The friend of mine who holds in malasia send me an email today this what he wrote to me:

hello my luv wht is really happening i cant even hear from u am here in there lock up since going to a week now no help why me. they said they if nothing as been done i will be transfer to there mail office for money trafficking and money laundry pls my luv u have to do something. i pleaded with them to make use of the PC they allow me. pls i am bagging u my luv try and do something am so helpless here no good food here. Why all this happening to me am sending u this with is tears in m heart. pls help me out so i can proceed with my coming to dubai. am really helpless now.

i reply to his email and told him to contact the Britsih Embassy in Kuala Lumpur so he can be release there.. I don't know what to do now he held me responsible for being there in jail...