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Thread: Benefit Britain

  1. #1
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Benefit Britain

    Why is the UK Government worrying about Immigration from outside EU ,when people from EU comes to this country to work?
    The UK government should be more concern about people who are in this country legally to work and don't want to work, too happy sitting back and sucking the system dry(DOLERS) ...
    How can it be legal for people who is better off not working???
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  2. #2
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    Exactly ! If they did something about the welfare system we would not need a border control. I remember many years ago when you didnt work you were broke Now today its not the case. Why go to work for min pay when you are better off sitting on your lardy bottom. You may have opened some more worms !

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    TO BLOODLY RIGHT years ago you just got buy if you were out of work, today it seems its the right thing to do DONT WORK what a crap dustbin of the goverment that makes these systems, i have no idea how it works to tell the truth i dont want to know,

  4. #4
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    Too right Steve Oh best of luck at your Wedding. I remember being out of work for 3 weeks when I was 21 yo back in 1981 The shame I was made to feel was massive I never been our of work since ! Look at it now they got free housing 60 inch tv Computers You name it they got it So why work I think a few come and gone on here They chat and give false hope to there girl in Phil knowing full well they wont get a job here to get there girl back to uk. Shame on them. Dreamers and heart breakers. Make sure you ladies out there looking for a guy on line Make sure they got work otherwise pass them over before you fall in love with them !. I read a while ago on here someone said they better find a job now and that was someone who just spend a month or so out there! You cant blame every man and his dog wanting to live here .Enough of my ranting ! Hehe. He who says there is no work to be had Ask the Eastern block folk coming here for there £5.93 per hour They are not afraid of work What ever it is. The British out of work should be ashamed of themselves.

  5. #5
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    I know some will lift an eyebrow at me saying wtf is she ranting about??well,yeah my hubby works 60hrs a week paying for this (young--able--doleRS)... to sit home smoke weed,...and pumping out babies ...without having the means to look after them and support them,..its such a crazy situation eh?
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Why is the UK Government worrying about Immigration from outside EU ,when people from EU comes to this country to work?
    The UK government should be more concern about people who are in this country legally to work and don't want to work, too happy sitting back and sucking the system dry(DOLERS) ...
    How can it be legal for people who is better off not working???
    , Mari ... a very good point! Problem being, Britain ... by virtue of its having signed-up as a member of the European Economic Community (EEC) a while back ... is [I think!] legally-bound by the Terms of the 'European Union' to accept immigrants from - and offer opportunities for work to - those from other EEC countries. In effect, the UK government has little or no control over this directive - as far as I'm aware.

    More's the pity; in consequence, there are fewer jobs available all round ... and even less for people arriving from non-EU countries.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    More's the pity; in consequence, there are fewer jobs available all round ... and even less for people arriving from non-EU countries.
    and less jobs for those on the dole to apply for

  8. #8
    Respected Member mikey73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Exactly ! If they did something about the welfare system we would not need a border control. I remember many years ago when you didnt work you were broke Now today its not the case. Why go to work for min pay when you are better off sitting on your lardy bottom. You may have opened some more worms !
    some of the staff i have in the store i work do 20hrs a week and they say that the only get £10(ish) more than if they where on the dole, not much of an incentive to go back to work if they can just sit on their asses doing nothing and get paid much the same as if working.

  9. #9
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    In my line of work, I see a lot of poverty in the UK today. Benefit rules and allowances are being changed to make it less of an incentive not to work but those that receive Job Seekers Allowance are not having such an easy ride as you think.

    I believe that the current allowance for JSA is between £51.85 to £65.45 per week for a single person and this has to cover food, utility bills and all other living expenses which are high in the UK, especially compared to the Philippines. I understand that claimants have regular interviews and have to prove that they are indeed looking for work, it doesn't just get handed to them on a plate any more. Many of these people also have severe debt problems and live in sheer misery. I have no sympathy for anyone who milks the system and is too lazy to sustain themselves but there are some genuinely needy people out there too who through no fault of their own need help. It has been managed badly in the past and huge reforms are needed to change a very costly system that has been failing but we are still very lucky to have one.

  10. #10
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    I do understand that UK has little or no influence on EU regulations for freedom of movement.
    But I have always wondered why people from Eastern Europe take the trouble and the cost to travel through so many other countries to get to UK.
    Is it the case that other EU member states have tighter control on benefits??

    Of course the same question for immigants from non-EU areas also.

    There is a very interesting official govt report called The Migrant Journey.
    Available here:-

    Next week's spending review will be interesting. Especially the changes to the welfare budget.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    eastern europeans come to the uk for many reasons

    many speak basic english and get better pay here , as for the cost to get to the uk, i believe its not that expensive as most come on a coach to the UK

    and the polish are returning to the UK

    But now they appear to be heading back, eager to take advantage of the UK’s fragile recovery and its better jobs.

    “I will go again,” said Karolina Wisniewska, who has worked in the UK as a carer in the past, looking after the elderly and disabled.

