Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
...or just someone else's code.... everything already been done code wise .... it's how you put it together tha gives a different user experience.

A little off topic, but I was helping with work on an NHS computer system for Admin in the mid-80's (CPM & machine code ) ..... if you've ever wondered why government IT goes sooooo far over budget it's because the programmers finish the system in the allotted time ..... then one manager says, can you add this, another says, change the look of that, another says, don't like that take it off, even though a week before you'd added it for another manager.... and round and round you go with no one in the NHS actaully in charge to say STOP.... ENOUGH.
Yeah it's mostly Lego these days that's why one spends such a huge amount of time researching on the web, a lot of the bricks don't fit properly

You are so right regards government IT, I was one of the lead developers on a system to manage the Scottish budget back in the early 90's, I worked for a small Glasgow Consultancy and we wrote a great system for the Scottish Office and I supported it right up till 2001 I think.

However we specialised in government IT and we had our fair share of nightmares, it was always due to lack of control of the specs, I was involved in a debt system for Barnsley council (early 90's again) where we had change requests coming in to change the change request from two weeks previous, some of the girls working on the council side ended up so stressed they left their jobs or went on long term sick, I left eventually and started my own business after I told my boss he was doomed He wasn't he sold the company and the products as vapourware within 2 years and made a lot of money

The problem is they don't have strong management in the government sector that understands the detail of IT projects and the impact of incorrect specs or radically changing the spec mid project.