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Thread: Grrr!!

  1. #1
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Angry Grrr!!

    Why is it so hard to find a proper GIS job in the UK? I can't believe EVERYONE wants years of experience! How are people supposed to get the experience if they can't get jobs in the first place?! It's so bad I'm actually considering working as an au pair in France just to be closer to my bf in the UK! What's the point of going to grad school and learning from a scientist who worked with NASA, the UN and the Pentagon if the only job I can get straight out of grad school is as a nanny? If I had known all that, I could have saved myself eight years at uni (including grad school)!!!

    And just in case someone wants to suggest it, a fiancee visa is out of the question. I don't want to be dependent on anyone. It's not like he'd agree to a fiancee visa for me either. We understood each other when we met and we still understand each other. (though I'll be damned if I'm gonna lie and say I haven't gotten frustrated enough to think of a fiancee visa at one point or another)

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
    And just in case someone wants to suggest it, a fiancee visa is out of the question. I don't want to be dependent on anyone. It's not like he'd agree to a fiancee visa for me either. We understood each other when we met and we still understand each other. (though I'll be damned if I'm gonna lie and say I haven't gotten frustrated enough to think of a fiancee visa at one point or another)
    hey! hey! hey! OMG...i found someone on the same boat! from the visa, agreement with the partner up to finding a job in UK.

    ...although lately, he's already thinking about the fiancee visa and asking for my ex to hurry his promised share he'll be taking care of his finances, job, savings, place.

    me, on the other hand, will save some, get rid of things i don't need, be ready to go in a year or two.

    Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
    Why is it so hard to find a proper GIS job in the UK? I can't believe EVERYONE wants years of experience! How are people supposed to get the experience if they can't get jobs in the first place?! It's so bad I'm actually considering working as an au pair in France just to be closer to my bf in the UK! What's the point of going to grad school and learning from a scientist who worked with NASA, the UN and the Pentagon if the only job I can get straight out of grad school is as a nanny? If I had known all that, I could have saved myself eight years at uni (including grad school)!!!
    ...but i wouldn't mind being a nanny or au pair, i love kids. after reading threads here in the forum, i learned about university stuff and no matter how good you were in school and no matter how many courses you took, it is still hard to be accredited in UK.

    ...just as long as i can be with my baby
    Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.

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  3. #3
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    Whats GIS? Sorry to hear about your predicament.

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    GIS a job
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    I guess its hard to find job anywhere in the UK now
    One needs to undergo training or be able to go back to college for the Uk standards

    ..that means, I need to go back to school and wear a school uniform,..that pleases my hubby but, to think that more and more money for school fees, transport, etc .?? watta waste of time and really p****** me off!!!!
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    GIS a job
    First sentence they teach scouser kids in skool

  7. #7
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    ..that means, I need to go back to school and wear a school uniform,..that pleases my hubby
    Does your husband have a thing for girls in school uniforms?

    Quote Originally Posted by ghee101 View Post
    ...but i wouldn't mind being a nanny or au pair, i love kids.
    Neither would I. I love kids and have always loved taking care of them. I've been babysitting cousins since I was 11 and I've babysat for other families too. I've always liked living with my relatives coz I got to be with my cousins. Of course, some of the parents resented how I could get their kids to listen to me and behave when they couldn't get those same kids to do anything without a screaming match. LOL!

    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Whats GIS? Sorry to hear about your predicament.
    Thanks, Ricky! I think a lot of us feel like we're getting screwed these days.

    Simply put, a Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system (for lack of a better word) that uses information linked to locations to answer questions. I'm pretty sure that didn't really explain the whole thing (I've explained it to my mom six times and it all went over her head each time).

    For example, I'm a Mayor and I want to know the best place to put a new city dump. I ask a GIS Analyst to find the best spot. He goes in and looks at map data on population demographics, housing, water sources, the elevation and slope of the whole city and its outskirts, any protected wildlife habitats, and roads. He tells me that based on the maps and figures, site A is better than site B because it's far from people and houses (fewer people to get pissed off with the dump smell and noise), far from water sources (we don't want to contaminate those), has good elevation and slope (won't get flooded when it rains and the trash won't slide downhill), is not going to affect local flora and fauna much, and is close enough to a road that it wouldn't be too expensive to have garbage trucks drive the distance from the city proper.

    GIS is used in all sorts of fields, like military operations, rescue operations (where's the oil spill headed? where are the resources most needed? what's the best way to get there?), logistics operations (what's the fastest route for my delivery trucks based on speed limits, stop lights, and location of destinations?), medical operations (believe it or not, they use this stuff to map out cancer in a human body), natural resource management, etc.

    But that doesn't matter to me at all if I can't find a damn job that doesn't require 2/5/5+ years of experience!

    Sigh... :( Anyone need a nanny who can tutor in calculus/physics/chemistry/anatomy and physiology/biology/computer science? I hate recessions, don't you?