    “I only go there for money because I can make as much in one month in the UK as I could make in six months in Poland.”

    what people want and need is a fair days pay for a fair days work, you need enough to live on

  12. #12
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    you should all try living on benefits, for some who can claim benefits you may get a mighty £65 per week and if your renting (none if you have a mortage) you will have that paid as well as discount on your council tax bill...if you have a wife and kids you will get more.

    the real problem is the lack of decent paid jobs, if the job you get is no more than the benefits you may get...why bother to work
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  13. #13
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Look at it now they got free housing 60 inch tv Computers You name it they got it
    they have better reason to sit on their **** all day

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and less jobs for those on the dole to apply for
    of course there will be less jobs for dole to apply for... , as these (DOLERS) will demand more of what the benefits they want than working for it ...
    companies will hire those from EU who is here and happy to get paid little , as paying less salary to them employees means earning more profit for a company..
    now, will the DOLERS do the same of course not as they are receiving more while sitting at home ,getting pregnant,(more babies ,more benefits)and doing nothing than getting paid little for work and lose their benefits.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post

    I believe that the current allowance for JSA is between £51.85 to £65.45 per week for a single person and this has to cover food, utility bills and all other living expenses which are high in the UK, especially compared to the Philippines.
    - although unemployment is one of the major problem here now,it doesnt make a good change by giving the JSA (CASH) to the young -able- dolers ...if the government minimize the jsa or just turn the cash into voucher for food and utility bills the young and able dolers will realize that they have no choice but move out and find a job so they can sustain their addictions(weeds) ,hobbies(pubs/clubs), pleasures (making babies).
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  14. #14
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    this has been one of my 'culture shocks' i see real people everyday who is on DOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -young mums with lots of children tagged along to schoo
    -free big council houses
    -husband unemployed on a nice car with tattoos every part of the body
    -no debts
    -no council tax to pay
    -receiving £1200cash for benefits

    ..what will they teach their children in the future? that its ok to be unemployed???that they dont need to work to be able to live nicely???NO DEBT,no council tax to pay as people who is like my husband can pay for their luxuriesduh
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  15. #15
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post

    More's the pity; in consequence, there are fewer jobs available all round ... and even less for people arriving from non-EU countries.
    I agree,they shouldn't give less to those people who wants to work,its the government task to give the people some work to do as less commodity,less profit,less income will result in economic downfall

    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    There is a very interesting official govt report called The Migrant Journey.
    Available here:-

    Next week's spending review will be interesting. Especially the changes to the welfare budget.
    will have a good read on this,..but i think they shouldnt be more concern on immigration outside EU ..the problem is the immigration inside here

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    what people want and need is a fair days pay for a fair days work, you need enough to live on
    very true and i hope it could still be POSSIBLE to happen
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  16. #16
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    Personally I do know that here in UK there is real poverty. Probably more than we realise.
    My concern is not about benefits per se. We are so lucky to have a system that is there and able to support people who find themselves in difficult, stressful and miserable conditions.
    My concern is only that the system appears to be unable to effectively combat the activities of Benefit Cheats. Those people who milk the system and cheat the system.
    Just how widespread this cheating is I don't really know, other than from media reports and TV documentaries. Which I guess may overstate.

    There is only a limited 'pot' of money available for welfare benefits and I strongly believe that the distribution should become as fair as possible.

    I'm sure I saw something on the TV recently that said benefits may well be limited to
    a maximum £500 per week. Whether or not that is a fair system again, I don't know.
    But I wish I could get £500 per week (tax free)

    Just my personal comment

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    free council housing, where

    you want to see how many people are on the waiting list
    I thought waiting nearly 3 months for the result of my misses spouse visa app was bad, but i've been waiting near 3 months for the result for my app for a council house

  18. #18
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    Or even a tit job at a cost of *£4000 I read in the Mail last week

  19. #19
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    We are about to dive into a second recession, with a further million to be unemployed. If some bugger doesn't want to work, leave the jobs for those who do and pay the workless enough to have a reasonable life.

    Don't blame the workless for the condition of Britian today - blame the bankers abd the leaders who believe that capitalism shouldn't be regulated.

  20. #20
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    Im sorry about my last message here 99% of what I typed was for some reason cut out. I will try again. Im talking about the work shy Not the work less. Born a birth said there should be better paid Jobs Joe said they should increase the wages to make it worth while ! Ian said the work less should be paid a reasonable amount while not working. Joe put in for another council house I dare say its for his bigger family. Let me ask On the back of who is going to pay for this ? Every one wants and expects something for nothing. The folk from outside uk on the whole come here to work for min wage My wife got a job within days of getting her n i number. She is now 10 weeks pregnant We will also have dogs and cats Which will mean in time a bigger house I will pay for that Its my duty to pay Not the tax payer. The country has gone Shameless Just like the tv program! How can a guy on benefits save for a 6 week plus jolly in the Philippines ? Its not fair and its unjust.

  21. #21
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    i admire the british goverment supporting these jobless person to have a better life but what i cannot i understand is why they also support people/families whom not even a citizen of this country...why its so easy for illegal immigrants to bring their family to uk and then get support while some english/natural born find it hard to get benefits which they are most entitle to...i think uk goverment should think about their own people first than rendering help to others.

