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Thread: Overpopulation in Manila.Channel 4 tonight (15-10-01)

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post

    With almost all on-line iplayers, etc. It is impossible to view from outside UK.

    Sometimes you may be able to get a proxi server/ID which will fool the prog into believing you are in UK,

    If anyone knows how that can be done on a regular basis, and not just hit and miss, please let us know,

    John in Spain !!!!

    PS Just watched Click on line , that is an exception to the rule..
    John, I know how to do this with fully encrypted and secure service, but I not sure if I am allowed to put the website on this forum.
    I watched BBC iPlayer last May in RP via this service. (UK elections -- How sad is that?)
    It's not a free service, but also not expensive (about 70 Euros per year)

    Perhaps one of the moderators can advise me if I am allowed to provide website??

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    John, I know how to do this with fully encrypted and secure service, but I not sure if I am allowed to put the website on this forum.
    I watched BBC iPlayer last May in RP via this service. (UK elections -- How sad is that?)
    It's not a free service, but also not expensive (about 70 Euros per year)

    Perhaps one of the moderators can advise me if I am allowed to provide website??
    John, forgot to mention, you can choose the country of the server at any time from a drop down menu. Also no need to worry about download limits as you only need to use the server at the very start, just to access.

  3. #33
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    is it .identitycloaker
    you can try it for 10 days for less than £5.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    John, forgot to mention, you can choose the country of the server at any time from a drop down menu. Also no need to worry about download limits as you only need to use the server at the very start, just to access.

    You appear from your profile to be in UK.

    If you know we can access progs from UK when we live abroad, can you please be more specific how it can be done. I think a lot of us, who have been trying for a long time, would like to know.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    is it .identitycloaker
    you can try it for 10 days for less than £5.
    Yes joebloggs, it is.
    Just I'm very unclear on the legal issues these days. Thats why I hesitated.

    It worked perfectly for me.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    is it .identitycloaker
    you can try it for 10 days for less than £5.
    But do you know it always works from anywhere in the world? Anyone who is doing so please give us the full info.


  7. #37
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    But do you know it always works from anywhere in the world? Anyone who is doing so please give us the full info.


  8. #38
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    anyway back to the program, as steve r says did you hear any complaints, i am 1 of 13 kids and in those days there seemed to be lots off big families, we all got by did not have much but watching the program was just like watching us years ago, i know nothing like that but not far off,today i could not do that and i dont think its right bringing kids into a place that you know you cant afford to keep them, yes thats my opinion and each to there own , good luck to them all and god bless them too

  9. #39
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    John, just google.
    The software I use works from anywhere in the world. I have used in in RP, Japan,
    SPAIN, France and USA.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    ... and i dont think its right bringing kids into a place that you know you cant afford to keep them, yes thats my opinion and each to there own , good luck to them all and god bless them too
    I agree, and I suspect the people in the programme also agree. In fact one young mother said she hoped she would not get pregnant again during the 4-6 month wait for her steralisation.
    Sad to say the obvious (to those in the west) solutions to this do not follow an easy path in Phils (and many other countries).

  11. #41
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    the easy answer for anyone to say here , is dont have any more kids , but as we know its not as easy as that,i am just so glad that my emma is here with me

  12. #42
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    the easy answer for anyone to say here , is dont have any more kids , but as we know its not as easy as that,
    Contraceptive implants last for 3yrs

    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    i am just so glad that my emma is here with me
    and thats all that matters

  13. #43
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    yes we all would like to save the world make our partners family happy too, but hey ho they are , i took emma off there hands, but its true, thats all that matters

  14. #44
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    I had the same problem as Mick but then tried again and just managed to watch it.

    As an outsider, the answers to many of the problems suffered are so clear and family planning/ contraception is a key player but I do understand the constraints that the catholic church impose. Clearly church reform is needed in this area, putting the welfare of people first rather than trying to selfishly boost the church's coffers ...........

