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Thread: Hi and some positive words of wisdom in visiting Visa

  1. #1
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    Hi and some positive words of wisdom in visiting Visa

    Hi all. Iv'e spent the past hour reading the posts in this forum. Although informative, I can't find any positive solutions to my question..

    I have spent a long long time chatting and skype with a filipino girl. She is a geniune person, never asked for anything and our relationship is ready for the next stage of meeting. She currently works in Singapore as a domestic worker. I am going to visit her in the next couple of weeks.

    We are not really going to get to know each other in the time I am there. So I have proposed she comes to UK for a few months with a visitors visa. Now I see it doesnt seem that simple to get this visa reading these forums

    We partly filled the visitor application online and hoping to visit VisaUK office with her whilst in singapore. Her employer is aware and is happy to cancel employment contract knowing my intentions are geniune too. Im going to pay for flight and support her in UK having plenty of savings to prove this. However, I got a funny feeling she may not get it with sufficent proof of her intentions to leave UK.

    She is married but seperated (about 4 yrs ago - her husband went off with other women) and if all is well with our relationship we want to proceed with applying for annulment. She also has 2 daughters who she supports and her brother is bringing them up. In the future I would like her two daughters to join us if all is well.

    Obviously open to any suggestions but firstly we would like to know each other. I will visit her in singapore but need some advice on visitng visa and suggestions to help her spend time with me in UK? I could mention our intention to return to ph to sort annulment but i dont think this will be enough. She also wants to return for daughters activity in school..

    Her mother, stepfather, sister and cousin are all working in singapore. Any suggestions ??


  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnyfire View Post
    Her employer is aware and is happy to cancel employment contract knowing my intentions are geniune too.

    I got a funny feeling she may not get it with sufficent proof of her intentions to leave UK.

    She is married but seperated (about 4 yrs ago - her husband went off with other women) and if all is well with our relationship we want to proceed with applying for annulment. She also has 2 daughters who she supports and her brother is bringing them up. In the future I would like her two daughters to join us if all is well.

    cancel her employment contract then she has a good reason not to go back - no job , your funny feeling is probably right

    thou the good thing going for her is she is not in the phils and already in another country

    she going to have to be careful being apart from her kids, the embassy might say she doesn't have 'sole responsibility' and that her brother has it

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    John ... You're correct in your assumption that short-term visit visas can be difficult to obtain ... but not impossible. Here, - on this forum - we have many knowledgeable people who will be able to give you the benefit of their expertise and guidance based on the information you've provided. Good luck with your burgeoning relationship.

  4. #4
    Respected Member mikey73's Avatar
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    hi john
    welcome to the forum
    afraid i dont know too much about the visit visa, but i think with what you have mentioned that it would be refused. i am sure others on the site that know far more than i will soon reply to your question john.

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    Thanks for welcome & replies so far.

    Thanks Joebloggs, i completely understand. I have already spoken to her and she will ask employer. Her contract is valid till Jluy next year so depends how kind employer is. I think first they want to check me out !

    But more ideas would be helpful...pretty new at this!!

  6. #6
    Member bruneicop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnyfire View Post
    Thanks for welcome & replies so far.

    Thanks Joebloggs, i completely understand. I have already spoken to her and she will ask employer. Her contract is valid till Jluy next year so depends how kind employer is. I think first they want to check me out !

    But more ideas would be helpful...pretty new at this!!
    What you need to do is have the employer write a letter saying that they are giving her a X amount of time off to visit you in the uk for holidays. also state on that letter that they expect her to come back to full fill the remainder of her contract.

    TO be honest thats pretty much your best hope in getting this approved. (as others have said will be very difficult to prove that she will return if she doesnt have the job in Singapore.

    Also if you are brave enough to book the flights before hand, make sure the return is to Singapore and not direct back to manila, this will help (mayeb not much but its something.)

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