This is a prime example of media brainwashing. The news only pick up on the minority things, "people left dieing on trolleys"....well news for you...some people do die before they get to a doc...."My wife died in corridor", probably did, but they treat millions of patients, and as we are human, mistakes will ALWAYS happen.the NHS is in a real state, you only have to see on the news and in the news papers, redundancies, cut backs, closures, this isnt made up by the press, even our local maternity unit, a 3 star rated hospital is facing closure, so pregnant women from salford will have to travel to bolton gen, which is a 1 star rated hospital.
some people have to pay for their medication as the nhs will not, iam not knocking the nhs, my wife works for it, they do a good job, but their on a sinking ship., and this under a labour government
Cutbacks & closures - The NHS is going through a change for the better, managers are now being made to account for the £Billions they have lost over the last few decades. Most hospitals are in profit, the minority that are not is due to bad management, not lack of funds.
Very very few people in this country do not pay for there medication, it is all heabily subsidised. Take a box of 100 Co-Proxamol, simple painkillers, free for me, £8 is it if you need to pay? Europe & USA? £70 a box. I use 2-3 of those a month.
I know a lot of folk in different areas of the health service, and it has improved for the better over the last decade.