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  1. #1
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lady View Post
    i just arrived here in London thru spouse visa. I'm registered nurse in philippines .can i ask help where i could apply work here in UK?
    Hi im no expert on nursing, but from what i know.

    Most Nurses from phill need to be retrained or gain accredation in the UK.
    I think it unlikely you could just walk into a nursing job in the Uk.

    Im not sure where you are in London, but it maybe worth going to your local Hospital and speaking to the Phill Nurses you see there. They may be able to help advise you where the careers/hr department is who might be able to help.

    My Wife has spoken to phill nurses from hillingdon hospital and many are worried about their jobs as belive it or not the UK has a surplus of trainee/lower grade nurses who are having difficulty finding jobs. To top it all there is talk of hospitals in some London areas reducing the amount of nurses they employ

    It maybe better to speak to a job agency specializing in nursing/care.
    You may find a job in the medical industry but not a pure nursing role.

    I think one of the members on here, wife is a qualified nurse in phill but she takes/checks blood samples here in the UK?

    Sorry im not giving you much help, and the news is not cheery but sadly that is the way it is at the moment.

    Good luck in your search whatever the goverment thinks the normal people would love to see more skillful and dedicated Nurses working in our Hospitals so hopefully soon the job market will change for the good

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes, my wife works for the nhs in the vampire squad, taking blood from patients, but shes not a qualfied nurse, but a registered doctor in the philippines.

    if you want to work as a nurse, I think you have to take the IELTS english test, and get a pass average of 6.5 for a nurse, and for a doctor its 7.0

    then in my wifes case she has to take PLAB 1 and PLAB 2 tests, then she can register and work as a doctor in the uk

    most of the philippine registered nurses my wife knows, work either as nursing assistants or work as carers in residential homes as the are not registered to work as nurses in the UK as they have not taken exams.

    sorry I can't be more helpful

  3. #3
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes, my wife works for the nhs in the vampire squad, taking blood from patients, but shes not a qualfied nurse, but a registered doctor in the philippines.

    if you want to work as a nurse, I think you have to take the IELTS english test, and get a pass average of 6.5 for a nurse, and for a doctor its 7.0

    then in my wifes case she has to take PLAB 1 and PLAB 2 tests, then she can register and work as a doctor in the uk

    most of the philippine registered nurses my wife knows, work either as nursing assistants or work as carers in residential homes as the are not registered to work as nurses in the UK as they have not taken exams.

    sorry I can't be more helpful

    Sorry this is out of the topic but ur avatar is quite funny....
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger@tigress View Post
    Sorry this is out of the topic but ur avatar is quite funny....
    being a veggy and member of SToP (Save The Pig), nothing worse for me than to see lechon, or pig on a stick, sad to see our pig brothers end up on the chopping block , but my avatar is one pig that the pinoys will never get, and will never feel the pain of having a stick inserted up his

    join SToP now and save the PIG

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    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    being a veggy and member of SToP (Save The Pig), nothing worse for me than to see lechon, or pig on a stick, sad to see our pig brothers end up on the chopping block , but my avatar is one pig that the pinoys will never get, and will never feel the pain of having a stick inserted up his

    join SToP now and save the PIG
    buang ka

    Ang sarap ng lechon!

  6. #6
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    buang ka

    Ang sarap ng lechon!
    I hope baboyako when you goto confession on sunday, you confess to eating the tasty juicy flesh of the lechon, and you think of the poor piglets that are now orphans and films like babes:pig in the city haunt your mind and you realise the mistake you've made, and join me and many others in our struggle and freeing the pig from oppression.

    my wife bought chicharon, i nearly died when i saw it was like pork scratchings. told my wife, to throw it out, or she be out, shes already close to being in the dog house, when i spent £900 on a op for my dog, and she said "its just a dog"

    she told me she had thrown it out, see how the ill treatment of the pig can cause the break up of homes and families, and even the break down of society and civiliazion. so SToP and think b4 you eat PIG

  8. #8
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    ...she said "its just a dog"
    That's what I was told, the first time I was served DOG ADOBO in quezon city. Maybe if your missus cooks you that you will appreciate the lechon baboy more

  9. #9
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes, my wife works for the nhs in the vampire squad, taking blood from patients, but shes not a qualfied nurse, but a registered doctor in the philippines.

    if you want to work as a nurse, I think you have to take the IELTS english test, and get a pass average of 6.5 for a nurse, and for a doctor its 7.0

    then in my wifes case she has to take PLAB 1 and PLAB 2 tests, then she can register and work as a doctor in the uk

    most of the philippine registered nurses my wife knows, work either as nursing assistants or work as carers in residential homes as the are not registered to work as nurses in the UK as they have not taken exams.

    sorry I can't be more helpful

    I was thinking of getting IELTS test or CPE but it was really expensive. A week course of IELTS is around £200 and CPE is a little more higher. I still don't know if they would acknowledge my Italian Diploma. But even they do I am still thinking that since I am still a Filipino citizen it will be difficult to get a job for there will be a mass of new EU demands for work (argh! pessimist). Non skilled work are plenty around which one might do for a short period of time. Does your wife intend to do the PLAB1 and 2 test Joe? Is it expensive?

