Thats a broad brush statement in the construction industry and my income is down by almost half that again HALF...................but my bills are still as expensive as before.
I have worked with dozens of Poles , Albanians etc aver the last 10 yrs.plenty of em are decent tradesmen , dont believe they are all crap cos they arent!!!!...........but the crux of the matter is they can afford to work for far far less than the average man . This prices guys like me out of work ......recently I was one of only 3 english guys on a site of over 40 men , why cos they get in on the job and then get all their pals a start as well. Bottom line is its not a level playin field ...........
So when im next at home out of work dont say i should be ashamed or i'll whip your buttHaha .........only jokin but you get my point i hope