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Thread: is it HARD to say SORRY???...

  1. #61
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    For a quiet life, I say 'sorry' every time. Even if I know im right. You asked if it got harder to say sorry as we get older, for me, the answer is no. I was awful in my 20's, I would argue every time. Now, im the opposite. like I said, anything for a quiet life. Not good trying to score points against your wife.
    Last edited by gWaPito; 25th October 2010 at 00:12. Reason: spelling

  2. #62
    Respected Member shrek48's Avatar
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    i never say sorry as i never make mistakes
    dont u no by now men only make unavoidable errors

  3. #63
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    When my asawa is grumpy and not sweet i know she has tampo with me and i dont even know why but i still say what ever i did to upset you please sorry but she will answer you dont know what did you do to upset me? then why your asking sorry.

    You have to remember first what did you do before you will say sorry then i will believe your sincere. She is so sweet but sometimes she drives me buang when she dont talk and i dont know the reason why.

  4. #64
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    That's because we women tend to forget that men literally have to be smacked in the face with something before they see it. Women are very good at understanding hints, but men are almost completely blind to them. I know if a woman were to be in the same situation and your wives were mad at that woman, she'd know what she did wrong. She'd get the hints.

  5. #65
    Member bher's Avatar
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    ooohh, really shrek? wat a perfect/ ideal guy,.lol...

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
    That's because we women tend to forget that men literally have to be smacked in the face with something before they see it. Women are very good at understanding hints, but men are almost completely blind to them. I know if a woman were to be in the same situation and your wives were mad at that woman, she'd know what she did wrong. She'd get the hints.
    So means that us men always meet the level of performance expected

  7. #67
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    best thing i think is we all make mistakes its our you deal with it between yourselves that will make the differance forgive and forgive i recall but hey we some love to stretch it out and see what they may get out of it , ups another clout i feel coming

  8. #68
    Member bher's Avatar
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    got it right...

  9. #69
    Newbie (Restricted Access) meca's Avatar
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    interesting thread,
    in my own opinion and experience..
    older guys than girls can apologise easily to their partner when they are wrong, they have more experience and can understand the situation more and most of all can understand situation better... but with the younger guys, they finds it difficult coz they sometimes they said they understand things and insist whats in their head even its wrong,,, girls most likely banging their head in the wall...

  10. #70
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    Sometimes it is good to swallow your pride and say you're sorry.

    My friend of 20 years died of cancer this afternoon, leaving his wonderful Filipina wife and their two lovely boys behind.

    They had been married and living in the Phils for over 20 years, but came back to England in 2007.

    My friend and I had fallen out for a while over some silly thing, but when I heard that he was ill I started to visit him, and we were friends again, and I think I brightened up his last few weeks.

    He was an intelligent and funny man, and as a couple they were inseparable, even though he was 25 years her senior.

    I'm so glad that WE were able to say sorry, and that our last meetings were happy ones, also that he knew that I would be there to help his widow and the boys when he was gone.

  11. #71
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    I think it depends on the person or the couple involved...

    I mean for me, my mahal finds it really really hard to say sorry even when we both know she was in the wrong, she will realy try put all the blame on me first before even daring to say sorry.

    I keep telling her it's gonna be a problem if it continues, because of her pride, problems last days instead of minutes or hours. But she eventually says sorry anyway.

    On my part, I have a habit of saying the F word a lot, which she hasn't got used to, so she automatically assumes that it is her a am aiming the F word at. Now that's when I find it hard to say sorry, because for me, that's a habit I have, no harm intended, but it's just something I got used to.

    But in our relationship, it is far more easier for me to swallow my pride and say sorry, when I realise I am wrong, I will admit to it. The only problem comes when I say the F word and she think it's aimed at her, especially when I say "wtf are you on about"... doesn't sound good does it? But something I always say a lot, it's become my expression so to speak and because of that, I find it hard to say sorry...

