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Thread: family visit visa, want to make a check list

  1. #1
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Talking family visit visa, want to make a check list

    hello all, an update on my situation, i found a new job in bridgenorth not far from the river, not a great job and it realy hurts my shoulders so i have to take nurofen everyday to ease the pain alittle.
    in december i want my wife to come here for 2 or 3 months, so is it a family visit visa that she will need,
    she will stay here at moms house or at her brothers house, i think that her comming here for a while will help when it comes to applying for a spouse visa,
    her bro will help us with paperwork ect when we know what we will need,
    all i know so far is that the family visit visa is about £70, how long is the proccessing ect,
    thanks and advance

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hi tony congrats for finding the work , what is it you are doing not poaching fish i hope , not to sure on what you need for the family visa thinging but soon will be telling you

  3. #3
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    thanks steve, i make packageing moulds out of expanding foam, gives me a banging headache so i try to hold my breath when exposed, but usualy on thursday i assemble the cases for the motors, the company is calles filtermist, the agency said theres a weeks work for me there but ive been there 3 weeks now, i been very close to quiting because of the shoulder pain, but the nurofen makes it alittle better,
    poached fish mmmmm im hungry now

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    applying for a family visit visa for your spouse could increase the risk of refusal for the visa, as they could well use the standard excuse they dont believe your wife will go back to the phils

    family visit visa processing time, could be up to a few weeks, its hard to say.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    applying for a family visit visa for your spouse could increase the risk of refusal for the visa, as they could well use the standard excuse they dont believe your wife will go back to the phils

    family visit visa processing time, could be up to a few weeks, its hard to say.
    Surely though if they can prove a genuine relationship & absolutely prove they will comply & she will return, they stand a chance...In a genuine case, who would mess up the chance of getting a spouse visa later?...But I know it's proving it?

    We thought of doing the same.

    Tony we're in a similar position to you, good luck with it.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    could increase sim,I'm not saying it will be refused,just want you to be aware, who knows with a visit visa anyway, because she would be entering on the wrong type of visa, if she is your wife and you live in the uk, why is she not applying for a settlement visa ?, it would be different if you lived outside the uk with your wife and wanted to visit, but trying to get a family visit visa for your wife and your married and live in the UK

    how can you prove she will go back ? , i think they are worried because your married instead of applying for a settlement visa with entry clearance (£600+) that your wife will apply for a family visit visa (£75??) and when in the uk apply for FLR(M) at £475) robbing them of £50

  7. #7
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Yes it's complicated Joe...but who's to say you are going to settle in UK?...clutching at straws I know, but there you go???

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well sim your living and working in the uk, and you're going to apply for a visit visa for your wife, WHY ! what's up with the spouse visa

    but at around £70 for the visa, it could be worth the risk, but like i said i don't think your chances are great and i hope you both prove me wrong

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    is it because of the cost for a spouse visa, emma and i are going to be applying for the flr very soon and the cost is over £700 , and when you look at the foams its just like the fiancee visa foams all over again, and lets face it what do you get from the goverment in return

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    is it because of the cost for a spouse visa, emma and i are going to be applying for the flr very soon and the cost is over £700 , and when you look at the foams its just like the fiancee visa foams all over again, and lets face it what do you get from the goverment in return
    i got a cheque from the taxman the other day for £500+ for paying too much tax 2yrs ago

    settlement visa is the same cost for a spouse or a fiancée steve
    but if your your misses comes on a fiancée visa once wed you need to apply for FLR(m) granted for 2yrs then ILR, while on a spouse visa (granted for 27 months) she could apply for ILR after shes been in the UK nearly 2yrs, saving you applying for FLR(m) £475 by post and i think that increases soon !.

    it only cost like £250 to process a visa app, yet they charge £475-£840 for a visa

    it cost me more than £4,000 for visa's for the wife and kids to get citizenship

  11. #11
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    thanks guys, she wont be applying for a spouse visa until she gets back to the phils, so they shouldnt be worried about her staying here in the uk for ever on a family visit visa, and cant apply for a spouse visa yet because its too early and we need to visit eachother more,
    so whats the correct way to be, accepted for a spouse visa, am i suposed to keep gong there, i was going to go there for xmas for a week but i thought it would be best if she comes here for a while, dont they understand that it is best that she comes here to see if she will like it here because this is where we will live for ever,
    i didnt need a visa to go there for 21 days, cant she come here for 21 days without a visa and extend it to 38 days like what i did when i was in the phils,
    getting a family fisit visa then a spouse visa is more money for them, they should be happy with that,
    anyway thanks guys, visas are complicated things so keep the posts comming, i think im going to need all the help i can get

