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Thread: Making a Will

  1. #1
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Post Making a Will

    There are many reasons why nearly two-thirds of British put off this seemingly arduous task. But designating a day for a little unpleasantness can help relieve many days/ weeks even years of heartache for loved-ones in the future.

    It's not really a case of why you should make a will but of why you shouldn't fail to. If you die intestate (in other words without a will) you run the risk of leaving behind a trail of stress, cost and even family feuds.

    Wills are the responsibility of us all, regardless of the level of our wealth and assets. Without wills, when we die, our loved ones are left with the headache of sorting out our estate, often frustrated that the government rules of intestacy determine who gets what of our possessions, even deciding the future care of our younger children, if we have any

    For example, once all of your liabilities have been accounted for, such as outstanding loans or overdrafts, your remaining assets will not automatically go to your current spouse if you are without a will.

    If you don’t have any children, the law entitles your spouse to the first £200,000 of assets, and 50% of the remainder - the rest could end up with your parents, brothers and sisters and other relatives. The worst-case scenario is if you die single without any children. In this instance, and in the absence of any other surviving relatives, your entire estate and possessions are likely to be passed to the Crown!

    I have had a Will for many years and I have always kept it up to date but I wonder just how many people either have a Will that is totally out of date ................. or don’t have one at all. What does everyone think?

  2. #2
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    A thoughtful and serious thread Rosie. Far better to think about it and make a will now, and keep it up to date, than think "it will never happen to me", because of course nobody knows for sure what their life expectancy will be.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hi all,
    I am a good boy, I have had one for over 20 years, done mine with the free Cancer Charity sceme, where you leave at least £100 to the charity in the will.
    Easy to do with many solicitors, and I have updated it as time and marriages come and went!

  4. #4
    Respected Member mikey73's Avatar
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    i got mine done in march (after my fathers death). was only £50.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
    If you die intestate (in other words without a will) you run the risk of leaving behind a trail of stress, cost and even family feuds.
    i think there could be more family feuds if you did make a will, especially if not everyone knows about it

  6. #6
    Member katerry's Avatar
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  7. #7
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    This is a simple Will form which is legal in UK. It requires the signature of two witnesses who are not beneficiaries.

    You do not need to employ a solicitor unless you have especial complications and need advise.

    The blank Will form can be purchased from good stationers although using my copy in Word is just as legal.

    This is the last Will and Testament

    of me: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

    Of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

    Made this ……………….. day of ………………………….. in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and

    I HEREBY revoke all Wills made by me at any time heretofore.

    I appoint …….………………………………………………… of …………………………......
    to be my Executor/s, and direct that all my Debts and Funeral Expenses shall be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease.

    I GIVE AND BEQUEST. ……………………………………………………………………………

    Signed by the TESTATOR in the presence
    of us, present at the time, who at his
    request, and in his presence, and in the
    presence of each other, have subscribed
    our names as witness.

    Occupation. …………………………………..

    of …………………………………………………………….

    And ……………………………………

    Occupation. ……………………………………………………………

    of …………………………………………………………..

  8. #8
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    in phils if someone dies the wealth will all go to the spouse and and children...parents, siblings are not included i guess unless theres a will...

    i remember when my father died all the money was divided between me, my brother, and my mother.

  9. #9
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    My mother sadly died nearly three years ago and she left a simple handwritten will that she had done on a single small page of paper with no witnesses 20 odd years ago.

    I'm pushing the solicitors to have everything finally completed before the 3rd aniversary of her death later this month.

    My father updated his will last year and mick is right, they have got to be kept up to date as circumstances change all the time.

  10. #10
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    As its three years on now for you this suggestion is a bit late.

    My father died in UK 25 year ago without a Will. I sorted it within a couple of months, No solicitors involved.

    My ex-wife died in UK last year without a Will. My sons got the whole thing sorted within a couple of months directly with the probate office.

