Consumer Focus, the body set up by the last Government to represent consumers and challenge companies, will be scrapped, the BBC has learned.
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Consumer Focus, the body set up by the last Government to represent consumers and challenge companies, will be scrapped, the BBC has learned.
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How many consumer bodies do we need to help stupid people who ignore advice which is now freely available to all ?
I would like to see ALL quangos disbanded, and their 'interests' taken over by accountable govt. departments or charities.
Give power back to the VOTERS.
I would also like to see the BBC being knocked down a peg or two, and to put out news rather than THEIR views.
Never heard of them, therefore have never learned of anything they may or may not have achieved. Sounds like another new Labour haven for cronies and trough feeders intent on much self congratulation and gorging on public funds.
If The Taxpayers Alliance (which I donate to) have called for their disbandment then thats good enough for meMr Cameron Shut 'em down pdq !
PS Graham - I fully agree with your thoughts oin the BBC
I think a large percentage of SW1 office sites were filled with qunagos, trust and charties which when I have asked people working at them what they do their employer does many seem to find it very hard to explain with out looking a bit sheepish
Still many suppliers will miss them with their generally optimistic procurement departments who made a lot of people very rich
Yes they employed a lot of people and made quite a few feel very important but don't go looking for cost effectiveness ideas at many of them.
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
... wonder if the cuts will also encompass the BBC's consumer programme 'Watchdog'?
... no wonder you're furious, Joe! Once ... when I was about 12 yrs old ... I saw a cocker spaniel being struck by a car in the Main Street of the small village where I went to school at the time. The animal wasn't killed outright; instead it lay on the ground shuddering violently - and I found myself haunted by this spectacle for ages afterwards. And, in fact, the memory never really left me.
But, as far as I can recollect,
at least the vehicle's driver had the common decency to stop - and, along with passers-by, presumably tried to offer whatever assistance he could - on that occasion!
Watchdog is one of the few good programmes they DO put out, and also a good reason for consumers not needing any more nannying at the expense of the taxpayer.
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