I am scared to be CLONED(dont ask me why,,???
...there is already a technical breakthrough that scientist can turn human eggs into cloned embryos) ..do u think we can see one cloned human in our lifetime??? woooooo scary.
I am scared to be CLONED(dont ask me why,,???
...there is already a technical breakthrough that scientist can turn human eggs into cloned embryos) ..do u think we can see one cloned human in our lifetime??? woooooo scary.
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
cloning would be great, imagine if there was millions of cloned bornatbirths
clowns scare me![]()
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
i think we could, there is always some scientist somewhere that will do it. they have now cloned a few different animals since dolly was cloned. some have already claimed to have produced cloned embryos and implanted them. http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/20...nayiotis-zavos
there are some mad scientist out there, one will do it.
They're moving towards being able to digitise your memory now.
Upload that into your shiny new cloned body, and away you go.![]()
Of course all these things will come to fruition the week after I'm in the ground.![]()
Cloning is technical possible, although the animals so far cloned have not been without problems.
Human cloning could happen without us knowing.
It would be even more scary if a cloned me had my memories digitised and uploaded.
How would I know who was really me?![]()
surely a cloned you will have to be born and will look younger![]()
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
Wouldn't it be great though....starting off again, young and vigorous, but with all those lessons in life already learned....and I could buy a hairbrush !
Hmm - have to change my taste in clothes and music though![]()
What scares me most. Its failure. You wld of thought I wld be used to it by now ! It still rips my gutts out. I guess its the same for most people. Getting back to what Graham said about being young again and of course knowing what we know now. Who was it who said ' Youth is wasted on the young' ? Yes, I know Robby Williams said it in one of his songs
, Mark ... God knows, I've had my share of *it! I won't elaborate for now, though - as it would take me all night ... based on the number of years I've been around.
Suffice to say, even if I were given the chance to live my life over again - armed with the knowledge of mistakes I've made in the past - I doubt if I'd be able to change things in any way, with me being the sort of person I am!
Reliable Arthur ! I bet your co-workers where sad the day you retired? Im sure you wld be greatly missed by many on here if you did a 'disappearing act' on us. Anyway, enough flannel from me. Like you said, even if we had our time again, for sure, we wld make all those same mistakes all over again. As my dear wife says, ' it makes me what and who I am' weather that is good or bad, im not sure. No, I wld not change me either. On reflection, I prefer to 'carry the cross' I have been blessed with.
I am most afraid of disappointing others. I've been told time and again to live my life for myself, but those same people tell me to go to some uni or other because THEY KNOW what's best for me, or to aim much higher than what I want because THEY KNOW what I'm capable of. Part of me wants to tell them to sod off but a much bigger part doesn't want to disappoint. Sad, that.It's pathetic, really.
Heights scare me, just the thought of looking over a hotel balcony makes me nervous. I have always said to my family, if I ever die from falling, then someone has pushed/killed me, as there is no way I would ever get near to the edge to jump.
Can I just say, sorry if my post is in bad taste for any of the members, if it is, I apologise and it can be removed.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.
Dont push me. I too, can relate to those feelings and Im sure so can many others if they were honest with themselves. Not good to put yourself down though.
This past few days I've been almost daily visiting my friend who has just spent thirty years in the Phils and is married to the cousin of my ex (Filipina).
He was always such a strong, funny and adventurous guy, and now he has cancer and will probably be dead in a week or two...reduced to skin and bones.
It has made me think, and re-evaluate what is left of my life.
Wow Graham Sorry to hear about your friend. It will come to all of us though, hopefully not like that. Its a crazy world we live in, we spend our 20's and 30's chasing material wealth then, when some of us get older, realise its all bullshit, then take on different values, like you said Graham, when death strikes our nearest and dearest, you start to make sense of whats left of your own life
Sorry to hear that Graham :(
My personal biggest fear is that something will happen to me that will prevent me being able to support my kids, I am old enough that I do not care about myself much but I need to know my kids will be safe and provided for and right now I don't have that assurance.
James is 5 next week and Janna will be 3 next year, I don't have insurance and it would be too expensive now to get it at my age and Ana has not been great at being self sufficient so I worry every day, I really am scared about things these days.
I would be less scared if I could get them into Britain but we still have technical problems trying to do that. :(
Hi Jim.
None of my business, but I do think it's important to sort out visas/citizenship for your family, and it will obviously take a lot off your mind.
