Anyone else use it out there. The Wifes Lill sister has been using and although hardly a bargin very handy for 1200 pesos for email, im, facebook and twitter

I belive smart have a similar service but from reading comments on blackberry forums from phill users the Globe seemed to be preferred by many and the WIfes sister is on Globe so saved changing number.

Maybe handy for those who have a old unlocked balackberry as basically all the everyday communication methods are covered. Of course handy for those travelling over from the UK who need email access etc..

Some people have found the usual using a phill company frustrations but seems to have worked ok for the Wifes lill Sis..

Please note it does involved accessing the site below and understanding service books imei, pin and battery pulls but nothing to complicated..
I would advise trying a 1 day access first just to ensure no major issues..