    Unfortunately solicitors are often very slow and often inefficient too, at what they do even though they charge a lot, which is increased by the length of time they take.

    From 30 years experience dealing with solicitors on a professional level I avoid them whenever I am able and that means almost always.

    (Apologies to any solicitors but I am sure you will understand why I say what I do)

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    You are quite right, I've dealt with solicitors in business for a long time, but in this case it was a local firm who my father had given their very first conveyancing to some 30 years ago!

    I always bear in mind the story of two farmers arguing over a cow, one is pulling the tail, the other the horns and in the middle are..... two lawyers milking it!

    Apologies to the legal profession!

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    From 30 years experience dealing with solicitors on a professional level I avoid them whenever I am able and that means almost always.

    (Apologies to any solicitors but I am sure you will understand why I say what I do)
    Quote Originally Posted by forester View Post
    I always bear in mind the story of two farmers arguing over a cow, one is pulling the tail, the other the horns and in the middle are..... two lawyers milking it!

    Apologies to the legal profession!
    i dont think anyone needs to apologise to solicitors

    Solicitors making money from peoples misfortune

  13. #13
    Member stem298's Avatar
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    i have a will but when making mine after the divorce, i had the problem off trying to divide it between my children my adopted children and my grandchildren, i have 3 natural kids, 2 adopted ones and soon to be 2 grandkids,my adopted kids mum will leave them all she has , she is my exwife i must add,her dad the kids grandad is a very rich man so they know tey will be very wealthy one day, in trying to the best i could i gave 20% to each of my children, 10% to my adopted children and the remaining 20% to future grandkids, but soon in time emma will be added another bill from a soliceter

  14. #14
    Member stem298's Avatar
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    there you go silly steve just got HIS laptop back from emma and its still on her page , daft thing is she has her own but when ever i am on here she sits so close like on my shoulder til i have to give in , talk about calling her emma might call her pretty polly instead

  15. #15
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    might be best to get your own will em soon

  16. #16
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    I am executor of my late father's Will and also vowed that I wouldn't use or need the services of a solicitor since applying for Probate isn't that difficult and solicitors fees can be extortionate. I was granted Probate in just 5 weeks which wasn't bad going considering the shed load of paperwork that I had to go through and I saved the estate quite a tidy sum in the process. I wish selling dad's house was as easy ....... !

  17. #17
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    For those of you who are not aware, once Probate has been issued, the Will and Probate become a public document.

    I have a very keen interest in genealogy (tracing my family tree) and I recently traced my great great grandfather's will which was 5 pages long and told me so much about the family. He died in 1889 and I am sure that he would be turning in his grave knowing that 121 years later, his great great grand daughter was reading his will! I was pretty amazed to discover that he left £45k which was a very large sum in those days and the equivalent of £2.6 million today ..... if only I could find out what happened to his fortune!

  18. #18
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hello Rosie,
    I am into genealogy too, but have never found any of my family who even had a will!
    I will try and look into this though thanks, and all the best with your tree.

  19. #19
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Hi Mick

    I am a member of and there is a whole new section on there devoted to tracing wills. However, if you know a date of death, location and want to check whether there may be a will, you can always apply to HM Courts Service York Probate Sub Registry for a search to be made. Their email address is and I am sure that they would be happy to send you an application form. It only costs £5 for the search which includes a copy of the document. The will I received is totally invaluable to me since it is handwritten by my great great grandfather!

    I find genealogy is sooo addictive and fascinating. I have even recently traced a second cousin who only lives 8 miles from me and to my astonishment, he has a filipina wife too. We have met a few times and become firm friends. It's such a small world out there!

    Best of luck with your tree too

  20. #20
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hi Rosie,
    Thanks for that I will copy and keep the contact detials.
    Yes to find family so close is a bonus.

  21. #21
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    Hi mickcant how you going,very interested how your situation is going,seeing you showed interested in my ex wife and myself situation,if you want you cant get me on my yahoo messenger,
    Kind regards.

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