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmmab View Post
    On my part, I have a habit of saying the F word a lot, which she hasn't got used to.......
    Maybe better to try hard to avoid saying that. Even your wife may have gotten a little used to it, it's still culturally a big NO-NO
    I think most of SE Asia is the same. Japan certainly is.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Maybe better to try hard to avoid saying that. Even your wife may have gotten a little used to it, it's still culturally a big NO-NO
    I think most of SE Asia is the same. Japan certainly is.
    I know, I just ended up saying it again yesterday to my mahal in the philippines, and guess what, i havn't heard from her since, her cell fone is off, landline is unplugged, I literally have no means of contacting her apart from waiting for her to get online...

    I mean, she makes mistakes too, but never have I ignored her this bad, I think this is a bit too much for only saying "wtf are you talking about", I mean, it's not like I cheated right...

    I left her emails countless of times saying I'm sorry but still nothing, and I know she has read them too, because I sent them to an email address where we both know the password, and when I checked, all my emails have been read...

    Maybe I'm just more commited than she is, and when times get hard, I'm always there and she always turns off her fone and becomes uncontactable

  14. #74
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    Sounds like a great relationship.

    Maybe you need to SERIOUSLY learn to drop the construction site language and have some respect for her ?

  15. #75
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    I know man, but I have been like that for a long time, saying ****** has become so normal to me, it's like smoking, you can't just tell someone to stop smoking, it takes time...

    I know I'm wrong for saying the F work, but ignoring someone you supposedly love for that long isn't right... right?

    And respect her... Of course I respect her, I wouldn't tell her I'm sorry or I love her if I didn't respect her... Maybe you grew up where the F word meant something really really bad... I grew up in a school where the F word was said like it was nothing and now I'm realising it aint so good, but trying to change isn't as easy as most people think it is...

  16. #76
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    I grew up in the rougher part of a coal mining town where our neighbour, the Mayor's wife used to walk up to the corner shop in her curlers, slippers and dressing gown, fag in mouth, and getting your head kicked in on the way home from school was nothing out of the ordinary.

    I worked on construction sites, starting as a tunnel labourer and concreter and later as a plant operator.

    One thing I was always taught as a young lad was never to use bad language in front of a woman.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmmab View Post
    I know I'm wrong for saying the F work, but ignoring someone you supposedly love for that long isn't right... right?
    Using the F word to someone in the Phils is going to get you into some extreme problem at some point.
    Using the F word to your Mahal is also going going to end up in problems.
    It's just that you probably have no idea of the effect.

    I personally would not compare it to smoking.
    Why not try to use some other word?
    Better to explain to your lady about your problem and how you will work hard to change.

  18. #78
    Member bher's Avatar
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    One thing I was always taught as a young lad was never to use bad language in front of a woman. [/QUOTE]

    your right...

  19. #79
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    @Terpe, you're right, because I got so used to it, I never realised the effect it had on my mahal. We managed to talk today and fixed everything.

    We both acknowledged that we both have problems/flaws we need to work on to make our relationship stronger.

    I promised her I will try my best to stop using the F word so frequently and told her that I may need her help to remind me when I use it, coz it just slips out my mouth like it means nothing.

    And she promised that she wouldnt be that distant again, coz she said she realises that being that distant won't solve the problem, it will only prolong it and that's something we both don't want...

    But yeh... It is hard to say sorry, especially when to you it means nothing, but realising you are wrong always takes an open mind, because with a closed mind, no matter what anyone else says, it won't make a difference...

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmmab View Post
    @Terpe, you're right, because I got so used to it, I never realised the effect it had on my mahal. We managed to talk today and fixed everything.

    We both acknowledged that we both have problems/flaws we need to work on to make our relationship stronger.

    I promised her I will try my best to stop using the F word so frequently and told her that I may need her help to remind me when I use it, coz it just slips out my mouth like it means nothing.

    And she promised that she wouldnt be that distant again, coz she said she realises that being that distant won't solve the problem, it will only prolong it and that's something we both don't want...

    But yeh... It is hard to say sorry, especially when to you it means nothing, but realising you are wrong always takes an open mind, because with a closed mind, no matter what anyone else says, it won't make a difference...
    Try changing to frick and then to something else, expletives are an important part of our language but overdo it and they become meaningless.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    Try changing to frick and then to something else, expletives are an important part of our language but overdo it and they become meaningless.
    That's a good idea, thanks for that one JimOttley! By doing that, I don't have to change the way I express myself too much. Changing F to frick would be a good change

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