yea it is crazy set up i know the girl was sent home for other reasons but can not come back because to young to be here i feel sorry for them and as for me i will just have to w8 i know that but we could have got married in the philippines and was planning doing that anyway after we got married here and she had settled we was going to return
yea crazy that all other europeon countrys you can take her just not here
and its a blanket ban it was brought in to stop forced marriages
but it really is affecting lots of innocent people who just want to be together
who can say forever i dont even know if i be alive tomorrow but at least i would have time with who i want to be with
so looked forward to sharing and yea know she young and would she still be with me in ten years i will never know till the time comes
but at the moment this is what we want and no sSTUPID RULE MADE BY THIS STUPID COUNTRY should have been allowered to stop us or so many like us
like most things they have got it so wrong
bring bills in change laws etc without real thought
or to stop the minority you spoil it for the majority