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Thread: How can I file child support for my child not registered with British Embassy in Phil

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) anjg's Avatar
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    How can I file child support for my child not registered with British Embassy in Phil

    I had a daughter from my former British boyfriend, born December 2005. We no longer communicate after a year she was born. I haven't filed her citizenship yet to the British Embassy in the Philippines. Can someone advice me if I can still file a child support for my daughter and how can I register her with the British Embassy when her father is no longer here?

  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    hello anjg welcome here!!!

    I Think u will have a hard time to do this as u dont communicate with the father of ur child for ages,...
    is HE named in the Birth certificate? i guess u need paternity declaration for this..
    or try to contact the B.Embassy for more clarification
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access) anjg's Avatar
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    Hi sars, yes he signed the birth certificate and its already authenticated in NSO. I can still contact him, he keep promising he will send support but i guess he knows im in the losing side so he does not care at all. i hope there is a way not to directly involved him, at least to register my daughter.

  4. #4
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    I am assuming that you are in the Philippines and he is in the UK? I have worked for the Child Support Agency in the UK and I know that you can pursue child maintenance if you are living abroad provided that the person due to pay the maintenance is living within UK jurisdiction, and that you as a claimant are habitually resident in the UK, that is to say you can live in another country provided you consider yourself to be a UK resident residing abroad on a temporary basis, I'm guessing you wont classify in that field.

    That would mean you'd have to pursue the Child maintenance payments privately and as you are both in different countries any judgement made in the philippines for maintenance is not likely to hold any water in another country, and vice versa. Being a matter of jurisdiction I'd say you probably wouldnt be likely to be able to enforce any payments from the guy and you'd probably be out of pocket yourself in the attempt unless you can get some free legal advice. The best thing you can do is to try to convince him to make payments voluntarily, in the UK he'd be expected to part with 15% of his net income for one child, just as a guideline.

  5. #5
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    The UK and Philippines have a joint agreement, I will look for the details. In essence you make a claim through the courts in the Philippines which is then passed onto a court in the UK. There have been a few success stories on this.

  6. #6
    Newbie (Restricted Access) anjg's Avatar
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    Dear Yorkie and sars,

    Thank you for the advices. I have checked the british embassy website in the Philippines and it seems I will have a hard time getting the child support, moreso, filing her citizenship as British as I would be needing him to sign some documents and his passport which is most likely impossible. But thank you anyway for giving me the ideas.


  7. #7
    Newbie (Restricted Access) anjg's Avatar
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    That seems like a light at the end of the tunnel...appreciate any information you could provide. Thanks you.

  8. #8
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    Maybe you can write to his local newspaper in the UK and shame him into taking responsibility for his child.

    They will have a website.

    He sounds like a real lowlife.

    If he denies paternity at any point (always a possibility), then you will need a DNA test.

    Don't give up hope, and keep pursuing him.

    Good luck.

  9. #9
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    Take a look here it may help:-

    "Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders or REMO is the process
    by which maintenance orders made by UK courts on behalf of UK residents
    can be registered and enforced by courts or other authorities in other
    countries against people resident there.

    This is a reciprocal arrangement governed by international conventions,
    which means that foreign maintenance orders in favour of individuals
    abroad can likewise be registered and enforced by UK courts against UK residents.
    The precise nature of reciprocity available between the UK and another
    jurisdiction depends on the convention or agreement to which the other
    country is a signatory"

  10. #10
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    Sorry forgot to mention.
    Philippines is a signatory to the agrrement.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by anjg View Post
    I had a daughter from my former British boyfriend, born December 2005. We no longer communicate after a year she was born. I haven't filed her citizenship yet to the British Embassy in the Philippines. Can someone advice me if I can still file a child support for my daughter and how can I register her with the British Embassy when her father is no longer here?
    hi, you will not be able to register your daughter (birth registration) with the british embassy as you need to submit the british fathers birth cert,and also his passport, and i think but not sure it has to be submitted by the british father or mother,

  12. #12
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    There you go!!!! Terpe is the man in the know! Thanks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    hi, you will not be able to register your daughter (birth registration) with the british embassy as you need to submit the british fathers birth cert,and also his passport, and i think but not sure it has to be submitted by the british father or mother,
    Good point!!
    Somehow the father's ID will need to be proven.
    Is the father's name on the birth certificate ?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    There you go!!!! Terpe is the man in the know! Thanks.
    Really sorry RickyR to hijack your promise. I had this info stored on an external drive for someone and just wanted to find it.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    hi, you will not be able to register your daughter (birth registration) with the british embassy as you need to submit the british fathers birth cert,and also his passport, and i think but not sure it has to be submitted by the british father or mother,
    not only that the embassy could want a DNA test carried out

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    not only that the embassy could want a DNA test carried out
    yes they could want a dna test carried out, but normaly only if some of the compulsrory and additional documents are not provide ie parents birth certs and if the father is not named on local birthcert and if you dont have the mothers antenatal and postnatal and delivery notes from the hospital, which is one of the additional required documents. also same for british passports for your kids born in rp..