  15. #45
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
    I had the same problem as Mick but then tried again and just managed to watch it.
    I must have had a “senior moment”
    I got it to work by allowing pop ups, only to find it was the same programme

  16. #46
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=stevewool;251888, good luck to them all and god bless them too[/QUOTE]

    totally agree Steve.

  17. #47
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Agree also I just could not imagine living in those dreadful conditions, I don’t think I would ever sleep

  18. #48
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    I cant get the video from mikey73 to work either and I am in the UK
    It says “Embedding disabled by request watch on
    But the link just produces two clicking sounds?
    Mick, just watched it on you tube with micky73 link. just click on the "watch on you tube"

  19. #49
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    I mentioned to my wife that in China its one child per couple but that means girl babies get aborted or allowed to die when born, as only boys are looked upon as insurance for old age.

    My wife said in RP its girls who are more appreciated as they are more likely to help feed and support the family whilst males are out gambling, drinking and fornicating !!!

    My wife was involved as a health worker in Rizal (15 miles from Manila). She and her colleagues were trying to educate people about health issues and family planning. They used to hand out free condoms in the hope it might help. The problem though is the Church. The priests threaten hell for those who use contraception, so what chance do poorly educated people have ?

    The thing I find difficult to understand (I was brought up as a Catholic) is that to practice the rhythm method (better regarded as Russian Roulette) is allowed, but that is birth control, so how does that in reality differ from using a condom? It's not like abortion (which I am against) which takes the life of a child. Contraception, as the name implies, prevents conception.


  20. #50
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    I've not seen this program, our internet is too slow here at work. But, I have been into the poorest areas of Manila and have seen first hand the way people live. People living alongside the dead in a cemetary, where literally a whole shanty town has been built on stilts above it, with nothing but garbage below, and the same in Smokey Mountain. I met a lady who'd had 12 children, only 4 had survived, and her baby had just died the day before. She seemed to take it in her stride with no emotion. I would love for everyone to see this, to realise how people live.

  21. #51
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    when i was out there with seeing emma for the first time , yes what you read and see on tv does help a little, we all live the way we want and some have the futune to move on and better themselves others just cant ,but the kindness that is shown there to others is beyong me, we was eating out in china town and we did not finish what we was eating, rather then leave it emma asked to take it out , the once out emma gave it to a very young child,this happened on many occasions, that made me realize just how kind some people are , me i would give a few pesos here and there , but emma says thats wrong better to give food and give it to the children too, just so sad sometimes what we see but to those it is a everyday thing

  22. #52
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Is it not the same the world over Arthur. But even though these people were living in such poor conditions, did you hear any of them complaining? I wish the less fortunate spongers in our country acted with the same dignity.
    Yes, it IS, unfortunately, Steve ... and you're right - these people maintained a level of stoicism that the spongers in our own country could never comprehend in a million years - even so, no human being should be forced to live in such degrading and disease-ridden conditions as we witnessed there!

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    even so, no human being should be forced to live in such degrading and disease-ridden conditions as we witnessed there!
    So right Arthur. But who really is to blame here?? Unfortunately, the answer is not a popular one, it is the Catholic Church. Several people here have already said it, they actively oppose birth control so that the poor stay poor, and supposedly the only hope is within the walls of the church who's coffers get bigger and bigger. The government is powerless to oppose the church and the cycle continues.

    It is so annoying that the church has not looked any further than the steps of their doors and seen the poverty it inflicts on so many. They can pray and pay!!!
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  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    can be more upsetting than the program on tv last night about teenage girls forced into prostitution in cambodia, many sold by their families
    Didnt see either of the two programes but sadly from one of the Wifes friends who works for a charity when not studying for dentistry she told us that sadly whole extended familys of females find themsleves as web cam girls, bar girls and prositutes in phill

    Although slightly different both shocking situations

    PS TOR is a good at making you intracable but its not without its issues so make sure you understand what it does and doesn't do..

