Anyone know any contacts or vacancies, my gf is needing a new job as her old one is boring her to death.![]()
Anyone know any contacts or vacancies, my gf is needing a new job as her old one is boring her to death.![]()
Sorry, but We don't know any vacant jobs as its not available on net yet![]()
She must have to look somewhere in her place since she's there![]()
Scot ===>
"The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."
I'll be needing a full time masseuse with occasional hammock rocking duties... sometime this year..
Let me know if she's interested.
I have never been to the areas you mention so sadly im at the back of the queue when it comes to suggestions on new jobs for Jenny.
What i can suggest is that she prepares for the big change, i think a lot of us brits and phills get so wrapped up in the relationship and visa applications, weddings etc. We forget about the actual toughest part is for our girlfriend/wife to settle down in the UK.
Different culture, language, location,enviroment, weather condtions and no eat bulga on each day!!!
Maybe instead of a new job she might want to start an english course either self study or at a college. What does she plan to do for work here in the UK? Are there any skills she can learn or improive on while in phill?
I dont know your full circumstances but if she is just bored at work then with all the planing in the next few months she will have plenty to keep her occupied.
heres a quick top six of the things we learned from my wife about things
important to do while still in phill.
1 Learn English
2 Learn any other skills which might help in employment
3 Learn about the uk and your local area.
4 Make the most of seeing her family and friends.
5 Make any arrangments for contact between the uk and phill required.
6 Carry on getting to know you.
1 Well without English shes gonna have a hard time both socially and in employment. I think also the embassy will slowly be looking to see if the applicant has a decent level of english and soon they may need to pass a test or hold a qualification before entering the UK(although a few years off but with an election soon i can see it possibly happenign sooner).
2. Its cheaper to take a course in phill than it is in the UK.
3.This is vital if your out working during the day the quicker she can indepently travel around the local area the better for the both of you. The first few days in the UK my wife was to scared to go out much. I can remeber her first trip to the local corner shop, sounds silly now but it was a major operation for the both of us.
4.This one speaks for it self.
5. This will be important how is her family and close friends going to contact her. Its unlikely many or any of them can ring her up via phone. So you need to think will she ring them via landline,mobile, skype or messagner? How will they recieve the call? At home, at one of the realtives, a friends house or at a web cafe? If this is not worked out it could end up costing you a fortune trust me. My Wife has various ways to contact various people back in phill. Remeber her Lola and lolo who have no phone or pc at home how will she contact them?
Will she need to send remittance home? Does a realtive have the correct id to pick up money or a bank account to pay the money into?
6. explains it self as well.
hardest bit will be settling our daughter into school as we want her to be happy and make some new friends and be on the same level as the rest or them.
jennys been to the job centre and i have been on the net but unless she wants to be a cival engineer or a maid there isnt much going.
jennys english is 60% there in speech and 80% there in typing before no one would be able to spot anything so a quick crash course is all she needs really. not to worried about that.
we talked about going back to uni, so we will have a look when im over. i thought a IT course or english, but jenny may have other ideas![]()
she has more maps than the ordinance survey companyfrom ariel photo to street maps
and a big big book on Britain (the postage really hurt it was a good idea whe n i saw it in the shelf
) and lots of web links. admittidly nothing like the real deal but its a start.
As for visiting the family she has her work cut out. between our daughter starting nursery and her nanay.
she has her Yahoo mail which has all her addresses and her web cam, headphones and mic, just need to train her mum up on how to use it.![]()
We recon we will copy her sister and go home every 2-3 years and there wont be much money support being sent back unless for the ocassional emergency for her mum. we will have our own money worried![]()
we are doing ok in that department learn something new every day![]()
Hi Richard
Sounds like you have prior experience in the family if her sis is already over here or at least moved abroad.![]()
But just a word on the english im sure she has good english with the 60 percent and 80 percent but its the slang/phrases as you know which catch out most non english as mother tongue peeps. My Wife had very decent level of english but the bewildering aray of dilacts, accents found in our part of london left her stunned.
Also her english qualification is it a internatonally known one, if applying for jobs or college/uni in the UK?
We know for a fact the two jobs might wife has passed the interview for were partily down to her having a decent score on a ilets test. She has a job at a Coffe shop, nothing amazing but it has flexible hours, good staff discounts at various places and she can get time off for things like the life in britain test,schgen visa interviews. In october this year theres a good chance she might get promoted to assitant manger due to her hard work, and a bit of luck. Both of the jobs she has found neither were on the net or even the job centre which we looked at, simply in the shop window.
This of course depends on the type of job jenny wants.
My wife wanted to go college or uni to continue her studies, but the month she came to the uk, the regulations changed and most came much tougher to get on simply due to the cost, as shes not a british resdient/citzen. A full time course will cost thousands, untill she is a resident in two years time.![]()
What she did do was gain smaller one day courses, some though work and others we paid for ourselfs. For example she has food hyigene certs and some basic ones in IT from the local library. This cost of course but not as much as a full time course.
Also make sure you can get them both registered at your gp and dentist that they are not full blah blah. We were lucky, but i have heard of others whos other halfs moved in with them etc had great difficulty getting a place at the local doctors/dentists.
Hi Richard
hope you enjoy tacloban
jennys been to the job centre and i have been on the net but unless she wants to be a cival engineer or a maid there isnt much going.
They are looking for civil engineers in leyte....... great where do i apply!!
the only jobs out there that i saw, the employers insisted they would only take philippine nationals![]()
doesnt matter how well qualified or experianced you are![]()
dont think my job exists in the philippines. well not in name anyway
. as it confused jenny and i had to explain it closest to it was an architect. my job s abit of a *******ised one.
jenny had to drop of of uni due to our anak. so she has nothing on paper except her school stuff unfortunately. but we will manage something.
Your be fine im sure from what i seen your doing all your research.
The words were not meant to scare you just let you know of the experiences we have had. If spending 5 mins typing helps a couple have a happier and less stressful time together then its time well spent for me. My Wife never finished uni either while in Phil, and we doing alright![]()
!! i know what you mean, money i spend on shopping in , that place which has more reasons, has tripled since wife has been here, must be £20+ a week on just fish and meat ! being a veggie thats what i live on all week !!. then theres the vegtables and chicken soup and god knows what else, my spending £20 a week, my wife and 2 kids £100+
. and if we goto the pinoy shops an extra £30 a week.,..
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