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  1. #31
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    The security clearance is the reason that I can't get a job in a lot of places I like in the US. GIS has a lot of uses in the military (think satellite images that can see things as small as a couple of inches plus a person highly trained to analyse where something is happening and what is most likely about to be done next) and I wish I could work for the Philippines, but the Philippines just can't afford the cost of my services plus the cost of the tools I will be using. We can't even afford proper police training over there, for heaven's sake!

    My boyfriend flatly refused last year to let me apply for a technical support or customer service job. Maybe now that it's been a year, he'll be more open to the idea.

    I guess I should still apply for jobs described as needing experienced applicants. I'm quite frustrated and I'm sure I'm setting myself up for a lot of rejection. I'll do it anyway.

    I'm submitting my application for OPT here in the US. That means I have a year to get a job here. If I can't find a reasonable company in the UK (that's willing to hire someone from abroad), I hope my boyfriend can accept the possibility that we won't be together for another two or three years.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Please don't take this the wrong way.
    But I would have thought from the information you have given you may well be eligible
    (under current immigration rules) to apply for entry to UK under Tier 1 visa?
    If you can meet the requirements you do not need a job offer.
    Why not check it out (if you did not already)
    It looks like this Tier 1 Immigration Status has been abused by people in Lahore printing out Astro Physicist Phd's. This loophole should be closed immediately.

    One third of 'brain surgeon' immigrants in unskilled jobs

    Labour laws designed to bring highly-qualified foreign workers such as brain surgeons into the UK were used by immigrants to get jobs as shop assistants and security guards, the Coalition claimed last night.

    Immigration Minister Damian Green unveiled research showing that nearly one in three immigrants in the Labour Government's 'tier one' category for top-level app*licants last year ended up doing ordinary unskilled jobs.

    Tier one immigrants are categ*orised as doctors, scientists and entrepreneurs so skilled they could enter the UK without a job offer, said Mr Green

    'These are meant to be absolutely the brightest and the best,' he said in a BBC interview.

    But the anomalies had been revealed after a sample was analysed. 'We have discovered that of the visas we issued last year 29 per cent are doing unskilled jobs,' he said. '

    They're shop assistants, security guards, supermarket cashiers – all absolutely essential jobs we need for our economy.

    'But at a time when we have a couple of million unemployed people in this country and we have 300,000 unemployed graduates, it seems to me pretty perverse if we say we've got to keep bringing in unlimited people because we think they are very highly skilled.'

    Read more:

  3. #33
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    dedworth maybe they've found a few people doing 'unskilled' work becuase they can't find any other work at the mo , but to get a tier 1 visa, you have to be young, and i think you still need a masters degree and have had a good paid job back in your own country or you will not get the points needed to get the visa.

    also if they are doing 'unskilled' work, they probably will not get an extension on the visa because you have to have earned £25k a year.

    as for labours tier 1 , what have the tories done b4 labour or in the last 6 months

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    dedworth maybe they've found a few people doing 'unskilled' work becuase they can't find any other work at the mo , but to get a tier 1 visa, you have to be young, and i think you still need a masters degree and have had a good paid job back in your own country or you will not get the points needed to get the visa.

    also if they are doing 'unskilled' work, they probably will not get an extension on the visa because you have to have earned £25k a year.

    as for labours tier 1 , what have the tories done b4 labour or in the last 6 months
    Not just a few people Joe - they sampled 7 percent of the Tier 1 visas given in 2009, of those one third were doing jobs any unemployed Brit could do. With the level of unemployment in this country what is the point of allowing people in for jobs that don't exist ?

    By the way you sound like IainBusby with "what have the tories done b4 labour" that was 13 years ago long before Labour gave up control of our borders and decided we all wanted to live in a socialist voting multicultural cesspit

  5. #35
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well what did the tories do ?
    i can tell you what they did since CON-DEM came to power, put a limit on the number of tier 1 apps, great idea
    published 21 oct 2010
    we will not issue any more visas for successful Tier 1 (General) applications made overseas until the limit allocation reopens on Monday 1 November 2010.

    for 10 days

    I'm for British jobs for British workers ( and spouses of course )
    next in line should be the Europeans and then the non Europeans

  6. #36
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    .....Labour gave up control of our borders and decided we all wanted to live in a socialist voting multicultural cesspit
    Actually, the UK didn't have any border control until Labour got in
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Actually, the UK didn't have any border control until Labour got in
    Mandatory embarkation checks (checking those leaving the country) were partially removed by the Conservatives in 1994 and scrapped altogether when Labour came to power.

