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Thread: Marriage with Foreigner Act 1906

  1. #1
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    Marriage with Foreigner Act 1906

    I intend to get married in the Philippines on 18th November, I have been told that I need a Certificate of No Impediment (CNI).

    I went to my local register in Caernarfon, North Wales, and was told that they would only issue me with a Certificate of Intention to Marry a Foreigner, under the Marriage with Foreigners Act 1906. My noitce of intention would be displayed on the notice board for 22 days then my certificate would be issued.

    Could you tell me could this be exchanged for a certificate at the British Embassy in Manila that would be acceptable to the Philippines, would this be ok to get married with.


  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deanotheman View Post
    I intend to get married in the Philippines on 18th November, I have been told that I need a Certificate of No Impediment (CNI).

    I went to my local register in Caernarfon, North Wales, and was told that they would only issue me with a Certificate of Intention to Marry a Foreigner, under the Marriage with Foreigners Act 1906. My noitce of intention would be displayed on the notice board for 22 days then my certificate would be issued.

    Could you tell me could this be exchanged for a certificate at the British Embassy in Manila that would be acceptable to the Philippines, would this be ok to get married with.


    Yes , you need to exchange your certificate for a Philippine version (CNI) at the British Embassy'll be posted for 10days before you are allowed to marry a filipina in the Philippines.

    read the updates on this link::
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks, my local register office said I could not have a British CNI, but have to have this certificate instead. My notice of intention to marry, with my details, my fiancee's details and the place of out marriage would be displayed

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Jeng Dixon's Avatar
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    Thats correct .
    Went through this process last year. Get the cert of non impediment from the UK and then take that and your passport/ birth certificate and your future wifes documents, i.e proof she is single to the Embassy in Manila and they will exchange this for the CNI that is recognised in the Philippines.

    Hope this makes sense
    and dont forget any documents.................(we did and it was a pain in the backside)

    Bob and Jeng:

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