Thanks Alan, I agree that the best way in learning a foreign language is living in that country where they speak it. I studied French and Spanish for five years but I have not learned anything cause I have not used them after a long timeI am fluent in Italian cause I studied it and I lived in Italy for almost 20 years and my job was doing translations from Italian to Tagalog-Filipino. As what I learned living here in just ten days is, if I would aim for a higher level skilled job then I would need a better knowledge of English. A better understanding of all British burocratic and non mechanism and all that comes with it. I do not need to work right now as my husband can provide for the two of us very efficiently he is a Project Manager, but I do like to work and keep myself busy so my mind will not stay idle, mine is for our future planning just in case if some unexpected things would come along the road. After we have our children and it is time for them to go to school and I am free to get back at work again I won't be doing a non skills job argh! And if we are planning to have a better life for our retirement future I think I need to give my share of it. Yes, I think I will get a degree course or another diploma to have a better qualification that will turn out more useful for me.
Thank you so much for a very helpful advice.![]()