The VFS website gives a very good and comprehensive list of requirements for a fiancee settlement visa - even telling you what order it should all be submitted in.
Looking through this I was quite surprised to see that a CENOMAR (CErtificate of NO MARriage from NSO) is NOT on the list.
Does anyone know if the British Embassy does its own checks with the NSO? If so, why dont they just ask for a CENOMAR from applicants as part of the list of documents.
If they do check directly with NSO does anyone know how they do this - do they have a direct computer link? Would seem unlikely that they would have access to a Filipino Govt. database. If they go through the normal channels then this would take probably a couple of weeks to get it when, nowadays, they seem to be trying (and succeeding!) in cutting down waiting times for visas!
It would seem that the best thing is to submit a CENOMAR but why do something you don't need to?
Would be great to hear from anyone with first hand knowledge of this.