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Thread: Cebu Pacific Dancing flight Attendants

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  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Cebu Pacific Dancing flight Attendants

    Has anyone else seen this?

    It's becoming a bit of an internet phenomenon!

    But fairply to Cebu Pacific, I'd love to have been on that flight! It's an innovative way of getting the usually boring safety information across, and it's great to see the flight attendants enjoying themselves. They do try to make their flights "fun", and I think people appreciate that. My wife once volunteered for their in flight game and ended up singing to the whole plane!

    This will probably be a cue for some to start moaning about Cebu Pacific, but when you balance cost, service, reliability etc, they're probably my favourite airline in the world.

    I certainly can't imagine the sullen, miserable stewardesses on my recent American Airlines flight doing anything like this!

    Well done Cebu Pacific!

  2. #2
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    Cebu Pacific are an excellent airline, new fleet, good standards and well trained crew. Onboard procedures are better then PAL and I would always recommend them as an airline. The cabin crew, despite playing onboard games and having fun, have always done very thorough checks and seem to know the technicalities of the job. The company has a lot of Western Ex-Pat Training Captains who have made a big difference to the procedures. They have a good safety history.

    They run a low cost airline model, therefore do not have redundant aircraft on the ground. There is a delay or technical problem, then this has a knock on effect with the following flights either being delayed or cancelled. They do not have the same compensation procedures as in Europe. If you are delayed with them, you can expect a Jollibee (seriously), and to get to your destination eventually, or they will put you in an acceptable standard hotel if your downroute.
    One of our experiences with Cebu Pacific was in Hong Kong where we had a midnight flight back to Cebu, we're checked in by handling agent staff (i.e. non cebu pacific staff), and then went through to departures. The flight time came and went, and nobody appeared at the gate. After an hour of delay, I called the Handling Agent who advised us that they have no information on the flight until it arrives in Hong Kong airspace as they have no direct communication channel (most airports in the world are linked into an international database). The aircraft arrived 4 hours late, we boarded, they apologised and we arrived in Cebu 4 hours late.

    This is acceptable practice for them, and it would never deter me from flying with them, because the cost of return flights for a weekend in Hong Kong from Cebu/Manila are excellent, and the delays don't bother me.

    If you want full service, and certain garauntees, fly with Cathay Pacific.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    brill this makes you feel happy watching it

  4. #4
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I always like to fly cebu pacific, not seen them dancing yet, but maybe next time?
    Always think they are nice & friendly.
    My only complaint would be, just wish there was slightly more leg room, but seeing my flights are only short domestic flights, it's not really a problem.

  5. #5
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    Every Cebu Pacific flight I've taken has included a passenger quiz.
    One one occassion, I was one of the winners !!
    When they realised I was foreigner the whole plane cheered (well nearly!!)
    (The questions were in Tagalog but my wife helped me)
    It's a nice touch.
    But sometimes I still moan about the customer service

  6. #6
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Lets hope this spreads like the prisoners dance did Seems like it is from what I have seen. Be nice to see something truely postive and fun to be shown about Phill

    I fly sometimes multiple times a week either in the UK or international and I have to say that is the first time I have watched the whole of a safety video
    That young lady was a great instructor
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  7. #7
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    what puts me off Cebu Pacific is that everytime i travel thru them, domestic/international, the flights were always delayed..i won't mind if it's just an hour or so..but it has always been more or less 2-3 hrs! My last flight from Boracay to Manila, it was delayed for more or less 4 hrs! All they could say was sorry for the delay, oh and no snack contrary to what Ricky and my friends fell asleep waiting at Kalibo last trip to Bicol was like that too..but good thing i told my friends that i would take a flight back to Manila the day before the supposed trip coz i'm not convinced that the Monday flight early morning would be on time and i'd risk it being at work on time..i found out that their flight back to Manila was delayed..instead of arriving at 7:30am, they arrived at past 10am..i know their flight prices are cheaper compared to others..but if it always disappoints me with long flight delays, i'd rather not get a flight from them..

  8. #8
    Respected Member mikey73's Avatar
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    when i was in sm mall of asia i was in one of the shops (kultura filipino) to exchange some money into peso's. a song came on and all the stores staff started clapping and then started to dance. they where really good. i was telling minie that its hard enough to get my staff to smile never mind dance.

  9. #9
    Member katerry's Avatar
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    just finished fixing my website...hahahaha.. i just flew cebu pacific last week flight manila to cebu.. omg .. 3 hours delayed, overloading, need to rip off i mean pull out 15 people including their baggages.. but people striked.. hahhaha... so captain considered.. lol... wen almost arriving to cebu, its zero visibility.. planes creaking, kids are shouting, exit logo blinking..hahahha.. almost landed to mactan sea.. at last captain had to go emergency landing to Mactan international airport... hahaha.. still love cebu pacific though.. and the dancing was so cool.. hope they did dance on our flight at that time..could have been made the kids calm down instead of shouting...