    Once Labour got in they rapidly allowed the UK to become a haven for economic migrants, bogus asylum seekers, criminals, extremists, general scum of the earth etc due to their total lack of control and their immigration policy being aimed at creating millions of future labour voters.

    Other than spouses and key workers the current administration should put a total ban on all immigration until the mess is sorted out.

  8. #38
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    99% of the immigrants in the last 13 years were allowed in under the EU agreement signed by the Tories.

    Prior to the Border Agency we had no one checking who came in or out at our borders, at least we've now made a start doing that, but it'll be another 10 years before we get as good at it as the Yanks.... although that depends on the new computer system which will probably be finished in 3048 at a cost of £46Zillion over budget
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    99% of the immigrants in the last 13 years were allowed in under the EU agreement signed by the Tories.
    So the remaining 1% are made up of non EU workers, spouses, fiancees, dependants, bogus students, Iraqis, Afghans, Moldovans, Kosovans, Zimbabweans, Albanians, Vietnamese, Iranians, Algerians etc etc ? Not counting the untold who evade UKBA Controls and jump out of the lorry when it reaches Watford Gap Services.

  10. #40
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    I'm for British jobs for British workers ( and spouses of course )
    next in line should be the Europeans and then the non Europeans
    Haha! Joe, in your world, I'd never be able to be with my British boyfriend. I'm neither his wife nor a European. The only way I can get in the UK is by getting a visa myself. So far, the job prospects are nil (Well, not really. I found a spatial Analyst opening at KFC, but all the other openings I've found were for PhD assistantships), the Tier 1 visa possibility is crap (I can't believe folks with MBAs automatically qualify no matter now much or how little they earned in the last year), and I'm definitely not even considering getting a tourist visa only to run away and disappear in the UK.

  11. #41
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well I don't think my misses would qualify for tier 1 ( because of her ) and she's spent more than 10yrs at uni maybe that's why she is too

    yes things are not good at the mo for non Europeans, not sure if you need a masters degree for tier 1, you didn't and then you did, I'm not sure you do or don't now
    and with a quota now on the number of tier 1 apps

    why hasn't your b/f ask you to wed tell him if he takes tooo long someone else might .... ... SHREK

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    why hasn't your b/f ask you to wed tell him if he takes tooo long someone else might .... ... SHREK
    What's Fat Boy Rooney got to do with this thread Joe ? He's legged it Dubai on full pay

  13. #43
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well he's hasn't gone to Dubai for then not unless he wasn't a off the cops

    fergie should have spent the money on tevez and to come back

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well he's hasn't gone to Dubai for then not unless he wasn't a off the cops

    fergie should have spent the money on tevez and to come back
    I'd love it if either or both of them were pulled out there with some illegal substances or an act of public indecency etc. Being intellectually challenged he's probably getting some old Arab with an abacus in the souk to count up the obscene wedge Mug United have thrown at him

  15. #45
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well I don't think my misses would qualify for tier 1 ( because of her ) and she's spent more than 10yrs at uni maybe that's why she is too
    Well, if she spent 10 years at uni in the Philippines, she might be young enough to get the full number of points available for that criterion. The cutoff age is 29y/o to get 20 points.

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes things are not good at the mo for non Europeans, not sure if you need a masters degree for tier 1, you didn't and then you did, I'm not sure you do or don't now
    and with a quota now on the number of tier 1 apps
    I noticed you don't actually need a master's degree, and in fact, if a person had a master's degree and the highest number of points for age and other qualifications (except the one where the person is asked if they have worked in the UK before), that person would still need to have earned at least £40,000 in the last year to qualify to apply for a Tier 1 visa. For a PhD with everything else the same, that figure goes down to £30,000. LOL. I don't know too many people in the Philippines who earn that much straight out of grad school. If they did earn that much, they'd have been working for some times already and therefore would need to earn more because of the fewer points in their age bracket.

