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Thread: visa and return flight

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) neiljohn's Avatar
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    Smile visa and return flight

    hi there my names neil im looking to book up in nov to head to the phillies to see my gf the thing thats confusing us is the visa and my return flight we know about the 21 day visa u get wen i land but the thing is i plan on staying for 3 months i know ive gotta get extension while im there but does my flight return have to be within the initial 21 day visa or can it be dated over the 21 day i hope im making sense and someone understands what im trying to ask thanks in advance

    regards neil

  2. #2
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    For the airline, they'll accept a 3 month dated return flight. The immigration officials can be difficult, but generally accept flights outside the 21 day window, if you explain you're going for visa on arrival. If your really concerned, and its well ahead of time, go through the Cebu Pacific website and find a cheap flight out of the country, someitmes you'll find a macau/hong kong 1 way for 20 quid.

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access) neiljohn's Avatar
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    ok i am a lil concerned cause this my first time flying anywere on my own lol not to sound stupid or anything but what would you recomend i do as this is my first time going ?

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hi there you can get the extension here or once you land in the phils the cost goes up the longer you stay,it was my first flight east when i did it last year and its great dont worry just plan and plan everything double check times and places and when you land in the phils have a hotel waiting the first night or few days, depending where you are planning to go and what you would like to see makes all the differance too, just ask and someone wil come along and advice you have a great time

  5. #5
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    Buy a ticket that can have dates changed later...will need to be a one year 'open' type.
    (ask your travel agent).

    Cheaper than any 'visa run'.

    You can change your flight for a later one once in the Phils, though there will be a charge with most airlines.

    There are lots of agencies and hotels who will take care of this sort of thing for you when you're in the phils, including visa extensions, and do it every day of the week for tourists, expats,etc so don't worry too much about it.

    I've done this sort of thing many times and never had a problem.

    You just need to allow a bit of extra cash to pay for the modifications to your documents.

  6. #6
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    after 59 days u will have to also have the i card another completly wate of money but somthing you will have to get
    you do have to go to a visa place depends where you are staying
    you can ask the hotel or a travel agent who will do this for you but at a amall cost
    when u get to the airport you can get the extension to the visa in the airport when u walk past the duty free choccolate you can not miss it look right you will see an office go in thier all sorted in ten minutes
    and cheaper then asking hotel travel agent

  7. #7
    Newbie (Restricted Access) neiljohn's Avatar
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    @ grahamw48 any recomendatios to where to books a open ticket ?

  8. #8
    Trusted Member
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    oops...sorry just noticed this.

    Just ask your travel agent when shopping for tickets.

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