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Thread: Tagalog Languages Online

  1. #1
    Member Ayumbar's Avatar
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    Tagalog Languages Online

    Hi all!

    Me and my friend are now talking daily. I have even found a PC microphone to talk to her on using YM. She is fluent in English, but I am looking to begin learning some Tagalog.

    Does anyone know of any good Tagalog resources online that can help?

    I am going to try youtube over the course of the next couple of days and then look beyond that. Just really wondered if people have found any good language resources online.

    Thanks for any tips you can provide ;o)


  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    There are translation pages out there, but I have never found much that was really anything you could learn effectivley with. I do know that Rosetta Stone do a 3 level course, but to buy it is very expensive, unless you know where to download a ripped copy
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
    Member Ayumbar's Avatar
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    hehe back in the day (well only a few years back), I'd have done so, but not now

    Thanks, I'll be honest I do not hold out hope. Found Youtube not too bad for learning some basic Romanian and Portuguese, but livemocha is best for those now. Shame it does not do free Tagalog language courses.

  4. #4
    Respected Member burdock's Avatar
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    There are some free podcasts out there for the basic stuff

  5. #5
    Member Languish's Avatar
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    Get her to teach you I've found this is a great way to learn - start with the easy, common and obvious words and simple phrases. I am by no means fluent but we often insert Tagalog words here and there during our conversations.

    I have learnt during these conversations that the resources online are often incorrect in one form or another. I'd consider using them more for vocabulary than grammar. Grammar, from what i have seen, is fairly simple but really requires a native hand to show you the ropes.

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Learn the 'dirty' stuff first.... then work your way down to converstation level
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Member antony73's Avatar
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    Pimsleur do an excellant 30 lesson set. each lesson is half hour, so, 15 hours!!! Absolutely great for a beginer. After Pimsleur, Lingvosoft have some real good sofware, flash cards, phrase books etc. And lastly, try Learn Filipino Book 1&2. Bit too heavy on grammer for me, but with these three, you should easily reach upper-intermediate level. To go any higher than this, DVDs and good old fashioned one on one conversation

  8. #8
    Member antony73's Avatar
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    ...I've found the book 'Making Out in Tagalog' to be pretty usefull. Has all the dialogue you need from chatting up your girl all the way through to breaking up with her. Great Stuff

  9. #9
    Member Languish's Avatar
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    There are also some handy iPhone/iPod applications too - the most useful i have found to be is "Tagalog" by e4c solutions. The words on this app seem VERY up-to-date and i can quickly locate any word my girlfriend mentions when we are skyping or messaging. You can flip for english or tagalog when searching for a word. There are some other apps but this is by far and away the one i most use.

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