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
    Sigh... :( Anyone need a nanny who can tutor in calculus/physics/chemistry/anatomy and physiology/biology and computer science? I hate recessions, don't you?
    Me stepson has a job now so I need a nanny

    As for the rest of your skills, you would get on well with my misses

  9. #9
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
    Does your husband have a thing for girls in school uniforms?
    Not girls... just me in school uniform and some pigtails too he goes grrrr!!!
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  10. #10
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    The joys of a free market economy, its supply and demand you can get as many degrees in whatever you like but if theres no demand and they dont transfer into something that is requiered what use are they

    Its no diferent in the Phils colledge grads are lucky to get 6 month contracts in a department store generaly
    Absit invidia

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  11. #11
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    emma in a school uniform ummmmmmmmmmmm thats a nice thought and pigtails toooooooooooooooooooooooo, a up emma is reading this and thinks we are having pigtrotters for dinner now

  12. #12
    Respected Member tomboo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    emma in a school uniform ummmmmmmmmmmm thats a nice thought and pigtails toooooooooooooooooooooooo, a up emma is reading this and thinks we are having pigtrotters for dinner now

    ahhh steve you just ruined your wedding night suprise, dont worry emma, i will post the air stewardess unifrom to you instead.

  13. #13
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    Be careful where Emma might put the pigs trotters!!

  14. #14
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    i know what to give steve and emma now for their wedding........

  15. #15
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    Please don't take this the wrong way.
    But I would have thought from the information you have given you may well be eligible
    (under current immigration rules) to apply for entry to UK under Tier 1 visa?
    If you can meet the requirements you do not need a job offer.
    Why not check it out (if you did not already)

  16. #16
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Please don't take this the wrong way.
    But I would have thought from the information you have given you may well be eligible
    (under current immigration rules) to apply for entry to UK under Tier 1 visa?
    If you can meet the requirements you do not need a job offer.
    Why not check it out (if you did not already)
    You know, it hadn't even occured to me to check if I qualified as a highly skilled worker. After reading your post, I did check. LOL. I don't have enough points. Even if I had a PhD, I still wouldn't have enough points, mainly because I can't get any points based on my previous earnings (I last worked in the Philippines and most salaries over there are merely chump change in the UK). From what I read, if I had a PhD, I should have earned at least £30,000 in the last 12 months before I went back to school. Since all I can offer is a Master's degree, I need to have earned at least £40,000.

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    me stepson has a job now so i need a nanny

    as for the rest of your skills you would get on well with my misses
    LOL! Are you sure it's a nanny you need?

    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    The joys of a free market economy, its supply and demand you can get as many degrees in whatever you like but if theres no demand and they dont transfer into something that is requiered what use are they

    Its no diferent in the Phils colledge grads are lucky to get 6 month contracts in a department store generaly
    The thing is, there are a lot of available jobs here in the US, it's just that I'm trying to get into the UK.

    Groan... :( I wish I weren't so "gifted" (i hate that word). Even as a kid, all I wanted to be was either a soldier or a truck driver or a nanny. But everyone says it would be a shame to waste skills and talents (blah blah blah). Seriously, maybe I should stop letting people guilt me into aiming higher than what I want.

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post

    LOL! Are you sure it's a nanny you need?

    are you any good at DIY ? need some work doing around the house

    we really need a slave

  18. #18
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    are you any good at DIY ? need some work doing around the house

    we really need a slave

    Eh, I don't wanna be a slave. :P Some of my favourite classes in high school were drafting, woodworking and electronics though.

  19. #19
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you sound like the ideal woman

    have you looked if there are any courses you could do and get a student visa? you could work upto 20hrs a week,

  20. #20
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i can cook and diy and i am cheap too,

  21. #21
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    i can cook and diy and i am cheap too,
    yes but you dont do roofs

    anyway, being so tall, i'm of heights, my misses being a brave filipina is fearless , that she climbs up the 25ft ladders to clear the gutters

    what a woman, who needs ya steve

  22. #22
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    you're afraid of heights joe? I think lots of Filipinas are fearless..I even want to try sky diving! though flying cockroaches terrify me!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Whats GIS? Sorry to hear about your predicament.
    I had the same question too!

  24. #24
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
    Simply put, a Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system (for lack of a better word) that uses information linked to locations to answer questions. I'm pretty sure that didn't really explain the whole thing (I've explained it to my mom six times and it all went over her head each time).

    For example, I'm a mayor and I want to know the best place to put a new city dump. I ask a GIS Analyst to find the best spot. He goes in and looks at map data on population demographics, housing, water sources, the elevation and slope of the whole city and its outskirts, any protected wildlife habitats, and roads. He tells me that based on the maps and figures, site A is better than site B because it's far from people and houses (fewer people to get pissed off with the dump smell and noise), far from water sources (we don't want to contaminate those), has good elevation and slope (won't get flooded when it rains and the trash won't slide downhill), is not going to affect local flora and fauna much, and is close enough to a road that it wouldn't be too expensive to have garbage trucks drive the distance from the city proper.