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    yes they could want a dna test carried out, but normaly only if some of the compulsrory and additional documents are not provide ie parents birth certs and if the father is not named on local birthcert and if you dont have the mothers antenatal and postnatal and delivery notes from the hospital, which is one of the additional required documents. also same for british passports for your kids born in rp..
    and i'm sure there is a good chance if your not married

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Really sorry RickyR to hijack your promise. I had this info stored on an external drive for someone and just wanted to find it.
    ha ha no worries, as long as the information is posted and people are helped, thats what matters!

  19. #19
    Newbie (Restricted Access) anjg's Avatar
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    Thank you all for the insights. DNA test would only be needed if other documents are not sufficient. He signed the parternity declaration on the birth certificate and I have a copy of his passport. The only concern is the other documents that he needs to sign for me to register my daughter's citizenship which is most likely impossible. Terpe, the website is very helpful, just need to approach our local court here to apply, however, I have to register her first in the british embassy before filing child support. It will take a long process, but at least I am now gear up with these helpful information. Funny, coz I never thought of this until I lost my job recently. I'm hopeful to get positive results out of these. Thank you again

  20. #20
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Best of luck Anjg, I wish you every success

  21. #21
    Newbie (Restricted Access) anjg's Avatar
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    Thank you Rosie

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by anjg View Post
    Thank you all for the insights. DNA test would only be needed if other documents are not sufficient. He signed the parternity declaration on the birth certificate and I have a copy of his passport. The only concern is the other documents that he needs to sign for me to register my daughter's citizenship which is most likely impossible. Terpe, the website is very helpful, just need to approach our local court here to apply, however, I have to register her first in the british embassy before filing child support. It will take a long process, but at least I am now gear up with these helpful information. Funny, coz I never thought of this until I lost my job recently. I'm hopeful to get positive results out of these. Thank you again
    hi maybe you could contact the father and get him to send you his birthcert and passport so you can try to register your daughter with brit embassy maybe he could send you certified foto copys but not sure if embassy would except them, you have to contact them and ask. tell the father its important for the future of his daughter as she could come to uk wen older and get a job and desant salary not like ther in rp. hope you get things sorted for your daughters sake..

  23. #23
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    also if you call the brit embassy in manila and ask them if certified copy of the fathers bith cert and passport (if you can get them from your daughters father) ask them if its ok you can submit the birth cert registration, if they ask why cant the father submit it, tell them he has to much work in uk and cant get time off from work at the moment, dont tell them you are seperated, and dont contact the father saying you are trying to get child support for your daughter as then he wont help, just tell him how immportant it is for your daughters future, any decent father would surely do that for his kids, even if you are seperated, he must no how tough life for kids is in rp if you dont have much money..

  24. #24
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    also if you call the brit embassy in manila and ask them if certified copy of the fathers bith cert and passport (if you can get them from your daughters father) ask them if its ok you can submit the birth cert registration, if they ask why cant the father submit it, tell them he has to much work in uk and cant get time off from work at the moment, dont tell them you are seperated, and dont contact the father saying you are trying to get child support for your daughter as then he wont help, just tell him how immportant it is for your daughters future, any decent father would surely do that for his kids, even if you are seperated, he must no how tough life for kids is in rp if you dont have much money..
    Hi Anjg

    Just to let you know that a birth certificate in the UK is a public document and it is easy to obtain certified copies by ordering online from the General Register Office website as I do it all the time when undertaking genealogy research. The cost is £9 per certificate.

    I notice that you state that you already have a copy of his passport. If you do actually need a copy of his birth certificate and have your ex partners full name, date of birth and the area where he was born, I will have a look for the reference numbers that are needed and will help you place an order. Hopefully his surname is not Smith! Just send me a personal messsage if you can with your email address and the details (I dont appear to be able to send them).

    Best wishes

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