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Thread: visa rise

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post

    Can you just clarify that? Maybe your confusing this with a Schengen Visa which is free anyway?
    Hi Rob,

    Ok here it goes... Sometime ago, while applying for my Italian equivalent to a CNI from the Consulate in Manchester, I heard that as an Eu citizen settled in the UK I was exempt from paying Uk visa fees for my non EU wife. It is in some obscure European law... Then I came across a thread on this site...

    To make double sure I wasn't being made a fool, I did phone the Embassy in Manila, while in Cebu last month.
    They did confirm it for me, unequivocably.

    When I read your query to me, I got a bit jittery, as I don't like to have posted someting that might be construed as incorrect.
    So this morning I phoned the Home Office, and unbelievably I got a person answering.
    This very informed lady, also confirmed what I knew already and directed me to the IND website. Which is so full of legalese jargon that I got lost somewhere in there. Undeterred I searched further, and got to the UKVACS site
    and here it is.....................

    I do admit that it is a scandalous state of affairs, and unfair for you Brits, especially now that the visa fees have gone up, but I cannot complain.

    And to give credit where is due, I must thank this forum for all the info, encouragement and invaluable help found here.

    I just hope that the visa or family permit is granted quickly and without hassle.

    Thanks everyone.


  2. #32
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    This is a prime example of media brainwashing. The news only pick up on the minority things, "people left dieing on trolleys"....well news for you...some people do die before they get to a doc...."My wife died in corridor", probably did, but they treat millions of patients, and as we are human, mistakes will ALWAYS happen.

    Cutbacks & closures - The NHS is going through a change for the better, managers are now being made to account for the £Billions they have lost over the last few decades. Most hospitals are in profit, the minority that are not is due to bad management, not lack of funds.

    Very very few people in this country do not pay for there medication, it is all heabily subsidised. Take a box of 100 Co-Proxamol, simple painkillers, free for me, £8 is it if you need to pay? Europe & USA? £70 a box. I use 2-3 of those a month.

    I know a lot of folk in different areas of the health service, and it has improved for the better over the last decade.
    Keith, my wife works for the NHS, I see the news, i read the papers, hope hospitals maternity unit is CLOSING !!!! its not media hype, so are many other maternity units in greater manchester and this is a 3 star hospital, there have been 1000s of nurses made redunant as nhs trusts try to balance the books, even some nurses have been asked to work for nothing,

    as for junior doctors its a complete joke, those doing specialist training, 8,000 cannot find work, there are junior doctors who cannot find work. i know my wife is taking exams, but shes lucky in away as she doesnt need a work permit.

    as for meds on nhs, i just got a prescription for painkillers for my back, and you can buy any drug cheap online, as for meds the gov has been paying too much for meds, if you watched the news last week, the gov admitted they have been charged too much for the meds but they want to keep the drug companies sweet.

    keith just type in google "nhs redundancies" and see how many media hype stories you can see. of people who are now redundant.

    i just watched the local news last night, showed 23 new mid wifes, none could find a job, they found 1 job that was 40 miles away, and they said its becuase of a freeze on employing people.

    a few years ago, you didnt read, hear or see stories about NHs redundances or closures. READ YOUR LOCAL PAPER AND SAVE YOUR LOCAL HOSPITAL FROM CLOSURE. coz am sure part if not all of it is closing down.

  3. #33
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    there have been 1000s of nurses made redunant as nhs trusts try to balance the books, even some nurses have been asked to work for nothing,
    Exactly, bad financial management, £Millions wasted by those that run the hospital, and to put things right for there own cock-ups, other people must pay, unlike the majority of hospitals which are run properly. Redundancies have nothing to do with goverment, nor the majority of hospitals, only those that run a bad businnes modael, that without goverment support would have gone bankrupt years ago. It's your £Millions of taxes they have been wasting, I'd be more piddled off with that more than anything.

    Junior doctors - If their are no jobs available, they can't work. Same goes for all the trained engineers, jpurnalists, etc leaving Uni, they can't all get the jobs they want even after years of training.

