Hi everybody,
Im here in the post for quite a while now. And this site help me find answers to my questions in our future application with my fiance. But still I need more ideas and suggestions from you guys on my issues about our future visa application. Ive been wanting to write a new post regarding some points that are still unclear to my mind.
My fiance is from Belfast, Northern Ireland, U.K. We met in Dec 2009, and he decided to see me in person June 2010. As we have met, it brought so many changes in my life. And one of them is to get married in Feb 2011.
We are thinking undecided on what the best visa to apply. We like to go for the EEA Family permit, he is still waiting for his Irish passport to be release as of the moment. It take it so long to wait for they ask so many documentation on his part. and He is also holding a British passport, which he used that when he went to the Philippines. So Im thinking also now of applying on Settlement/Spousal Visa.
What are the best thing to present documents to apply in a family permit? He can be an Northern Irish and British citizen. He is working in a musuem for 14 years in Belfast. Thats why we also opted the family permit. since Republic of Ireland is part of EEA country so as the Uk, but I know there are limitations of those citizens that are dual citizenships. Please correct me If Im wrong.
Any help of suggestions will greatly be appreciated. We are some kind confused. Hope I can hear a positive response. What do u think is the best way?
Thanks again...Regards,