    GIS is used in all sorts of fields, like military operations, rescue operations (where's the oil spill headed? where are the resources most needed? what's the best way to get there?), logistics operations (what's the fastest route for my delivery trucks based on speed limits, stop lights, and location of destinations?), medical operations (believe it or not, they use this stuff to map out cancer in a human body), natural resource management, etc.
    I know that some (probably all) of the utility companies in the UK use GIS ........ have you tried a specialist UK recruitment agency or utility company websites?

  25. #25
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    you're afraid of heights joe? I think lots of Filipinas are fearless..I even want to try sky diving! though flying cockroaches terrify me!
    more like dont like using ladders , maybe i dont trust the misses to hold it

    bugs dont scare me at all

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    first sentence they teach scouser kids in skool
    They have schools for scousers?! I never knew!

  27. #27
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Hi Not an Expert on the GIS Job market byu any strecth but the UK really is all about experience and most specialist Jobs have there own Recruitment agencies or methods of advertising. I guess its because of how old the UK is that so many traditions and ways of doing things have become accepted..
    Dont just look for the actual Job you do look into similar positions.

    Im sure you googled i see there are quite a few GIS job sites about but of the one i looked at they were not interested in those who don't already have the right to work in the UK :(
    But keep looking and contact the agencies, the adverts as we know for all jobs have more requirments than neccesary and of course want to discourage to many applicants from abroad for practical reasons (cost mainly). Often if someone is very good and they cant find someone of the calibre they will come round at least in my industry
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  28. #28
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Plenty of places in science the UK is short of them, buy New Scientist and look at the jobs, and also on their site and similar science ones.
    Keith - Administrator

  29. #29
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you sound like the ideal woman

    have you looked if there are any courses you could do and get a student visa? you could work upto 20hrs a week,
    LOL, thanks. To be honest, I've checked but I can't say that I want to stay in school for much longer. It may be just because of my thesis, but I've had it up to here with school. Don't get me wrong, I love classes and homework and tests and challenges, but I don't like writing anymore. I might revisit that option though, if I get desperate enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes but you dont do roofs

    anyway, being so tall, i'm of heights, my misses being a brave filipina is fearless , that she climbs up the 25ft ladders to clear the gutters

    what a woman, who needs ya steve
    Hey, you won't need anyone else with her around. Haha! And who said I didn't do roofs?

    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    you're afraid of heights joe? I think lots of Filipinas are fearless..I even want to try sky diving! though flying cockroaches terrify me!
    Haha! My boyfriend refused to go parasailing with me because I had just had knee surgery and I had a leg brace on. Well, that was his excuse so I'd try something else, but I doubt he'd have gone without me either. I'm not afraid of cockroaches, but I hate snails and slugs and leeches! *shudder*

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
    I know that some (probably all) of the utility companies in the UK use GIS ........ have you tried a specialist UK recruitment agency or utility company websites?
    Hmm. Maybe I'm approaching the wrong way. I've only been to job search websites and I don't know any recruiting agencies in the UK. I'll have to check that out.

    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Hi Not an Expert on the GIS Job market byu any strecth but the UK really is all about experience and most specialist Jobs have there own Recruitment agencies or methods of advertising. I guess its because of how old the UK is that so many traditions and ways of doing things have become accepted..
    Dont just look for the actual Job you do look into similar positions.

    Im sure you googled i see there are quite a few GIS job sites about but of the one i looked at they were not interested in those who don't already have the right to work in the UK :(
    But keep looking and contact the agencies, the adverts as we know for all jobs have more requirments than neccesary and of course want to discourage to many applicants from abroad for practical reasons (cost mainly). Often if someone is very good and they cant find someone of the calibre they will come round at least in my industry
    I don't know what the UK's stand is on non-citizens working for the government or government-related companies, but here in the US, I can't qualify for a lot of the companies/agencies that I want to work for because they deal with government stuff. Not all of it's high security, mind. Some are just for city planning or water works.

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Plenty of places in science the UK is short of them, buy New Scientist and look at the jobs, and also on their site and similar science ones.
    Thanks for the suggestion! That sounds promising.

  30. #30
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    I think you are wiser to open your aim as Win2win suggests, depends on the Position regarding if non UK residents can work in Government or government related jobs many fo the those not looking for people without a Visa are more to do they don't need the hassle of supporting a claim and possibly finding after all the hard work you are denied rather than security. IN the US they a security clearance mad from what I hear and its happening more here now. I have a ridiculous amount of different security cleared passes and checks I have been with and the number seems to be growing each year
    But worth trying to contact the agencies dealing with GIS related jobs in the link in my last thread and seeing what the demand is like. The UK needs Highly skilled and specialised staff and often needs recruit from abroad even if it is tougher.

    I have seen some adverts which say experienced but the way its worded to me its more it would be nice for you to be experienced but just part of what they are looking for...
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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