extension of stay to complete qualifying period
If you entered the UK with a visa several weeks or more after the date from which it was valid for use you may need to apply for an extension of stay to complete the relevant qualifying period.
if you did not enter the UK with such a visa from- the date on which you were first granted permis-sion to remain in the UK in the relevant category
If you entered the UK with a visa several weeks ormore after the date from which it was valid for use youmay need to apply for an extension of stay to completethe relevant qualifying period
pply for an extension of stay to complete the relevant qualifying period
apply for an extension of stay to complete the relevant qualifying period
work permit visa expires before the qualifying period for ilr
what does an ilr application look like?
What is the end of your qualifying period mean in ILR apllications?
qualifying period for ILR
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