Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
Just a pity the Miners (and I'm from a mining town originally) picked a particularly obnoxious character to speak for them, who eventually didn't actually do their cause much good, just as it may have been.
In true Labour style Scargill still managed to get his greedy snout in the trough and had a couple of big houses out of it.

On the subject of greatest ever trough feeders I heard a bit on R4 today Neil Kinnock campaigning on behalf of the socialist candidate for elected Mayor of London Borough of Tower Hamlets - a local 'gor blimey Cockney East Ender Mr Helal Uddin Abbas - interestingly enough Red Ken Livingstone risks being expelled from the Labour Party for supporting his rival, another local chap Mr Lutfur Rahman (George Galloways preferred choice). You have to laugh ................