Neither the Wife or I attended a seminar I believe and vaguely recall we had a survey to fill in which I did on the trip before getting married. Unforunatley its up to each area it seems regarding seminars and as its kind of linked in with morals and the right way etc.. Im sure some areas will insist on in phill however much u ask not to do, while others will not be so worried and can be infulenced to give u a bye.
From the Cvill Wedding where the Judge had a quick chat with myself and the Wife and got the approval of the wifes parents as she was under 25 although the wifes dad turned up a little bit late due to misplacing his shoesso the Wifes Lolo had to almost stand in, but luckily the Wifes LOLO and LOLA were "connected" so things like this were ignored
I think the chat was basically our senimar but as the judge could see the Marks n spencers bags he and the Mayor were to get, so it passed quite quickly and was basically a quick lecture on doing the right thing sermon style which i barely took in just smiled and nodded alot.
All i would recommend is you go into one of this situations where you are to be lectured in a relaxed and calm attitude as you can. Just look over at your mahal and see what they do. Ie smile nod and look subservient. Your be out the room and most likely never meet the person again.