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Thread: is it alowed to travel outside uk while in spouse visa?

  1. #1
    Member ken and arlene's Avatar
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    is it alowed to travel outside uk while in spouse visa?

    hi all!

    its arlene again.
    is it ok to go outside uk while im in spouse visa?and it is also possible to baptism baby in my country (philippines):philippines:?my baby was born here.HE was register here.( with english father and filipina mother). does it affect my visa to do these things all? AND Also will it affects, when i apply for the indefinite leave to remain after this 2 years visa?
    Now,im trying to read book to know some info.about life in uk, whenever i have time to prepaRE for the test. It makes me worried. Hoping i could passed the test.

    would be delighted to hear from u.


  2. #2
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    ken and arlene

    You can travel on spouse visa (FLM 27months right?) just as long as you have any visa's needed for specific countries you go to.

    You will be able to baptise your baby in Phils. Just contact with your local priest to organise. This has no effect on your visa at all.

    If will not impact your ILR visa application. Please take a look at the application form and guide to reassure yourself.
    There are no questions about time out of UK but VERY IMPORTANT .... be sure to check out the British Citizenship application form and guide as this does have absence restrictions going back some time (maybe 3 years) so this will actually impact on any
    long period out of UK during that period which starts in you FLRperiod. Please check it.

    For life in UK Test, you can buy the official book, also CD with sample questions, and also do some practice tests on the internet.
    The test itself is Multiple Choice, so in principle as long as you have studied the relevant chapters of the book you should be OK.
    Anyways, you can take the test as many times as needed.Just pay.

  3. #3
    Member ken and arlene's Avatar
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    Thank you Terpe! for your advise and info.its helpful for me.
    I will defintely take your advice.

    yeah,good idea,i should search for the ILR citizenship application form before my flr visa expires (spouse visa),so i know what is the right thing to do.
    This life in uk test makes me really scared.Now,im trying to read this books (2 kinds of life in uk books) at home,while busy being a mum.(whenever i have time).U r right,as long as i pay its just that i feel shame if i failed the test. Hopefully,first take only.Pray,pray and self stufy. i will try what uve said,to have practice here on the net.
    Do u know what is the exact title of book i should buy?cos i know,lots of different life in uk test book now, in the market.ive seen also new edition,2010?



  4. #4
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    The official book is called :-
    Life in the United Kingdom: official citizenship test study guide (by stationery office)
    You can buy at Amazon or Waterstones.
    Plenty of online sites for practice sessions.

    First time I did a practice test I failed.
    But as long as you study the chapters indicated you will be OK

    I'm not sure on the latest edition. There was one published 2010
    Waterstones will be able to advise you.

  5. #5
    Member ken and arlene's Avatar
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    once again,thanks!oh thats great!
    I will try to practice here online.As this moment,im reading life in uk history (book from staffordshire library).It was quite interesting.

    If theres a life.theres a hope!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ken and arlene View Post
    once again,thanks!oh thats great!
    I will try to practice here online.As this moment,im reading life in uk history (book from staffordshire library).It was quite interesting.

    If theres a life.theres a hope!
    As I mentioned before, the questions are multi-choice so in a way the right answer is prompted to you if you have read the book.
    Happy reading. Don't let it make you stressed. Very best wishes for success.

  7. #7
    Member ken and arlene's Avatar
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    you are such a nice person.thanks!i will definitely heed your advice.

    at least,someone here is positive thinker.

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