannot remember any one being robbed for money in their shoe, although I guess as we know the 'trick' the thieves do too, but I have known a number of cases of people be robbed of their smart trainers. So I guess to be on the safe side, don't wear shoes which a thief would be tempted to steal !!!!

  14. #14
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    Splitting money leaving and entering country

    I dont suppose anyone knows, why you cannot take out or bring in to the country 10000 dollars each... if your married your not supposed to do that... only bring in or out 10000 between you.... TOTALLY CRAZY RULES.......

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by terenchion View Post
    I dont suppose anyone knows, why you cannot take out or bring in to the country 10000 dollars each... if your married your not supposed to do that... only bring in or out 10000 between you.... TOTALLY CRAZY RULES.......
    Can I take it you are talking about in+out Phils?
    If so may I kindly ask where is the source of information on restrictions to married couples?
    Thanks in advance

  16. #16
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    Sorry to be pedantic, But as I said above, I cannot understand why anyone would want to carrying a relatively large amount of currency from one country to another, and run the very real risk of having it stolen, other than maybe the obvious, to avoid tax or to conceal one's possession of it. But I not asking you what the reason is, it's none of my business.

  17. #17
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    I guess it's along the same lines that if the duty free allowance is say £100 per person two people cannot bring in something, which they share, which is worth say £150

    I guess we all hate those things which say, we cannot do what WE want to do, whilst all the other things they say are probably reasonable and logical !!!

  18. #18
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    SORRY... That is just not an answer or excuse... If 2 people enter a country and the allowance is 10.000 max it has to be each... otherwise they are saying cos your married your only half a person..... Thats just stupid.....what if the wife has her own bank account own lifestyle own criteria.... Each individual has the right to carry 10000 not split it.....Just cos your married dont mean you are only entitled to half of anything .......... silly rule........

  19. #19
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    As for duty free... if you travel with your wife you are entitled to double the allowance.... i know that for FACT.......

  20. #20
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    I know that travelling from Gibraltar into Spain although a married are entitled to an allowance for each person. It is an individual allowance and cannot be added to another person's, thus making it possible to import an individual item which has a total value equal to the combined allowances.

    As for the complaint here, I believe in UK a married man (sorry not intended to be sexist) has the same allowance as a single person. In Spain we get a higher allowance than a single person. I know in UK a couple can apply to taxed separately but surely if only one has an income then they only get one allowance ? Thus Terenchon's contention ...... ..Just cos your married don't mean you are only entitled to half of anything .......... silly rule........ would seem apply in UK too, not Just RP !

    As I said, I guess we all hate those things which say, we cannot do what WE want to do, whilst all the other things they say are probably reasonable and logical !!!

  21. #21
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    I lived in spain for 5 yrs in BENIDORM.. so i know a lot about spain and its rules.... but getting back to individuals going through customs being married has no bearing on anything, My allowance of 10000 max should be no different to my wifes 10000 max. Being married is not the issue...As I said earlier, For all intensive purposes my wife could be totally independent and have her own money etc etc... So that arguement is futile.... anyway we can go round and round the houses here... obviously you nor I no the answer to this question... We will just see what happens......

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  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I've always taken at least £1,000 every time i went to the phils because in the past i had trouble trying to get more than a few 1,000php from an atm and trying to find the ones where i could take up to £200 in one go, also risk the card getting blocked

    I never felt at risk or never had any money stolen, maybe because we were always careful where and when i went anywhere .. or maybe its because of i was near 6ft 3" and 16 stone

    thou i probably wouldn't take so much cash now

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    I've always taken at least £1,000 every time i went to the phils because in the past i had trouble trying to get more than a few 1,000php from an atm and trying to find the ones where i could take up to £200 in one go, also risk the card getting blocked

    I never felt at risk or never had any money stolen, maybe because we were always careful where and when i went anywhere .. or maybe its because of i was near 6ft 3" and 16 stone

    thou i probably wouldn't take so much cash now
    The risk factor I was quoting was bearing mind the probably hundreds of victims I met, or was aware of, when I was a police officer for 30 years in UK. As far as I remember, it was never going to happen to them either. But it did make their loss any easier to accept.

  25. #25
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    The risk factor I was quoting was bearing mind the probably hundreds of victims I met, or was aware of, when I was a police officer for 30 years in UK. As far as I remember, it was never going to happen to them either. But it did make their loss any easier to accept.
    100's of victims over 30yrs out of millions of people ?
    that is true, but I've never been mugged nor has anyone in my family in the UK, and i only know of a couple of people who have, yes the risk is there, but how big is that risk ?

    thou my misses aunt has been threatened with a knife a couple of times in the phils

    i suppose you don't realise the risk until its happened to you and your a victim but then its too late

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    100's of victims over 30yrs out of millions of people ?
    that is true, but I've never been mugged nor has anyone in my family in the UK, and i only know of a couple of people who have, yes the risk is there, but how big is that risk ?

    i suppose you don't realise the risk until its happened to you and your a victim but then its too late
    Just following your numbers argument. 100s means very many but then I am one person. 120,000 police in UK, average service 30 years each that might be a very, very big number.

    Sorry I don't want to get into an argument over this but from my police experience in UK and another 16 years as a volunteer translator in Spain, I can assure you it is very real possibly.

    And 6ft 3ins does not deter pickpockets only muggers.

    Quote:- Daily Telegraph Pickpocket thefts and bag snatches rose 25 per cent between 2007/8 and 2008/9, the British Crime Survey has shown.

  27. #27
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    With all due respect. we are not interested in how long you were in the police or anything to do with theft or any other patronising statements.... the question was why cant 10000 dollars be taken out of phily each if your with your wife... Thats 2 people regardless if they married, single, divorced, gay, lesbian, or what ever.......You obviously dont have a clue to the answer, so maybe let others answer if they know..... thank you.....

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    .. or maybe its because of i was near 6ft 3" and 16 stone
    That'll be the one.

  29. #29
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    One more thing John, I doubt very much if you really mean GOOD LUCK...... just like my cliche eh????

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by terenchion View Post
    One more thing John, I doubt very much if you really mean GOOD LUCK...... just like my cliché eh????

    No. I did really mean it. I try never to say anything I don't mean. Guess that's the product of 30 years of serving the public, and the 20 years since that I have given up my time as a volunteer translator (totally free, not even expenses) helping victims of crime and others, who have needed the assistance of the police here in Spain.

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