  12. #12
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    we all talk of cost but we have to realy , we have to make sure we can support our new wives children and ourselves all the time , its just a shame that in what we pay the goverment , well it just dont seem right, you are a lucky man geting a tax return , but into one hand and out the other they say , end of the day we all know the cost before we go down that road so a little moan is ok but my life has increased 100% for the better since emma has been here and i would not change a thing really

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    we all talk of cost but we have to realy , we have to make sure we can support our new wives children and ourselves all the time , its just a shame that in what we pay the goverment , well it just dont seem right, you are a lucky man geting a tax return , but into one hand and out the other they say , end of the day we all know the cost before we go down that road so a little moan is ok but my life has increased 100% for the better since emma has been here and i would not change a thing really
    my wife supports me now , your right about the gov , them making a profit out of what should be your legal right to be with your wife and family, remember Europeans living in the UK the family permit is free for them, if they can and have to do it for nothing for them, then why cant they do it for us brits ?

    as for the cheque from the tax man , after many years of working i think this is only the second one

    most people are not aware of the cost or the visa process b4 you start to get serious with your non European partner, i'm sure for some it has caused problems in their relationship and a breka up in some cases.. ( remember some people had to wait more than 4 months after applying for a settlement visa not long ago to get the result of their app)

  14. #14
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    well i hope i have gone into our future with both eyes open , i set aside so much money for the visa the wedding and support for emma too, and so far so good , like i have said we applied for the fianccee route so the next is the wedding , then flr and hopefuly if accepted emma could work then and then the next is 2 years so not looking at that just yet , more to think about before then like wedding dress and shoes and whos coming , i am a very happy person and i hope emma is too , seeing her smile and calling the house were we live home does sound good coming from emma too, a silly thing yes but its the silly little things that count

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    goodluck steve, but i'm sure you will not need it from me
    once your misses is here in the uk, getting any other type of extension should be just a formality, as most of the hard work you've already done getting here in the UK

  16. #16
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    thanks , we all need someone to listern sometimes not luck , just hope that i may have many many years with emma

  17. #17
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    If its an option, I would recommend that before you apply for the visa you purchase, using a credit card, a FULLY REFUNDABLE RETURN ticket directly from the airline (Singapore Airlines or KLM, as they refund within 3 days of a refund request). Your wife can present this when she applies for the visa as proof that she will return. Then after you have the visa, cancel the ticket and purchase a cheap ticket.
    Alternatively, some agents will prebook tickets for you, that are valid for around two weeks before they need to be paid for, this could also be used as proof.

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    my wife supports me now , your right about the gov , them making a profit out of what should be your legal right to be with your wife and family, remember Europeans living in the UK the family permit is free for them, if they can and have to do it for nothing for them, then why cant they do it for us brits ?
    Must be some cast iron reason why they can do this otherwise Mrs Cherie Blair would have embarked by now on a publicly funded Human Rights action

  19. #19
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the reason is we Brits can go to somewhere else in Europe and apply for a family permit for free from there, basically you cannot exercise your EU treaty rights in the country your born in
    the gov has published what it cost to process the different visa''s, and so you can see how much profit they make out of each of us , but they will tell you ILR and Citizenship is a privilege and thats the value they place on it

  20. #20
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Congrats on the new Job Tony dont worry im sure it will get easier

    Do much sure you have the correct PPE Personal protective equipment you need for your job. The company should pay for and supply the equipment. Is the area ventilated well enough? I know sometimes you have to be very tactfully about mentioning such things with managers but worth checking if its affecting you

    Like Joe the family visit visa sounds like it may possibly have the ECO ask why is the Wife of a British Citizen Visiting rather than applying for a Spouse Visa and staying with you would need a good and genuine reason. Nothing is impossible but like Joe, I can see more reasons why it would raise red flags of doubt with an ECO than green flags of lets pass this Visa.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  21. #21
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well sim your living and working in the uk, and you're going to apply for a visit visa for your wife, WHY ! what's up with the spouse visa
    Not looking at that option now, but we did think about it a few months ago...much like Tony is now.

