As everybody who's been through the process of a fiance/spouse visa knows, you have to have a certain level of savings.
I've always assumed (or maybe read on here) that it's to supplement your monthly disposable income in the event of any financial emergency, etc. Am I right?
Reason for asking is, after printing off my bank statements for the visa app, I then ended up using that savings to pay for the visa, the flights, a Nintendo Wii

, etc to the point that by the time Yam landed at Heathrow airport with her visa, I had nothing left saved!
Always been curious about that one as for some reason I had this tiny nagging thought in the back of my head while I was stood in arrivals waiting for Yam that someone might suddenly come over to me and ask me to prove I still had savings in my account or they wouldn't let her in to the country! As we had no problems with getting the visa, I think I was convinced something had to come out of left field to spoil things