  10. #10
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikey73 View Post
    when i was in sm mall of asia i was in one of the shops (kultura filipino) to exchange some money into peso's. a song came on and all the stores staff started clapping and then started to dance. they where really good. i was telling minie that its hard enough to get my staff to smile never mind dance.

    When I was SM Mall Kultura during the middle of last month (September) they were playing Christmas Songs and I couldn't get out quick enough!

    Fab video of Cebu Pacific Flight Attendants by the way!

  11. #11
    Respected Member mikey73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
    When I was SM Mall Kultura during the middle of last month (September) they were playing Christmas Songs and I couldn't get out quick enough!

    Fab video of Cebu Pacific Flight Attendants by the way!
    thats when i was there my dear the middle of last month(6th - 21st). didnt hear any xmas song in there though, just exchanged my pounds into pesos then left. we might have walked passed each other and not noticed

  12. #12
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    Thats it Rosie. It's a ber month, so it's Christmas in the Philippines. September, October, November, December!
    Christmas comes but 4 months a year!

  13. #13
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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  14. #14
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    actually i think they doing that coz many protesting on them...Like last time theres somethign happened that they embarass a mother of a mentally disabled kid and they said they can't fly..they were sued for it and it was in news.yes its cheap and they making a promo for low price ticket but many who are flying to singapore don't go in that airline anymore as the last time i booked a flight from manila to singapore there are like more than 30 passengers who are in the immigration line then it takes long coz its a long cue..then all they said to us is SORRY THE PLANE LEFT ALREADY JUST GET UR BAG IN CHECK IN SECTION..WTF?!! we already got a stamp in our passport that says DEPARTURE then they gonna say the plane left..I was just thinking that they really intend to leave all of us coz our bags are in check in...and they said SORRY NO REFUND...feel bad for the others who working as maids in singapore as they need to pay as 15K ticket again..some went home coz they dont have money to pay another flight...i also had problem with that coz they they stamp DEPARTURE in my passport then aftert that the immigration guy said im sorry the plane left get ur bag in check in no refund! was in shock!!!they should have not stamp our passport once they know the plane left..and even our bag was left???i didnt made any action for that but im sure in those more than 30 passengers may have report what they are doing...i told my self wont ever fly in there again..just be careful guys...
    Donald16Mhae ::

  15. #15
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    yeah, i think i read you posted that story here before right?

  16. #16
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    yap! anyway theres always a karma...they're having a bad reputations so they have to do something with it...
    Donald16Mhae ::

  17. #17
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    I like the initiative that Cebu Pacific got, not that I have been into trouble of flight delays when I travel with them, but there are down sides when it comes to customer service. I've worked in big online travel industry and I have come to understand that no matter how good the system is, there is no perfect system. As I am sure, the management is trying every best they have to serve their customers. Kudos to Cebu Pacific for that entertaining in-flight precaution/safety demo.
    Life as we make it

  18. #18
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    This appeared in

    MANILA, Philippines--It was just a test demo.

    This was what Cebu Pacific Airlines clarified Monday on the video showing its flight attendants doing the safety demonstration onboard an aircraft while dancing.

    The video has been posted on YouTube and has drawn varied reactions from the passengers and the public.

    Candice Iyog, Cebu Pacific vice president for marketing, told Radyo Inquirer 990 in an interview, that they conducted the test dance demo last week. ``But this was not meant to replace the regular serious safety demonstration done by the flight crew for passengers,'' she said.

    She said the feedback on the test dance routine was quite overwhelming, but that they have yet to meet with the airline's top management to discuss the matter.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    This appeared in

    MANILA, Philippines--It was just a test demo.

    This was what Cebu Pacific Airlines clarified Monday on the video showing its flight attendants doing the safety demonstration onboard an aircraft while dancing.

    The video has been posted on YouTube and has drawn varied reactions from the passengers and the public.

    Candice Iyog, Cebu Pacific vice president for marketing, told Radyo Inquirer 990 in an interview, that they conducted the test dance demo last week. ``But this was not meant to replace the regular serious safety demonstration done by the flight crew for passengers,'' she said.

    She said the feedback on the test dance routine was quite overwhelming, but that they have yet to meet with the airline's top management to discuss the matter.
    I think it was said on TV Patrol that it was not a pre-flight demo but done in flight for fun whilst the plane was at 30000 feet - background noise/movement on the clip seems to confirm this.

  20. #20
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    Like in the UK, you have a choice, Low Cost Airline and its associated downsides, or a Full Fare Airline and may extra.
    The whole principle with a low cost airline is that they cut costs in various areas, shorter turnaround times on the ground. Less staff to deal with customer service issues, and less aircraft so you can't just pull in a spare aircraft when one goes tech...
    It really is a choice, and it's the same with Ryanair and Easyjet.

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