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Thread: what shall i do?

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) hillenterprises's Avatar
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    what shall i do?

    hey guys, im new to this forum?
    i need help...

    bassically, me and my husband work for our ltd. company - so we are both employed but the thing is we are only drawing a little amount of money as a wage. we share 900 between the two of us, the rest we put it back to the bussiness....

    he's the director and im the secretary, our accountant do the payslips and pay it to us every month. would the amount of wage we are drawing would affect my application to extend my spouse visa.(pleae note we own the bussiness)

    would it be better to say in our application that husband is self employed as he holds 100% percent of the share in the company?

    or should i be better to put him down as employee with the wage his drawing from the bussiness?

    i dont know what to do, my mind is mess up with this.

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillenterprises View Post
    hey guys, im new to this forum?
    i need help...

    bassically, me and my husband work for our ltd. company - so we are both employed but the thing is we are only drawing a little amount of money as a wage. we share 900 between the two of us, the rest we put it back to the bussiness....

    he's the director and im the secretary, our accountant do the payslips and pay it to us every month. would the amount of wage we are drawing would affect my application to extend my spouse visa.(pleae note we own the bussiness)

    would it be better to say in our application that husband is self employed as he holds 100% percent of the share in the company?

    or should i be better to put him down as employee with the wage his drawing from the bussiness?

    i dont know what to do, my mind is mess up with this.
    here. I [think] your question(s) may have already been answered by my colleague, Joe Bloggs - elsewhere on this site - in that, it is my understanding you will require to complete Application Form FLR(M) ... supplemented by a covering letter explaining about your business interests. Good Luck!

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access) hillenterprises's Avatar
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    okay i will check it in there cheers.

  4. #4
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    I am in the same situation of owning my own ltd company.

    When we applied for our spouse visa, I explained the details of how I am paid in the support letter we provided in the application. I also supplied a letter from my accountant detailing my company's financial position.

  5. #5
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    I apologise If I end up clouding the issue, just trying to clarify.

    A limited company is a separate legal entity.
    You can be a director (office holder) which is in principle an employee.
    (although being a director does may not automatically make you an employee in terms of employment law)

    Being self-employed means that you (the person) are the business and legal entity.
    You are the owner.You cannot also be employee.

    What I'm trying to say is that you are both employee's of the limited company (Also shareholders) and not self employed.

    Your accountant will be able to help you with details needed for the forms.

  6. #6
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    I cant see where the problem is here ,if you are both living ok and dont need top ups that have been outside the rules then I dont see why this should be a problem

    Unless there is missing info just apply in the normal way
    Absit invidia

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  7. #7
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    I have a Limited Company also.

    I submitted my personal and company bank statements.
    It probably wasn't necessary to show the company accounts but it can't hurt to do so.
    The personal bank statements will show the dividends you take out of the business for yourself.

    I didn't ask for anything from the accountant to support my wife's spousal visa application.

    My wife had no problem getting her spousal visa

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