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  1. #1
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    OK, so most regulars on here have been involved in a visa application process a few times in their life.
    I unfortunately have to do this on an almost daily basis, and today am absolutely driven mad by this. The reason being as that rather then using an agent, we do all our asian crew management onboard and it falls on me... Now earlier this year I had to organise and take 35 crew for US visas in Paris, which was stressful, with flights, trains, hotels, paperwork, what seemed like a million garauntee letters, spending 6 hours on the phone booking the bloody appointments and then a big of an argument with the Embassy Visa Supervisor. In the end we got our visas, but since the whole process cost 20,000 pounds+ before we even reached the door, I was praying quite a bit that didn't go wrong. In fact a few people got the wrong visas issued, and the only way to get in touch with the US Embassy was to a call a 14 euro phone line to get a fax number to then send a fax to the embassy (WHO ON EARTH USES FAX IN THIS MODERN DAY???), and they replied 2 weeks later to tell us to send the passport and another prepaid self addressed envelope to fix the problem. So well, just a ridiculous situation.
    Now generally, we are in Europe and we need to get our crew 'Schengen' entry visas, which officially they should get from the Embassy of the first European country they will enter. However, in actual fact we have an Agent in Amsterdam, who can process the visas on arrival at Schiphol Airport whilst the crew are in transit and then they fly onwards to the vessel. It costs money, but it saves us a lot of hassle. Now the Schengen system is supposed to cover the whole of Europe and all Schengen countries, and with one visa you can visit all countries without borders! Great you all say, thinking what a wonderful idea!
    Now despite this supposedly being one system, we are now in Spain where they do things differently, and we cannot use our guy in Amsterdam and we have to use the Spanish Embassy in Jakarta/Manila etc. I now have 5 guys, who remain at home on extended leave waiting for visas, the embassy has had letters sent from the Police in Barcelona and the Spanish Foreign Office in Madrid supporting getting our guys visas, yet still the embassy is not responding (apparently its fax machine is broken), and they won't give our guys a reason for why the visas aren't yet being issued...
    So now, we goto the UK where they have the most twisted immigration policy. If you want to enter the UK from Indonesian or the Philippines you need a visa, even as a visitor or in transit. However, if you hold an official 'Seamans Identity Book', you can enter without a visa and join a ship, very very easily. Hence why I'm now trying to get my guys into Gibraltar and get them onboard there now!
    Welcome to Ricky's visa nightmare!

  2. #2
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Good grief!!! That IS a nightmare! I'm surprised you haven't hit anyone. I hope they run out of red tape soon.

  3. #3
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Ricky, I really like your patience with all these visa process. It is really annoying for some Embassy who can not think sensibly about visas. As if they are paranoid that every asian people, specially from Philippines want to stay for long in their green/cold country. A visit is a visit. They better meet the applicants and interview them so they can assess the visa applicants properly, rather than just look at the documents for God knows it can be fake.
    Life as we make it

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    ricky could you get emma a shenzen visa quick say around december for hopefully spain

  5. #5
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    I too really admire your patience, and the way you think around challenges.
    Good job

    My days of handling such work related stress are now gone. Thank goodness.
    Keep up the good work.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Wow Ricky, what a nightmare ......... good job they have some one as capable as you to sort out such a challenging issue! Good luck, I hope that you get it sorted soon

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Welcome to Ricky's visa nightmare!
    I did the same thing for years Ricky (moving ship's crews).
    Big money jobs but big headaches too

    Now I get home every night to see my wife and baby daughter, less money and few headaches

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