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Thread: swindled

  1. #1
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    Good day everyone. I am currently a student in one of the universities here in Hampshire doing a Mastrs degree. Before I came here in UK, I have asked one of the immigration consultancies in Manila who helped process a Uk student visa. The agency promised me to enroll in one of the colleges here in UK and asked me to pay them P185,000.00 that inlcudes my tuition fees and processing fees. After paying that amount, I have waited for atleast 2 months to be enrolled but unfortunately, the agency hasn't done anything with my student application until i found out later that the owner of the agency has already departed Philippines to UK. Inother words, he ran and took my money away. (Not just me but a lot of aspiring students).
    After having that bad experienced, still I decided to find another agency to help me process a UK student visa until I found out an organization who really helped Filipinos to get a UK student visa without fees.
    Now that i am here in UK, i wanted to find that guy (owner of the agency) who swindled my money but I really don't know how to find him and get my money back. The only evidence I have in my hand is the receipt and his emails.
    Now, i am asking some advise and help from you guys on what to do. Please help me get my money back. I have a mobile number of this guy and tried to contact him when I arrived here 3 weeks ago but he ignored my call.
    Thank you and will really appreciate your help.

  2. #2
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    how can this forum help you

    if i was him, i would of changed my number and got a new phone with your 185k
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  3. #3
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    You need to go to the Citizens Advice Bureau (in most larger towns).

    They will give free advice and point you in the right direction.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    So sorry to read of your misfortune. Alas, Mel, this forum is powerless to help in such situations; all I can suggest is you go along to your nearest police station ... explain what's happened, hand over the receipt - together with the guy's emails - and ask them to contact the mobile number you have for him. But ... even then ... I don't hold out much hope of your money being recovered, to be honest!

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The police won't help as the offence took place in the Phil, you need to report it to them. They may then take it up with the UK police..... in other words, they'll do squat

    Scams happen daily to 1000's of people, and as you wilingly handed over the money it is up to yourself to get it back, but don't expect any legal help.
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
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    You could try doing some internet searchesfor his name, and if you find him, go off and see him for your money back. But realistically, I think you're money is long gone.
    Unfortunately, a lot of people in the Philippines seem to get caught by these scams, which is a real shame.

  7. #7
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    There was a program on TFC just a couple of weeks ago about the many many scams
    connected with 'agencies' within Phils organising Student Visa's.

    According to this programme the British Authorities are now investigating as most (not all) were UK based. I can't remember exactly how many organisation are on the 'investigation list' but it was near 100

    Many young people in the Phils are contacting these agencies (locally) many agencies
    advertise their services in schools and colleges etc.
    The sums they charge are very large.

    It appears complicated as the documentation from the UK company does at first sight appear to contravene regulations. However the local representatives DO verbally give assurances that are total lies. They guarantee Visa, tuition fees, accomodation and work. If the student ever arrives in UK they have only a small shared room for 1 month,
    no tuition fees only enrolment, and no work.

    I do not want to name any organisation here.

  8. #8
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    There's been some publicity here about these scams too (fake colleges,etc).
    It's been going on for years of course, but as usual the authorities act in their usual tortoise-like manner.

    Anyway, maybe the OP would be best contacting the UK Border Agency, as I believe they are the ones investigating these scumbags.

  9. #9
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    On the surface I'd have thought nothing could be done here regardless of the fact that con man might be a UK national as the fiddle took place overseas. Might be different if it was another EU nation as they can now deport you for dodging a parking fine.

    Sorry to hear what happened to OP though

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