I didn't plan this dish. It just happened. We were at the beach last weekend and the market was brimming with seafood, so I lost control and ended up with shrimp/prawns, mud crabs, squid, fish, etc. and decided to see if we could pull together a paella for us and the crew. Thankfully, there was a kilo of spanish short-grain rice vacuum packed in the cupboard and frozen sofritto and some fresh chorizos... We threw the paellera on the charcoal fire, started to saute the chorizo and only then realized there was no pork or chicken in the house. It was only a mild panic, as seafood and chorizo is an excellent match, but I wanted to add more "laman" or viand if possible. I spied a defrosted package of Zubuchon in the fridge and thought, "why not?" and quickly pulled off the skin and cut up the meaty pieces into large chunks of cooked pork...

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