  22. #22
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gparry2007 View Post
    i admire the british goverment supporting these jobless person to have a better life but what i cannot i understand is why they also support people/families whom not even a citizen of this country...why its so easy for illegal immigrants to bring their family to uk and then get support while some english/natural born find it hard to get benefits which they are most entitle to...i think uk goverment should think about their own people first than rendering help to others.
    , Grace. But - as I pointed out in my initial reply to Mari's thread - the real "stumbling block" is the British Government's commitment to the terms and conditions dictated by the EU. And until our own parliamentarians decide enough is enough [which seems unlikely!] then we're stuck with this, and a whole host of other problems forbye!!

  23. #23
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    i wouldn't comment more as i am no english to complain to begin with nor even a taxpayer lol...we feel lucky that my husband has a job to support his share (tax) to support others...we never can tell that in the future we also be in one of those people on benefits being thankful about this system getting support from the goverment...just saying the goverment should use their resources to help their own people and be their priority than others.

  24. #24
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    - although unemployment is one of the major problem here now,it doesnt make a good change by giving the JSA (CASH) to the young -able- dolers ...if the government minimize the jsa or just turn the cash into voucher for food and utility bills the young and able dolers will realize that they have no choice but move out and find a job so they can sustain their addictions(weeds) ,hobbies(pubs/clubs), pleasures (making babies).
    You'll be pleased to know that the Department of Works and Pensions can make monthly payments direct to the utility companies for those claimants that are poor money managers. (To qualify there has to be sufficient benefit left after other deductions, two failed payment arrangements and a risk of court action). This of course means that their bills do get paid leaving less to be spent on non essentials.

  25. #25
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    ........ Don't blame the workless for the condition of Britian today - blame the bankers abd the leaders who believe that capitalism shouldn't be regulated.
    The banks have got to take some responsibility for handing out loans to high risk customers but those customers have also got to take responsibility too for borrowing and spending money that they cannot afford. There has been a huge debt culture in the UK for a number of years and the changes in the Insolvency Act certainly haven’t helped as it is too easy to become bankrupt and have your debts wiped out. There is so much bad debt around that it is crippling all businesses, not just the banks and it ‘s a huge challenge.

    Many people spend beyond their means and as a result of this, just don’t seem to care who picks up the tab as long as it’s not them. We then all suffer as extra charges are then included in bills to cover the cost of recovering bad debt ............. it’s a vicious circle and one that needs to be broken.

    Education of teenagers in our schools may help by teaching them simple life skills such as budgeting and managing money but in my opinion, the biggest influence in a child’s life is the behaviour of their parents. If the parents have been scrounging and claiming benefits for years, the kids “when grown up” are more likely to do so too.

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Joe put in for another council house I dare say its for his bigger family. .
    its a long story, i'm not in a council house thou
    i dont expect it for nothing , i'll pay what ever the rent is, but that would be

    basically to get a council house you have to bid for it. so i'm bidding against others, the longer you've been waiting and your priority judges where you are in the bidding, you could be waiting for years

    oh you could got private but it cost nearly double in rent

  27. #27
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    Sorry Joe I didnt mean to offend you I really didnt ! Like sars, this subject really gets up my nose. What Arthur didnt get was Sars was saying it was wrong for people to refuse work on the grounds its not enough pay. To me That goes to show there is too much money doled out. May be reduce there money so they cant buy there sky computers cars holidays etc etc then they go for those min wage jobs. Where i work They cant get enough workers. They got employment agencies in these countries the reason being no one wants to work min wage while being better off by not working Like Sars said That cant be right.

  28. #28
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    What Arthur didnt get was Sars was saying it was wrong for people to refuse work on the grounds its not enough pay.
    ... I understood perfectly well, what Sars was saying. And, as I myself, said earlier ... she has made a very valid point! Trouble IS, rich or poor ... people consistenly want more in terms of material wealth - always have ... always will - it's an inherent human trait!

  29. #29
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Sorry Joe I didnt mean to offend you I really didnt ! .
    it would take a lot to offend me , its a complicated situation im in, that's been going on for 18months and no easy answer, I'm not offended, why would i be ?

    yes you've got people who have no intention of working and some are just unemployable.

    i've been lucky, last time i claimed unemployment benefit was when thatcher was PM

    but 4 companies I've worked for have gone bust, but I've managed to get a job within a few days .

    I'm sure even long term unemployed who are helped back in employment would rather work and earn minimum pay than try and live off < £65 a week

    but as you said, some people wonder why work if they can get more in benefits than working, so either benefits are too high or the minimum wag is too low ?

  30. #30
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    I know some will lift an eyebrow at me saying wtf is she ranting about??well,yeah my hubby works 60hrs a week paying for this (young--able--doleRS)... to sit home smoke weed,...and pumping out babies ...without having the means to look after them and support them,..its such a crazy situation eh?
    Sounds just like the Phils only with me cast in the role of the taxpayer Ive offered my brother-in - law a free vasectomy and a job but no takers or any more dole
    Absit invidia

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