Personally I was quite content flitting between Hongkong and the Phils for a few years, and if I had no other responsibilities would have stayed there to this day.
It was when my son was old enough to start school in the UK that I decided to bring him and my 2 Filipino stepchildren over here so they could all benefit from a good education and some stability in their lives.
Yes, I could have been selfish, but seeing how they've all blossomed and done so well in their lives is reward enough for me, and I feel better about myself as a result.
We have been back to the Phils since, and of course they can go any time they want for hols, but enabling them (stepkids) to have British citizenship is a pretty good way of bequeathing to someone a safe and secure future.
For my own boy, he has been able to take advantage of his birthright, in the form of a first class education and a sense of 'identity'.
I wish you the best of luck anyway.
Thanks Graham, if you do a search you might get to understand where my problems are coming from Joe, Arthur and some of the more regular members know my story well.
My partner is Korean/Filipino by a previous marriage, regained Phils nationality in 2007, is not annulled in the Phils, our son James was born 2005 before rule change that gave automatic British citizenship, daughter Janna is already British as she was born 2.5 years ago (rules changed).
Annulment case finally starts this Friday, I could marry her just now under her Korean nationality but that raises problems with James and of course raises the problem of being seen as a bigamist under Philippine law.
To complicate matters if the Korean's ever found out that she had Filipino nationality they would revoke her status, dual nationality is not allowed, but it's the dual nationality (Korean side) that has allowed us to spend some time together in the UK.
If I tried to marry her while she is resident in the Phils the British Embassy would treat her as Filipino we already supplied many documents explaining our situation to them.
Only good thing is that in two months time the Koreans change their law and she gets to be Korean for life independent of what her ex husband (from 15 years back) does re the family register.
Just hoping that the annulment case in the Phils is not too prolonged, we have waited almost 6 years for this and she has been divorced for over 15 years now.
You guys have been talking about dying, I'm absolutley convinced that there is no such thing as dying, we are not our bodies, we do not even exist in our bodies it just appears that way! The you that is you and the me that is me does not exist inside the body, in fact our bodies, the sun, the stars, the moon, EVERYTHING does not truly exist! Life is a holograph in very very high definition, it's like we are Lara Croft inside an all singing all dancing computer game!
Fact of science!
Of course, the computer game is just a load of spectacular graphics! And so too is Lara Croft!
So where is the you that is you?
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
Cool Nigela man after my own demented heart (and mind)
Multi-person pantheistic solipsism!
That is what you just described.
It's an interesting philosophy and one that I was quite convinced of when I was a lot younger, less convinced now![]()
However I will admit that there is emerging evidence to suggest that our universe is holographic but it's still very speculative
The "me that is me" is right here right now, the "you that is you" may or may not exist, it is possible that I am the be all and end all of everything and you are but a dream, however I got older and I don't really care about all that any more, it's more important to be with the ones you love and to spend your life with your children.
As a pure view of science and the "how" of the world rather than the "why", it is very valid interpretation.
I didn't watch the vid.
I have now watched the vid
The dark brain stuff is semantic nonsense, the "BRAIN" includes your eyes they are connectedpart of the same organ, so the "BRAIN" experiences light directly, they are talking about processing not exprience.
Also the "BRAIN" is not confined to your head this is a common misunderstanding because of people's tendency to compartmentalise stuff. Your "BRAIN" is really a network of fine sensors "neurones" that extend throughout our entire body. Your fingers your tongue and other bits are full of nerve cells that are directly connected to your processing centre otherwise known as the "BRAIN"so experience is not completely processed in one small space, who is to say that reality is not a result of all of the movements of chemicals and electrons inside a living organism?
Solipsism is a powerful idea but it's not convincing as you get older![]()
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
I want a few lb's of what Nigel's on Was you being serious, Nigel ?. An example of 'youth being wasted on the young'. I have read Jim's posts, Graham. Im sure he wld of sorted there visa's long ago if it were possible. At least he knows if something did happen, his wife and Children are surround by family and friends in the Phil. I too, have been thinking along the same lines as Jim, what wld happen if something happened to me. We not got a joint bank account yet, that will be done the day we get back from Phil, papers are in order for that. As some of you will be aware with my situation, I have a Family at War, I can only turn to my second eldest sister so, I have given my wife her cell number and also given all my bank details so, If the worst was to happen, she wld have access to money. I know its unlikely to happen but, I dont want to tempt fate any more than I have to.
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