hi all each to there own i have said and who ever is right or wrong who really cares , we all have views and many are wrong many are right but we live in a society that we all can have that view,
anyway i am here writting tghis after what i saw in london on sunday at speakers corner.
myself and emma was walking through and there was about 5 speakers there shouting there wares , politics, god, some other i could not understand, another one who was rambling and about 30 people that were praying, and yes muslins or who ever they were,
anyway just stopping and listening to them, these 2 people and my view here is thugs, prats and w---kers, got out this flag and started shouting at these people praying, get a job we pay your money the usualy stuff, and there where a few others with them looking for a fight, how i wished i could have comfronted these idiots made me so angry and so wished to tell them what i thought, most proberly these did not work too but being white they thought they where better i think, pushing became more and more and its the white people doing it all,the others just tried to calm everyone down, the police were called but we had gone before then, just makes me wonder who and what is right, all i know is there are better ways to act when trying to say something to others