    An MBA seems to be the only way to get a Tier 1 visa now. Is the UK that desperate for folks with MBAs?

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    why hasn't your b/f ask you to wed tell him if he takes tooo long someone else might .... ... SHREK
    Haha! He doesn't want to ask before I've met his parents. I know they like me enough. We've talked on the phone, they've sent me birthday and Christmas presents, and my family and I have sent presents for them too. But I agree with my bf on not getting married before everyone's met everyone else. (yes, it's idealistic :P)

    LOL! He's not too worried about anyone else coming along. Several guys have tried since we started dating, and as much as the temptation was at times, he's the only one who actually makes me happy.

  16. #46
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    my misses is slightly over 29 , she has a son who is 21 and is a grandma, thou shes not hit the big 40 yet

    you did need a masters degree, but they dropped the requirement last dec

    are you marrying his parents

    he's the only one who actually makes me happy.

  17. #47
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    LOL, I had to do a double take. I thought you'd said your missus was 29 and she had a 21-year-old son.

    I didn't know about the master's degree requirement. Didn't actually even consider a tier 1 visa an option until Terpe suggested it two weeks ago.

    Oh, and I'm not marrying his parents, but they like me enough now and I'm not about to do anything they won't like. My parents approve of the agreement too. Matt's decided he's going to ask them for my hand in marriage before he proposes to me. LOL! He's impressed my conservative family a lot and I didn't even have to do or say anything to him.

    I think the only one who may be torn between being impressed and being disappointed is my mom. She's been hinting for years that she wants grandkids. NOW. I think she's insane! Even my best friend's trying to guilt me into having babies before I'm ready! She's got two kids and likes to mention that we had agreed years ago to have our kids grow up together so she's a little disappointed.

  18. #48
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    when is the right time to have kids , my misses kids are 21,10 and little joe will be 4yrs old 1wk on Friday

    you dont need a master now, thou last year you did

    i didn't ask my misses parents for approval, i asked my misses first , thou her dad did tell me about his gun collection

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i didn't ask my misses parents for approval, i asked my misses first , thou her dad did tell me about his gun collection
    That reminds me.
    I DID ask my wife's mother for approval. She told me to ask her father (deceased).
    So i went to the cemetery and ask her father.
    When I retold the story to MIL I told her I that I said to her father I want to marry your daughter, If you have any objection please tell me now.
    There was no objection!!
    My MIL chased me with a bolo.
    This is really really a true story.

  20. #50
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i didn't ask my misses parents for approval, i asked my misses first , thou her dad did tell me about his gun collection
    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    My MIL chased me with a bolo.
    This is really really a true story.
    Haha! My dad married my mom despite her dad pointing a gun at him telling him he wasn't welcome in the family. Hopefully, my family will be less inclined to scare the crap out of my boyfriend.

  21. #51
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    Another 2 articles suggesting that Tier 1 Visas are being used as a ruse to enter low skills job market

    Indian, Pakistani and Nigerian migrants account for around three quarters of those granted Tier 1 visas – with Indians making up more than one third and Pakistani nationals more than one in ten.

    - what a surprise .............................

  22. #52
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    I'm sure there must be some fair way to tighten this up.
    Both for those on initial visa, and those after 1 year who still did not achieve a 'highly skilled job'
    Otherwise better to close this apparent loophole

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I'm sure there must be some fair way to tighten this up.
    Both for those on initial visa, and those after 1 year who still did not achieve a 'highly skilled job'
    Otherwise better to close this apparent loophole
    Like I said in post 37 until the whole mess is sorted out and 1000's of illegals deported all immigration (except for spouses and genuine key workers) should be stopped. The situation has been out of control for years and there needs to be an almost full hold put on it not just tweaking around the edges

  24. #54
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Sigh. I'm sorry to say, I've met quite a few people from India/Pakistan/Nepal/Bangladesh with more degrees than anyone needs, and I still don't know what good they'll be to anyone when they have no experience working and just a lot of experience writing dissertations. They're nice people, but...

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