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Thread: Tourist Visa my GF is permanent resident in Australia but is still married... HELP!

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  1. #1
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    Tourist Visa my GF is permanent resident in Australia but is still married... HELP!

    This is a somewhat complicated situation but I will try to simplify it and give as much info as possible. Well my gf is currently married and a permanent resident in Australia but her marriage is as good as over. We were gf/bf a few years back but we broke up due to my own faults and she eventually married. Well we rekindled our love at the end of last year and are determined to now make a proper go of it as we are still madly in love with one another.

    We are hoping to apply for the visa at the end of May once I have my finances in order with her coming here for a total of 6 months. She has already been to England for 1 month on a tourist visa back in 2009 and has had 2 trips to Thailand as well as a few trips back and forth to the Philippines and she has never over stayed any visa. This will be our situation come May...

    1) She will have around £2500 in savings
    2) She has already been granted a tourist visa for 1 month in the past for England
    3) I will have at least £3000 in savings
    4) I will be able to obtain a letter from my landlord stating she can stay at the house

    Now the negatives that I am unsure of

    1) Unsure when we apply if we put that she is Married or Seperated?
    2) Do we declare that we are in a relationship or do we act as if I am just only a friend?
    3) The application says what relationship is the friend to you and it states the following choices:
    a) Other
    b) Friend
    c) Proposed Civil Partner
    d) Unproposed Civil Partner

    4) Will it have more chance of acceptance if she were to apply for the visa and travel from within Australia than opposed the Philippines?
    5) She will probably only be able to show 1 or 2 months bank statements for her savings with me only being able to show 1 or 2 months also.
    6) I do not currently have an employment contract so will I need to show that I am in full time employment?

    My real concern for this application is whether or not we declare we are in a relationship together and she puts down that she is seperated or that her application will have more strength if we put that she is married and that she is just visiting me for 6 months.

    I will be giving a letter of sponsorship and declaring that I will be paying for most of her trip.

    Some guidance on this would be very much appreciated and I understand that this application is probably somewhat unusual given the fact that she already has a permanent resident visa for Australia and is currently residing there and is currently married.

    I am just wondering if they will question why she is going to stay with a 'male' friend for 6 months when she is currently married. Finally what do you think her overall chances are of aquiring a tourist visa?

  2. #2
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    very tricky situation you have there mr., all i know is that if you put that she is separated from her husband, you need evidence confirming the separation. it's very relevant to your application. ahhhh i dont even know what else to say. this has prolly stressed u a lot! it's stressing me out! hahaha

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    apply from where she is a legal resident -australia.

    this should give you an idea

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    apply from where she is a legal resident -australia.

    this should give you an idea

    If she applys from where she is a permanent resident do you think it should be easy for her to obtain given all the info I have stated?

    I have read that link that you supplied (thank you) however I am unsure as to whether or not we should declare that we are in a relationship or that we are just friends and that she will be staying with me for 6 months. We want to make sure that we get it right for when we apply so this is really quite important, which do you think would be the more acceptable from them?

    Also, I will not be able to provide 3-6 months of bank statements or payslips as money wont really hit my account until May so I think I will only be able to show 1-2 months of bank statements and probably only 1-2 months payslips. I think that between the both of us we will be able to show we have finances of around £5-6k which should be plenty to cover her stay for the entire 6 months including air fare.

    Any further guidance/advice would be greatly appreciated.

    I might like to add that the ECO officers will not have to worry about the threat of us getting married due to the fact that she is already currently married.

  5. #5
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    Just wondering if I have posted this in the correct section?

  6. #6
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    Can anyone offer any further advice regarding this situation that I have?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrako View Post
    Can anyone offer any further advice regarding this situation that I have?
    Just out of curiosity this the GF you lived with from 2006 -8 or the one from March 2010 you were raising visa questions about ?

  8. #8
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrako View Post
    She has already been to England for 1 month on a tourist visa back in 2009
    Why not use the same process in applying for a tourist visa as how she did last time??

    The rules on general visitors visa/tourist visa/ visiting friends is just plain and simple to understand

    * she intends to visit the uk no more than 6 months
    * she intends to leave the uk at the end of the visit and
    * she have enough money to support herself and live in the uk without working or need any help from public funds..
    * As a sponsor of a ''friend'' you will need to provide supporting letter.

    Don't make things complicated, unless both of you plan on different things on her visit here which will jeopardize the whole situation.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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