We all knew this was going to happen, but who would’ve thought it would this year? Especially at the heels of positive reviews Internet Explorer 9 has gained after the Beta version was released just last month. Web analytics firm StatCounter, yes the one that offers free stats tools to bloggers and websites, have released [...]

We all knew this was going to happen, but who would’ve thought it would this year? Especially at the heels of positive reviews Internet Explorer 9 has gained after the Beta version was released just last month.
Web analytics firm StatCounter, yes the one that offers free stats tools to bloggers and websites, have released a report saying that Microsoft Internet Explorer’s share of the world market of web browsers have fallen below 50%.
Internet Explorer's share of the world market has dropped to 50% (Click to zoom)
According to StatCounter’s press release:
Microsoft IE fell to 49.87% in September followed by Firefox with 31.5%. Google’s Chrome continues to increase market share at an impressive rate and has more than tripled from 3.69% in September 2009 to 11.54% in September this year.
Two things were the culprits: 1) Regulatory actions in Europe which mandated Microsoft to offer a choice of browsers instead of just Internet Explorer whenever they install a copy of Windows and 2) Google Chrome’s increasing popularity, over taking Apple’s Safari in June this year.
If other experts and stats firm agree, we may have just witnessed another moment in the web browser war history. The first one was the death of Netscape in 2007.
Is Internet Explorer next? Or will the IE 9′s stable release save it and win back converts to the other browsers? Well don’t look at me, I’m a loyal Chrome user since it came out. How about you?

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