Cool Nigela man after my own demented heart (and mind)
Multi-person pantheistic solipsism!
That is what you just described.
It's an interesting philosophy and one that I was quite convinced of when I was a lot younger, less convinced now![]()
However I will admit that there is emerging evidence to suggest that our universe is holographic but it's still very speculative
The "me that is me" is right here right now, the "you that is you" may or may not exist, it is possible that I am the be all and end all of everything and you are but a dream, however I got older and I don't really care about all that any more, it's more important to be with the ones you love and to spend your life with your children.
As a pure view of science and the "how" of the world rather than the "why", it is very valid interpretation.
I didn't watch the vid.
I have now watched the vid
The dark brain stuff is semantic nonsense, the "BRAIN" includes your eyes they are connectedpart of the same organ, so the "BRAIN" experiences light directly, they are talking about processing not exprience.
Also the "BRAIN" is not confined to your head this is a common misunderstanding because of people's tendency to compartmentalise stuff. Your "BRAIN" is really a network of fine sensors "neurones" that extend throughout our entire body. Your fingers your tongue and other bits are full of nerve cells that are directly connected to your processing centre otherwise known as the "BRAIN"so experience is not completely processed in one small space, who is to say that reality is not a result of all of the movements of chemicals and electrons inside a living organism?
Solipsism is a powerful idea but it's not convincing as you get older![]()
What scares you the most
Science and its breakthroughs amazes and scares me
Can science really solve the world's energy and medical woes? (stem cell research,global warming)dunno
i still believe i'm human with fears !!
and uses my 'heart' to deal with my abnormal brain waves![]()
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
Science has already solved the energy problem, it's the political will that is needed.
Keith - Administrator
Changing the subject a little bit, I'll tell you what scares me...Being in vehicles in the Philippines, when they fill up with fuel & they don't switch the engine off.
Was in a taxi, a week or 2 ago & the driver shot across the problem I thought, he's just taking a short cut, like many seem to do...then he pulls up to the pump & the attendent starts filling up, engine still running.
I can think of at least 3 times, this has happened & each time, I start praying & sweating...I hate it.![]()
And don't forget....with cigarette in hand.![]()
dying young...that scares me most!!!....
Think I can pass on that one now, but I lost my beautiful fiancee, killed in a road accident when she was in her twenties.
I can't begin to describe the loss felt by her family and myself.
She's still very much alive in our hearts though.
I'm so sorry about your fiancee, Graham. I can't even imagine how it must have felt or how it must feel even now to have lost someone so dear.
It was a truly horrible time, and she was such a popular and wonderful girl (a nurse), not only to me.
There were more than 300 people at her funeral.
It did affect me badly for a long time I must say, but eventually you do have to get on with life, and try to live that life that you feel much more blessed to have, in the way that you hope that the one you've lost would have approved , if you understand what I mean.![]()
That is tragic Graham.
You should neither be scared of stem cell research (which led to cloning) , nor is it going to solve the world's medical woes. Gene replacement therapy, with a DNA chip for each patient, is still a long way off. Not enough is known about human cloning (chances of malformation, and disease because of the originating cell's age) to allow adult human clones in the foreseeable future.
Premature death ( before age 60) is scary to all of us, whether by accident, or much more commonly by disease. Malaria, for example, killed nearly 2m people in 2008, many of them children in Africa - this is a disease for which there is effective treatment.
The biggest healthcare challenge is the increasing size of the world's population, with 1/8 already over 60. Cardiovascular disease ( heart disease and stroke) is the number 1 cause of death globally. The risk factors are well known. But the recent decline in such deaths in the UK is in part due to use of lipid-regulating drugs - statins.
Cancer is the second commonest cause of death. Environment and genetics are important, but as with cardiovascular disease, it's the environment - smoking, diet, obesity - which is the most important.
"High tech" medical advances - personalized medicine based on genetic profile - are not going to make a big difference to health for many years. In the meantime, as with energy, we already have the answers. There are effective drugs for malaria, TB, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. Improved diets and stopping smoking could work wonders. It's finding the political will, and money, to use what we already know that could make the most difference. What's scary is that it has yet to happen.
Nigels' an escaped clone![]()
Keith - Administrator
wha scares me the most is waking up and finding out i'm a scouser![]()
The thing that scares me at my age.
My wife not being able to tell the difference between an orgasm and a heart attack!![]()
good one.
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
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