    Also be careful of paying to far in advance/to much for proxy services as sometimes people have found some services become at least temporarily useless when the proxy is identified and blocked
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  25. #55
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Didnt see either of the two programes
    if you've got an hour andy, its a world out there

  26. #56
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    manila over population has got worse in the slums of manila, since mayor lim has cleaned up roxas blvd and other places in manila from the street vendors, to bring in more tourists from other countries, were are all those poor people ment to go and more importantly how are they going to make a living to support ther familys. the rp goverment dont care about the poor in rp, and they never will,the goverment is corupt and always will be, as they are greedy and are living in ther mansions.

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Won't say any more, as I wouldn't want to upset the Catholic members.
    I'm Catholic and I'm all for contraception. I know that's unpopular among Catholics, but I'd rather have people using contraception than have them killing babies or bringing them up in a world of suffering and poverty.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Is it not the same the world over Arthur. But even though these people were living in such poor conditions, did you hear any of them complaining? I wish the less fortunate spongers in our country acted with the same dignity.
    That's something I'd blame your welfare system for. It's the same here in the US. Way too many people sit around on their lazy asses. In the Philippines, if you don't work, you don't eat. Simple as that. And the sense of community makes people happy. When my bf visited Manila last December, he looked so depressed looking out the car's window and seeing whole families living out of 3'x6' pushcarts. I told him to look again and try to identify the unhappy ones. He couldn't find a single one of those people who didn't look happy. Being a part of a larger community where everyone cares for everyone else helps. It's something I learned while working as a catechist in the slums in Manila.

    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    He said that it was advantageous for the R.P to have a large population which is the reason why the Philippines has fared so well during this latest world depression. He was speaking of the huge mass of OFW`s that are keeping the countries economy afloat..The thing is a large proportion of the massa believe him.
    Whether the masa (masses) believe him or not, they've always had the attitude of "every child is another pair of hands to help with the work," not "every child is another mouth to feed." Many of the domestic helpers we had while I was growing up came from big families and when I asked them why they had such large families, the answers were usually because they had more hands that way or because they were so poor that the parents didn't have anything fun to do other than have sex.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikey73 View Post
    she was shocked when i told her the primary school i went to had 25 students intotal (primary 1 to primary 7) she has around 60 students in her class. cant see many teachers coping with that numbers of students to teach.
    I went to a private school with shifts. There were always so many children there, but the reason there were shifts was that the owners were greedy and just wanted more money. It was a stupid system and I have no idea why my parents put me in that place. But I can't imagine a school with just 25 students in seven year levels. How in blue blazes do the kids have anyone to do homework with or to play school yard games with?

    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    i dont think its right bringing kids into a place that you know you cant afford to keep them, yes thats my opinion and each to there own, good luck to them all and god bless them too
    I'm sure a lot of the people in the RP with big families would rather have fewer kids, but even if they did accept contraceptives as a good alternative, how would you expect them to be able to afford condoms when they probably can't even buy food? And good luck to whomever tries to make them stop having sex. It's practically the last free bit of fun they have anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Sad to say the obvious (to those in the west) solutions to this do not follow an easy path in Phils (and many other countries).
    We don't have a lot of the free stuff the rest of the world has. Free healthcare? Pfft! Welfare checks? Forget about it! Those things are not gonna happen in the Philippines.

    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    the easy answer for anyone to say here , is dont have any more kids , but as we know its not as easy as that,i am just so glad that my emma is here with me
    Again, who's gonna pay for that? Did you know a lot of prostitutes in the Philippines wash and reuse condoms? Things that are free or cheap in the Western world are pretty expensive if you consider the amount that people earn in the Philippines and similar countries.

    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    My wife was involved as a health worker in Rizal (15 miles from Manila). She and her colleagues were trying to educate people about health issues and family planning. They used to hand out free condoms in the hope it might help. The problem though is the Church. The priests threaten hell for those who use contraception, so what chance do poorly educated people have ?

