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Thread: advice for spouce/child visa

  1. #1
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    advice for spouce/child visa

    hi everyone ,been a member here for a couple of years,mainly reading,not many posts just looking for some advice on getting my wife and child to the uk,ive read so many posts about the visa process,very helpful!otherwise i wouldnt have a clue what to do without this site,one of my problems is when i finally get around to being in a position for my wife to apply,not having much money spare after each wage. due to being low paid,private renting and suppoeting my family,by the time i apply i will have more than 2000 in savings and i never go overdrawn but with my wages/rent/bills/support it will be a struggle to save anything with each wage.ive no problem in proving my relationship is genuine,ive been there 5times and got all the evidence its just the low pay my biggest worry.

  2. #2
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    spouse...not spouce

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    but your managing to save each month to have about £2k in savings b4 you apply?

    have you got family or friends who can loan a bit of money to you each month, for 6 months or even a credit card,say maybe £150 a month, and use that money to live off, so your balance in your current account should increase by £150 amonth,
    when you've do this for 6 months apply for the settlement visa, once you get your visa pay the money back..

    is it your child or your step child?

    once in the uk you'll be able to apply for child benefit and maybe even tax creds ..

  4. #4
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    thanks for the reply joe...the money ive saved,ive had it for a long time, what worried me was seeing a thread on here saying its around 100 pounds a week spare after all outgoings,cos that would be impossible for me to have that much spare income,but if it was ok to show an increase of around £150 a month that would be much not into getting credit cards but the other idea to borrow from freinds/family for the 6 months statements seems to be my best option.....yeah the baby is mine, he will be 2yrs olld in january.....cheers for the advice joe,

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the £100 a week is just a rought guide , if you've got £2k+ in savings and your bank balance is not going down each month you shouldn't have a problem with this.

    anyway its about £100 a week after you've paid your rent and poll tax (if i remember correctly) but thats mainly used by some appeal judges, you dont have to have £100 spare aweek ! , the £100 figure is used by some appeal judges becuase its what a couple would get in social security benefits, so some use that figure at a guide.

    the more money you can get the better, dont over do it, they might wonder what your living on, just try to make sure your out goings are not more than your incomings! and you shouldnt have a problem

  6. #6
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    cheers for the advice, plus i hope they take into acount the money i send to support them while they are there, they will see the reciepts with the aplication,i just need to really make sure i get it right first time cos its so expensive for 1 visa nevermind getting 2, i should have registered my son at the embassy there but never got around to it cos of being ill there the last 2 times ive visited and not wanting to travel to manilla when the kid was very young, cheers for the help joe

  7. #7
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    You can still have your child registered at the Embassy as long as you and your wife can supply the required documents. You don't need to be there, far as I'm aware. Then he won't need a visa ...he'll have a British passport, and you'll only need to show ability to support your partner.

    Go for it !

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Go for it !
    ... give it a go, Jay; good luck!

  9. #9
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    im not sure if we have all the correct documents needed as im back in uk ,passport and birth certificate,plus no hospital records cos my son was born in a small private birthing clinic in babatgnon leyte,got the early scans though from hospital, my wife wanted her lola to deliver my son but i wasnt happy for him to be born in samar with no access to any medical services incase of problems,so babatgnon was the nearest place were her lola and family could be with her, cheers for the reply

  10. #10
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    i would prefere him to be registered,i will look into it again cos it ill be cheaper in the longrun,1 less,visa,flr and ilr to pay for,,,cheers

  11. #11
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    Your wife should be able to get a birth certificate (even if 'late registration') locally.

    Just make sure YOUR NAME is on it as the father.

    Births are often delivered by a local amateur midwife in the province, and the Phil govt. recognises this...there is a word for it, that I forget.

    Anyway, once your wife has the local certificate it has to be be sent to Manila to be registered at the national statistics office.
    THIS document will then be used by our Embassy.

    I went through all this 'late-registered' provincial birth stuff when I brought my stepson over.

    Some people don't register births until the kids are several years old !

    Sounds like you have all the other docs.

    Good luck.

  12. #12
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    cheers graham.....ive got my lads birthcertificate for the local municipality and got the nso one also ,he has my family name,i thought it was my birth certificate and passport was needed also,i wanted to register him at the consulate in cebu,i went there before to sort my cni out, i idnt want to go to manila with a young baby,ive never been there and never want too,id prefere to have done it in cebu,ive got proof i was there when my wife was pregnant and at the time of birth,got pictures of him an hour after his birth,we wasnt married until he was 9month old. im not sure if that will be a problem also. ill check again with the website to see if i have all the requirments...cheers for the advice

  13. #13
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    i didnt go back to sort it out at the time due to ilness, ive spent about 20 months in the phils,s but everytime i go i end up sick with one thing or another, ive been hospitalised twice there and i fear for my health everytime i go. i love the place but i suffer so much there,lol

  14. #14
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    Doesn't matter whether you were married or not, long as you're named on birth cert as father.

    I forgot there was a consulate in Cebu..doh !

    Sounds like you have all the docs then.
    There might just be a bit of pratting about, as there is with anything you try to do in Phils.

    Good luck !

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