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    my wife studied for the IELTS at home , i downloaded a few books and audio tapes/cds off the net , and as i work for a company that repairs printers, i printed them out for her.

    but the first time she took the IELTS test, she got an average of 6.5 but needed a 7 , so she revised some more and took it again.. second time she got the 7 she needed

    I don't know if you know what Plab tests are ? they are medical exams for non uk and non euro docs to take, allowing them to work in the uk as a doc, if you did know sorry , plab1 test is £150 i think, plab2 is £450, and both have to be taken in london .

    but my wifes english was really good to start with, why don't you start a open university course, learn from home in your own time, even while you work

  11. #11
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    my wife studied for the IELTS at home , i downloaded a few books and audio tapes/cds off the net , and as i work for a company that repairs printers, i printed them out for her.

    but the first time she took the IELTS test, she got an average of 6.5 but needed a 7 , so she revised some more and took it again.. second time she got the 7 she needed

    I don't know if you know what Plab tests are ? they are medical exams for non uk and non euro docs to take, allowing them to work in the uk as a doc, if you did know sorry , plab1 test is £150 i think, plab2 is £450, and both have to be taken in london .

    but my wifes english was really good to start with, why don't you start a open university course, learn from home in your own time, even while you work
    Yeah Joe, I was considering to take an open Uni long distance course too. As I have written to another thread, I am considering to take a GSCE A English level just to brush up my english and hopefully would give me more confidence in speaking the language. There are a lot of choices, the only thing is to study carefully which courses would turn out more usefull in the future. I have read about the ICS courses and that is really a helpful site for those who wants to study staying at home and while you work. Taking the Plab tests is not really that expensive if that will allow your wife to practice her profession as a Doc. I am going to ask for more information about the course that I am interested to do, I am not sure if taking IELTS would be really helpful, it is just a test to determine one's knowledge of english language. I did some online test to determine my english knowledge and in one test I got High Advance Proficiency result and the other one I got Advance Intermediate I don't know what is the difference though lol I should ask our Forum Teacher Alan!!!

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  12. #12
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    There are HUNDREDS of ways that you can take English improvement courses. Incidentally, I teach English up to 'A' Level.

    However, in my humble opinion, by far and away the best way to - as you say- 'brush up' on your English is simply by being here!
    Although I took thousands of Foreign Language exams - I learned most of my French by living in France - my German by living in Germany etc....

    Finally Peanutz, speaking now as a teacher, I would consider your English is at such a good standard already that - unless you want or need formal qualifications - you do not need to invest in any courses.

    Your level of English is already infinitely better than a lot of English people I have spoken to!

    Good luck,


  13. #13
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post

    There are HUNDREDS of ways that you can take English improvement courses. Incidentally, I teach English up to 'A' Level.

    However, in my humble opinion, by far and away the best way to - as you say- 'brush up' on your English is simply by being here!
    Although I took thousands of Foreign Language exams - I learned most of my French by living in France - my German by living in Germany etc....

    Finally Peanutz, speaking now as a teacher, I would consider your English is at such a good standard already that - unless you want or need formal qualifications - you do not need to invest in any courses.

    Your level of English is already infinitely better than a lot of English people I have spoken to!

    Good luck,

    Thanks Alan, I agree that the best way in learning a foreign language is living in that country where they speak it. I studied French and Spanish for five years but I have not learned anything cause I have not used them after a long time I am fluent in Italian cause I studied it and I lived in Italy for almost 20 years and my job was doing translations from Italian to Tagalog-Filipino. As what I learned living here in just ten days is, if I would aim for a higher level skilled job then I would need a better knowledge of English. A better understanding of all British burocratic and non mechanism and all that comes with it. I do not need to work right now as my husband can provide for the two of us very efficiently he is a Project Manager, but I do like to work and keep myself busy so my mind will not stay idle, mine is for our future planning just in case if some unexpected things would come along the road. After we have our children and it is time for them to go to school and I am free to get back at work again I won't be doing a non skills job argh! And if we are planning to have a better life for our retirement future I think I need to give my share of it. Yes, I think I will get a degree course or another diploma to have a better qualification that will turn out more useful for me.

    Thank you so much for a very helpful advice.

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  14. #14
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post

    There are HUNDREDS of ways that you can take English improvement courses. Incidentally, I teach English up to 'A' Level.

    However, in my humble opinion, by far and away the best way to - as you say- 'brush up' on your English is simply by being here!
    Although I took thousands of Foreign Language exams - I learned most of my French by living in France - my German by living in Germany etc....

    Finally Peanutz, speaking now as a teacher, I would consider your English is at such a good standard already that - unless you want or need formal qualifications - you do not need to invest in any courses.

    Your level of English is already infinitely better than a lot of English people I have spoken to!

    Good luck,

    Many of the fillpinas on here have very good english but sadly the employers will still prefer to see an english qualification on a cv as unless they are very knowlegably on the phillpines its unlikely they will realise that most are taught in english at school.

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