    The thing I find difficult to understand (I was brought up as a Catholic) is that to practice the rhythm method (better regarded as Russian Roulette) is allowed, but that is birth control, so how does that in reality differ from using a condom? It's not like abortion (which I am against) which takes the life of a child. Contraception, as the name implies, prevents conception.

    The sad thing is, part of the reason these people are happy is their faith. If that gets someone through a life of hardships, would you really wanna take it away? Then again, that one topic (contraception) has to be discussed and people need to be enlightened. The Philippines looks more and more like a sinking ship with that birth rate.

    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    People living alongside the dead in a cemetary, where literally a whole shanty town has been built on stilts above it, with nothing but garbage below, and the same in Smokey Mountain. I met a lady who'd had 12 children, only 4 had survived, and her baby had just died the day before. She seemed to take it in her stride with no emotion. I would love for everyone to see this, to realise how people live.
    It's horrible how she could just shrug that off, and I still haven't been able to accept it (read your post a few times now). But after eight of her children have died, I can understand how she's numb to it.

    I didn't think the shanties in the cemeteries were a big issue until I read this topic and daw it from the eyes of an outsider. Maybe Filipinos just need a push to see things the way they should be seen. We might be a little too used to hardships to see them as such anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    we was eating out in china town and we did not finish what we was eating, rather then leave it emma asked to take it out , the once out emma gave it to a very young child,this happened on many occasions, that made me realize just how kind some people are , me i would give a few pesos here and there , but emma says thats wrong better to give food and give it to the children too, just so sad sometimes what we see but to those it is a everyday thing
    Giving to the poor is something we're all used to in the RP. When Burger King first opened on Katipunan Ave., they offered free drink refills. I think they stopped doing that because of all the people refilling their drinks and giving the full cups to the children selling sampaguita garlands outside.

    Also, Emma's right. Give food, not money. When I lived in Makati, my walk from the office to the house took me past the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. That intersection had a triangle of shrubs where grown men hid while the children they were with begged or sold flowers (same intersection where vice girls/gays stood around looking for prospects). These men usually took the children's earnings. I never gave those children money and some of them refused the food because they wanted the money (I've had food thrown at me a few times in different parts of Manila). But when they did appreciate the food, you could see so much gratitude in their eyes.

    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    manila over population has got worse in the slums of manila, since mayor lim has cleaned up roxas blvd and other places in manila from the street vendors, to bring in more tourists from other countries, were are all those poor people ment to go and more importantly how are they going to make a living to support ther familys. the rp goverment dont care about the poor in rp, and they never will,the goverment is corupt and always will be, as they are greedy and are living in ther mansions.
    Agreed. I'm wondering how long the slum in front of my high school will last. :( I hope they leave it alone. Those people were really nice to me when I went there to buy sodas (which had been banned from the cafeteria) or wood for my woodworking class.

    Honestly, I like slums. This is not because the people are poor or the place is dirty, but because some of the wisest and kindest people I know live/lived in slums. I grew up in Bel-Air (Makati), a gated community where our neighbors included diplomats and politicians, but I've always had an affinity to the people in the slums.

  28. #58
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    Agreed. I'm wondering how long the slum in front of my high school will last. :( I hope they leave it alone. Those people were really nice to me when I went there to buy sodas (which had been banned from the cafeteria) or wood for my woodworking class.

    Honestly, I like slums. This is not because the people are poor or the place is dirty, but because some of the wisest and kindest people I know live/lived in slums. I grew up in Bel-Air (Makati), a gated community where our neighbors included diplomats and politicians, but I've always had an affinity to the people in the slums.......................................................................

    thats good to hear that you dont look down on people in the slums, but most pinoys from rich pinoy family do and certaintly a lot from bel-air. the people that have to live in slums are wise people as they have learned the hard way, and as you say some are the most kindest people, thats because they have learned to help each other in hard times and not like some of the rich pinoys that dont need each others help, they just go to the bank and get more peso to help themselfs out..

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