First, I wanna commend everyone here for the job well done. This site is great and very helpful as I've gone over with previous posts and advises given. And will appreciate any advise you can provide me for things that are bugging me now. :(
This started since I've met my English bf. We started getting to know each other online til we've met in person. Oh and btw, I'm a Filipina.. Have introduced him to all my friends, my family and relatives and all went well when he was here. Everyone was pleased except to one of my family members, my big bro. Well, I never disregarded the fact that not all will be pleased though. So in short, he's against my English bf. I could say, my big bro has been hassling me eversince I was in college. He was so strict that he didn't want me to have a bf yet but it didn't bother me as being a nun wasn't my vocation
. Well, I got preggy without marrying my ex bf and that made him almost cursed me and stressed it out that I brought shame to the family, a Black sheep would probably be the best term. I realised he was saying that to protect me and hope the best for me. I appreciate the way he cares for me although the words from him were hitting my bones but I know and accepted my mistakes. Well, so much about the past, he's now bugging me again for having a foreigner bf. It just hurts me so much now that he wants to empower me and manipulate my personal life. As if I have no longer the right to love someone and just look after my son instead. I love my bf so much, he knew about this and he's giving me full moral support and encouragement not just to give up because of this person. I have no right to get mad or angry with my bro as no matter what, we still are bro and sis but I love my bf though and I just couldn't easily give him up. This might be an easy prob for others but for me, I'm having a hard time to sort this out. Everyone's maybe aware of how Filipino culture works especially when it comes to family tie and the family type is quite conservative. Darn, it really gives me headache of what to do, how to sort it out, how to explain things to my bro and how he can befriend to my bf. It has nothing to do with my bf, it has something to do with me and my bro! I presumed that my bro thought LDR mostly doesn't work or it works but a 50-50% chance or he doesn't really want foreigners. Hmmm, I would like to think he really cares for me but isn't he becoming over protective? Funny thoughts but it's making me sick