we will see in the coming years if the whites population will be increasing, decreasing, or still the same...
we will see in the coming years if the whites population will be increasing, decreasing, or still the same...
Immigration is one issue and needs to be addressed for the good of the entire population of the UK.
White vs black vs brown vs muslim vs chritian vs anything else is NOT good and can only cause conflict. The 'statistics' quoted in the first post here are blatantly wrong and inflammatory, and to be blunt, who the hell cares?
I have no particular concern whether my garndkids are 'pure' white (which I don't think very many can claim now anyway) or a mix with another race/colour/religion.
The attitudes that people expose on this issue are appalling to me and quite frankly expose an ignorance and xenophobia which should no longer have a place in todays world.
Look at this thread about multi racial realtionships (not on this board I hasten to add) http://celebrity.uk.msn.com/forum/th...e-afdea004f324 for an example. If anyone here has attitudes like some of these, question yourselves and ask if you're accurate, or if you're just assuming a lot of these 'facts' and believeing without investigating.
Decide these things for yourself, and take reponsibility for your own thoughts and actions.
'The mind is like a parachute - It works best when its OPEN'
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Katerry - whats the problem with Mosques in London, or anywhere else for that matter?
They have as much right as churches, synagogues and temples or do you not believe people should be free to choose and express their own religious beliefs?
'The mind is like a parachute - It works best when its OPEN'
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why are you so bothered by it
before you post any more on the subject can you please explain your point of view?
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
nah, not bothered by it bornatbirth..just a possbility that legitimate white bloodlines will be affected by increasing migration and and it will affect on a white country's national services...like taxes, housing, etc. hope this explanation wod serve better than my first post...![]()
I'm sorry, I'm really finding this topic hard to understand and a bit ironic on a website called 'FilipinoUK', where many members are couples of which one person has come from the Philippines and emigrated to the UK, and may have children who are half Filipino/Half Caucasian.
I really think your barking up the wrong tree if you want BNP support here!
I believe in are multicultural society, I believe in immigration. My own belief is that the labour party let the situation go from being a sensible immigration policy and equal rights country, to a country where a minority expect the majority to adapt and change for them rather then the opposite way round.
multiculture are rights as long as it wont sacrifice the whites or it wont deprived them in their own country... and fil-uk are exception here though since the filipinas are not coming there as illegal immigrants. they come there to settle as wives as partner to a brit....![]()
The BNP dont do exceptions!! You are still seriously diluting your white blood lines if you have kids with an Asian woman..End of story.and fil-uk are exception here though since the filipinas are not coming there as illegal immigrants. they come there to settle as wives as partner to a brit....![]()
I really don't see what the colour of skin has to do with it. I think you're mixing up several different immigration and cultural issues and getting yourself confused between them all.
I personally don't care what colour someones skin is and whether we have a 1% white or 50% white, it really doesn't matter to me. I don't care about illegal immigration. I care that the system gives far too much in the way of benefits to people who simply should have something to help them, not to support a way of life. I just think that if someone comes to the country, they work, pay tax and integrate into society, then whats the problem?
I have more interest in my Asian wife and half asian children then I do of any white person in this world! Colour doesn't matter!
yah end of story right...fred i guess u cant sleep about bnp.. okay okay .. bnp booooo..happy now??? bnp booooo booo boooo... with matching knife and samurai...
.. thanks for the posts .....weeeeeeeeeeee.. just testing ur opinions... ty.. and for the record.. im not a bnp fan..lol... nor a rodulf hess ... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....
yah end of story right...fred i guess u cant sleep about bnp.. okay okay .. bnp booooo..happy now??? bnp booooo booo boooo... with matching knife and samurai...
.. thanks for the posts .....weeeeeeeeeeee.. just testing ur opinions... ty.. and for the record.. im not a bnp fan..lol... nor a rodulf hess ... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....
I think someone spiked your larger mate!!
lol..... wait till it come.. peace with spoilers...
again live and let live who or were ever you are , hope when i move to the phils they will welcome me and not think i am talking over there lands![]()
katerry Whats your point? Whats your nationality?
an opinion to share that make us
keep the,
and peace
thats why i post that because we are all linked with uk-fil relationship.. what i mean wid my post is that illegal immigrants are living freely in uk and they are taking all the chances to live there, having free govt council houses, not paying taxes, more better jobs than whites and multiplying unrecordedly... and what will happen to the pure whites---(legitimate whites and their families wether half or not as long as legally living there) if these illegal and illegitimate immigrants will take the place of the whites.. thats what all i mean.. and yet many people misunderstood it just to make the post more complicated.its just a matter of yes or no thats all.. we should even keep together (fil_uk clans) and not to fall apart .. hope i cleared this up...![]()
Your comments are actually racist...especially as you keep relating to color. Most illegal immigrants are WHITE
Keith - Administrator
nah misunderstood again.. end... natgeo....![]()
Hi katerry, i know it is hard to explain sometime of what is in our mind but well, don't bothered for that things just look forward to be with your mahal coz it is the only problem we can have in our life just leave it to the government coz even here in the Philippines we have so many foreign people who stay unknown. It is there life to live I know it is not fair but population getting bigger and bigger and only God knows to think what is best ... hmmm my opinion![]()
Well, have a great day there and good night for now to all here![]()
nytnyt.. at least theres someone who is optimistic.. nytnyt......:
Firstly, immigration and illegal immigration problems are the governments fault. Don't blame anyone for that except the government. As for other races taking the better jobs, well maybe they are better at the job. If they are taking the low paid jobs, well yes, of course an influx of unskilled labour will bring the salaries down. But you have nothing to fear from other races.
Fear the people that abuse our system, white, black or asian!
whites wer in the middle of extinction wen the evil white germans wer gasing the white european jews in the evil consentration camps in poland in 2nd world war.i think the only people in the world that can say they wer getting exticnt by immigration wer the native americans by white european settelers..
Is nobody else shocked by the racism in this post ?
Religious take over (muslim ?)...that's a totally different subject.
However, I would have thought that many people on this board are married to beautiful Asian BROWN Filipinas, and as in my case also have a half-BROWN son, plus two ALL-BROWN Filipino stepchildren.
I find the post OFFENSIVE...and quite possibly illegal.
Here are my kids (on the day my 2 stepchildren arrived in the UK)
Please take the race hatred to the appropriate BNP forum ...troll !
Descended into a bonkers thread better off if it is locked
I don't see the point of this thread... not really appropriate for this forum surely?![]()
Erm ..... I think that this thread might be a wind up with a bit of attention seeking thrown in for good measure and not to be taken seriously
Graham...... what a LOVELY photo of your children, they are all so sweet!
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