Quote Originally Posted by NHANORAK View Post
asked HSBC to transfer it back to the UK. They said the Philippine bank rules wouldn't money transfers out.

After speaking to BPI they issued me with a bank draft which First Direct said could be converted to sterling when paid into my UK account. However, after many, many months FD said BPI would not convert the money to sterling and we ended up with it back in our peso account.

Many Thanks
Quote Originally Posted by NHANORAK View Post
We're expecting to get around 7 million pesos for our condo. These funds will all then need transferring.
I am confuse as to which bank u are into right now , is it BPI or HSBC ??

I would advice that after u are being paid with your condo put the money in bank draft and open an account with any of these banks (your choice:: BPI/ PNB or HSBC) as they got the same banks here in the uk ..u also need to open an account with the same bank you choose here in the UK ( PNB /BPI or HSBC) so to transfer ,remit,withdraw your money anytime with no hassle at all (they will just do a debit/credit memo for that)

pls note that the bank will deduct u of tax charges and it all depends on the exchange and buying rate for that day.