Quote Originally Posted by Perez View Post
... after graduating and passing the exams in the Philippines. i was not able work as a nurse because of the over saturation of nurses there. i had an experience working but in a different field...

and currently im here in UK trying to find a job. my question is can i use my working experience here in UK as a care giver in order for me to register in NMC??
You need to read the NMC booklet "Registering as a nurse or midwife in the United Kingdom", but I think they are strict about the further year's experience in a hospital after graduating in the Philippines. You don't say what your "experience working in a different field" is, but it may not be acceptable. There are detailed instructions in the booklet about applying. Make sure as far as possible whether or not you meet their requirements before deciding to apply and paying their non-refundable administration fee.
The alternative is provided in Terpe's link about health care assistants becoming registered nurses in the UK. Soon nursing is to become an all - graduate profession here, requiring 5 GCSE's and 2-3 A levels. But to do all that might be a daunting prospect for you.