Quote Originally Posted by NHANORAK View Post
Newby posting.

We brought a Cebu apartment in 2006. I transferred the expected cost from the UK to the Philippines, but due to currency fluctuations and playing safe, we found we had a surplus and asked HSBC to transfer it back to the UK. They said the Philippine bank rules wouldn't money transfers out.

After speaking to BPI they issued me with a bank draft which First Direct said could be converted to sterling when paid into my UK account. However, after many, many months FD said BPI would not convert the money to sterling and we ended up with it back in our peso account.

Due to a change in our financial circumstances we are now looking to sell next year, but are really concerned we can't get the money out of the Philippines. Can anyone offer advise from their experiences or knowledge?

Many Thanks
It maybe of help to you. ive used forex.co.uk to transfer large amounts of cash. and i have had good service from them. you could contact them by phone or email and explain your situation, and they will give you advice on the process and more important good exchange rates, and lower charges than the main banks..