    I'm married to a Filipina...I'm living & working here now, but that dosen't mean it's a permanent situation? Plans can change quickly, for whatever reason?

  22. #22
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    indeed sim , life changes so quick , i am lucky i know with emma being here

  23. #23
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    indeed sim , life changes so quick , i am lucky i know with emma being here
    You're a happy man Steve, It's plain to see...Good luck! to you & Emma.

  24. #24
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    yes at work i wear a mask, goggles, overalls and has an extraction, the fumes rise up and my neck is long so puts my head right over the fumes hehe, but i was ok last week, ive leaned how to avoid the fumes,
    as for this visa situation, im upset about it, we have no chance of getting the souse visa its too early to try, and the family visit visa will only bugger our chances of getting the spouse visa, seams like a loose loose situation,
    soooo ill have to change my plans again, ill go and visit her at xmas or when they dont need me at my new job, thats if i have enough money saved for the flight, cant wait to be with her again

  25. #25
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    sim i think it will be refused, but at £70 its worth a try once, but only once. it might create problems (interview etc) when you do apply for a spouse visa ..

    but if your misses gets it upto 6 months in the uk with you

    whats the prob, your savings or wage slips? cant you borrow money from your family/friends, use a cred card ?

  26. #26
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    sim i think it will be refused, but at £70 its worth a try once, but only once. it might create problems (interview etc) when you do apply for a spouse visa ..

    but if your misses gets it upto 6 months in the uk with you

    whats the prob, your savings or wage slips? cant you borrow money from your family/friends, use a cred card ?
    Think you misunderstood me Joe, not going for the family visit visa now, but yeah proof of income is a worry for spouse visa, though I support her financially.

    Tony whatever happens, don't give up hope...You'll get there in the end.

  27. #27
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well i hope you sort it out soon sim

  28. #28
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well i hope you sort it out soon sim
    Cheers! Bloggsy

  29. #29
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    i had to tell liz the bad news yesterday, i felt so bad, she is loseiing hope the same as me:(
    should we apply for the family visit visa just once, or is there another visa we can apply for,
    i think ill email the vfs and try and see what they say

  30. #30
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Hi Tony,
    I want to share my experience. My husband Mark was here 2 months ago and we got married a month after. He visited Phils 4 times this year to be with me. After spending our honeymoon in Sri Lanka and Malaysia he went with me to VFS and apply for family visit visa to visit husband and meet his parents for the first time. My children from previous relationship are living here in Cebu, and mind you I have a Welsh stepfather and both my parents don't want to live in the UK and neither me because I'm pretty happy here. After a week we receive the Refusal Notice on the grounds that my Cert of Employment doesn't have a letterhead, and I did not include any bank statements because I don't keep money in the bank. SO, the ECO thinks that my visit is not genuine and thinks that I will not be accommodated in the UK. Even though my husband owns a house, on full time employment as a lecturer at uni. portsmouth. We submitted my pays from paypal, cert of properties under my parents because all of the properties are under their names even though I like 10 miles from my parents but they own this. I included a letter explaining what I will do in the UK and why the properties under my parents name and some properties of my mum which she inherits from her parents. It would have show a strong ties to Phils. I've included the birth certificates of my children too. My husband also made a letter explaining about his properties. Anyhow, when the Refusal Notice arrived with my passport, it came with an appeal forms. On the forms it states what are the things you did not agree with on the ECO decision. You need to contest it stating the grounds of the visit. It is a shame really, because for genuine people like me to enter UK are the ones the ECOs will refuse outright. It should come to their realization that if indeed I wanted to enter UK to settle we would have applied for Spouse Visa. But it never occur to me to settle in the UK.
    It is worth to give a try to apply for family visit visa. You may never know if you get a sensible ECO who has the common sense to handle the application. As for the ECO who handled my application, he/she failed to acknowledge that I have children in Phils, even though I clearly stated in my letter that I do not want to settle in the UK because of my children and hubby is moving here next year for good. That too is included in the letter, my only very reason to visit UK is to meet his parents and sister in person. And be together for few months before he moves here on March 2011.
    You see, it would depend on the ECO. But you will can always appeal and it's free. It's just frustrating though because it is a human rights code article 7.
    Hope this help and answers your query about family visit visa.
    Life as we make it

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