    We didn't read about them years ago? You have a short memory, go back to when the Tories where in power, and read the historic clips.
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #34
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i think we can argue til cows come home, and its easy to blame management for the problems. i dont know who is to blame, but to bury your head in the sand , and say its not happening is or its just bad management is

    who's to blame for the post office's shutting near me, or where have all the parks gone, even public toliets, once they are gone, there gone for good.

  5. #35
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Ok folks!

    I hear you moaning bout the visa prices..................

    Fit can wi de aboot it?

    I dina ken fit you folk ar wingin aboot

    still looking for a job here
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  6. #36
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotsfiancee View Post
    Ok folks!

    I hear you moaning bout the visa prices..................

    Fit can wi de aboot it?

    I dina ken fit you folk ar wingin aboot

    still looking for a job here
    wow, your aberdonian is getting better!!!

    Come work for royal mail... you'll love it!

  7. #37
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    There are problems in the NHS, I don't deny that, each hospital is run by a manager, 80% are run OK, the others are a failure to be run successfully from the top....same as in ANY business. If my company fails, I am the manager, no one else is to blame but me, but hospitals are run much better than 10,20,30...years ago. No more black holes for wasting money.

    If you don't like the NHS, go private and pay the same rate as the rest of the world!!

    Post office is another business model failure, they no longer have anything to sell, they are losing money. If local people used them to do all their shopping in they'd stay open, but they don't. They buy the shopping elsewhere, and when the PO closes complain about it, even though it's the fact they never used it in the first place that forced the closure.

    How much do you SPEND in your PO a year? I spend a few hundred, and my 'local' is 3 miles away.
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #38
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I pay most of my bills at the PO, gas/electric/water, poll tax, tax disk, and use to pay TV license there, for some reason you cant any longer

    but you have to remember old people rely on the PO, they dont have cannot tell me you've not noticed parks, public toliets, PO's and near me even the pubs are boarded up and shut, i dont mean one or 2, I think where I live to the town centre is 2 miles, there are proberly 20+ pubs in that 2 miles, a pub crawllers paradise, about 1/4 are now shut down in the last yr or 2.

    it is nothing or sign of the times ? yes like under thatcher, and its repeating, remember the style council song "all gone away"....

    i dont know where you are but its true where iam

  9. #39
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You're in Manchester...they get what they sow ..I rest my case

    Our village is full of old people with no cars, yet the PO is 3 miles away, they manage just fine.

    The problem is, peoples inability to accept change. Simple as that.
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #40
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by john sergison View Post
    How can we as a group make our complaint to BLAIR about this overpriced increase in charges, Any ideas?

    I, for one have written to my (labour) MP. So far, no reply though. Perhaps I'll turn up at his surgery. How can they justify a 123% increase in fees?

  11. #41
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I phoned IND yesterday asking about how to apply for ILR and asked about the fee, the lady said its a proposed increase, of course they will increase it. but still the forms have not been changed, will they changed them on april 1st?, looks like it, too late for me by 10 days , so it will cost me £830 more.

    I've seen on other web sites, that people have complained to the BBC and their MP, but end of the day if not enough people kick up a fuss, it will go thru. also how can you complain, if you say you dont have the money, then they can say you dont have the finances to support your wife if you do get ILR !! catch 22, damned if you do or if you dont complain..

    I'll write to my MP, but i dont expect an answer.

  12. #42
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You could always start pro-gambling your a Manc 'friend' I can increase your subscription to £830
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #43
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    Maybe it is an attempt increase the numbers of illegal immigrants?

  14. #44
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eljean View Post
    i will be applying for flr before april 2 or i have to pay 750 quid....
    hi eljean i think you pay £750 if you apply ILR but this is by post if you apply in personal you pay nearly £1000

  15. #45
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=vbkelly;20325]hi eljean i think you pay £750 if you apply ILR but this is by post if you apply in personal you pay nearly £1000[/QUOTE

    we keep calling home office for we haven yet apply for flr we keep asking about the visa rise but then they say it just a proposed/provisional they are not sure giving any specific date when it is going to be effective the fee are still normal as they say...were still waiting for that 3 months banks statement which is taking so long becoz as they say the bank is having a massive back log at the moment...i hope they will posponed it in a bit like maybe mids of april...until we get to send our application or else we need to pay 750
    Filipina a born survivor!

  16. #46
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    sorry , the forms you have to use on or after the 2/4/2007 are already on the IND web site for FLR, and i'll bet the new ILR forms will be on there on friday

    looks like you and me and many others will have to pay more, if you look on the british embassy web site it mentioned the new prices more than a week ago

    proposed ! its a fact..

    from ind website

    New application forms will shortly be available from this website. These forms must be used for all applications made on or after 2nd April 2007.

    and the FLR one has gone up from £335 to £395. so it has increased.

  17. #47
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    sorry , the forms you have to use on or after the 2/4/2007 are already on the IND web site for FLR, and i'll bet the new ILR forms will be on there on friday

    looks like you and me and many others will have to pay more, if you look on the british embassy web site it mentioned the new prices more than a week ago

    proposed ! its a fact..

    from ind website

    New application forms will shortly be available from this website. These forms must be used for all applications made on or after 2nd April 2007.

    and the FLR one has gone up from £335 to £395. so it has increased.
    what you mean?335 to 395?by post thought its 335 to 750 quid by post?
    all i been worried about is that 750 quid rise becoz we dont have much saving i got the new flr form which scot give was good to know its just 395 not 750 quid.....
    Filipina a born survivor!

  18. #48
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    If you are going to post or make your application in person before 2 April 2007, you must use the existing version of this form (version 06/2006). If you are going to apply on or after 2 April 2007, you must use the new version of the form (version 04/2007). If you are downloading the new form, please make sure that you also download the separate guidance notes.

    Here is the new FLR(m) (version 4/2007)

    FLR (M) Guidance (version 04/2007)

    fees for postal applications on or after 2 paril 2007 are £395 for postal applications or £595 for the premium sevice at one of the public enquiry office.
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  19. #49
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    flr was £335 and will be £395
    its ILR thats gone up to £750

  20. #50
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Joe, you can earn all your visa fees back by Xmas, just visit .....I'll even throw in first month for free
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #51
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Joe, you can earn all your visa fees back by Xmas, just visit .....I'll even throw in first month for free
    You are not allowed to advertise that here!!!

  22. #52
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Keith - Administrator

  23. #53
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you know the code of honor a Manc has to take , rule 1 section 67, paragraph 23

    'never give a scouser your money' !!! and its in bold, underlined and in red

    i'll just pestter my wife to get a full time job , oh its her pay day to day, and that means pay day for me to

  24. #54
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    oh i found a link to a petition about visa rises.

    sign up and protest or pay thru the

    hope u dont mind the link keith

  25. #55
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It won't get you anywhere, this government only cater for the minority....
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #56
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well with only 279 names on it, thats a minority

  27. #57
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If you can add notes, put "One legged black Muslim"'ll have the governments full attention then!
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #58
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes as i thought, the new forms for ILR are on the IND website, time for me to print'em off and rob a few banks to pay for them

  29. #59
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Well, I've added my name to the petition, written to my MP who has now replied. I doubt that anything will come of it as the IND website says that the proposed fee increases HAVE been introduced. I guess it's all a bit late now.
    However, I still feel it's wrong to charge so much for ILTR especially when the "foreigner" has already paid twice to get an entry visa and the LLTR.
    Obviously in many of our cases it's not the immigrant paying, it's us British national spouses! In fact, the ILTR should be the cheapest of all three visas as surely the immigrant has already proved everything necessary for entry and as long as those criteria still stand e.g. a Filipina who came here on a fiancee visa and is married to a Brit and is still married and living together, then it's just a case of rubber stamping the passport isn't it?
    Or, if the applicant intents to apply for British citizenship then then ILTR should be waived. It's sneaky how all the stages are spaced apart so they can charge you at each stage.

    Fiancee visa 6 months
    LLTR 2 years
    ILTR after 2 years
    But- citizenship for a spouse - after 3 years

  30. #60
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    in my case its even worse

    spouse visa.
    visa for stepson to join family
    flr for them all
    living in uk test *2
    ILR * 2

    total cost more than £2,500

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